Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Islandora Solr Search module is packaged with files that will support Islandora solution packs, but these can be modified if you are familiar with Solr.   Specifically the Solr schema and corresponding Gsearch XSLT are a good starting point even if you do not use the Solr Search module.  Additional information about Solr is presented in Chapter 4: Search and Discovery in Islandora (The Solr Module).


Code Block
$ unzip
$ cd
$ cp -v fedoragsearch.war /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/webapps


5. Edit the file $FEDORA_HOME/server/config/fedora-users.xml to add an additional user:

Code Block
<user name="fgsAdmin" password="[password]">
   <attribute name="fedoraRole">

6. Restart Fedora to deploy GSearch and Solr



Gsearch properties files are sensitive.  A space after the text at the end of a line may cause that entry to fail.


78. Edit $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig/fgsconfig-basic.xml (replace '' with ''):

Code Block
-- <property file="" />
-- <copy file="" tofile="fgsconfig-basic-${configDisplayName}.properties" preservelastmodified="true" />
-- <copy file="" tofile="${templateConfigPath}/${configDisplayName}/${finalConfigName}/fgsconfig-basic-${configDisplayName}.properties" preservelastmodified="true" />

++ <property file="" />
++ <copy file="" tofile="fgsconfig-basic-${configDisplayName}.properties" preservelastmodified="true" />
++ <copy file="" tofile="${templateConfigPath}/${configDisplayName}/${finalConfigName}/fgsconfig-basic-${configDisplayName}.properties" preservelastmodified="true" />

89. Navigate to $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig/and run Apache ant on fgsconfig-basic.xml

Code Block
$ cd $FEDORA_HOME/usr/local/fedora/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig/
$ ant -f fgsconfig-basic.xml

910. Rename the current Solr schema.xml file to schema.bak

Code Block
$ mv -v $FEDORA_HOME/usr/local/fedora/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml $FEDORA_HOME/solr/collection1/conf/schema.bak

1011.  Copy the new, ant-generated Solr schema into place as schema.xml

Code Block
$ cp -v $FEDORA_HOME/usr/local/fedora/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/conf/schema-4.2.0-for-fgs-2.6.xml $FEDORA_HOME/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml

11. Restart Fedora.12. Create a context file for Solr at /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context docBase="$ /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/binwebapps/

$ cd solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true">
  <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/usr/local/fedora/solr" override="true"/>

13. Restart Fedora.

Code Block
$ /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/bin/

$ && /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/bin/
Depending on your setup, Solr 4.2.0 can throw errors depending on where it is started from.


1214. Test your installation by going to http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest


  1. Login using fgsAdminfedoraAdmin 
  2. Click on updateindex
  3. Click on updateIndex fromFoxmlFiles

15. GSearch and Solr will need to be further configured to index specific datastreams. Sample GSearch and Solr configurations can be found here and here.

Installing & Configuring the Solr Search Module
