Versions Compared


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  1. Graham Triggs
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Mike Conlon
  4. Qazi Asim Ijaz Ahmad
  5. Kitio Fofack
  6. Christian Hauschke
  7. Ralph O'Flinn
  8. Brian Lowe
  9. Don Elsborg
  10. Steven McCauley
  11. Manuel Schwarz


  1. Clarify Teams for each Topic
    1. Externalizing Search Index
    2. Multi-Language Support
    3. ABox / TBox RDF Loading
  2. Organize the plan and associated tickets for each Topic
    1. All: create JIRA tickets
    2. All: identify objective for today
  3. Sprint logistics
    1. Daily virtual "stand-up"
    2. Working GitHub branch: master or develop or 1.11-sprint?
    3. Meetings: 
      1. Friday, Sept 21st?
      2. Friday, Sept 28th - retrospective
    4. Pull-requests / reviews


[API Alignment Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {AND please include brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}


Confirmed teams

Externalized Search

  • Don (verifying ElasticSearch developments)
  • Steven (assessing current SearchEngine / etc code abstractions)
  • Ralph (verifying Solr developments)
  • Asim (not on call)


  • Kitio
  • Ralph
  • Christian (not on call)
  • Graham (not on call)
  • Manuel (not on call)

ABox / TBox

  • Don
  • Brian
  • Mike (not on call)


  1. Sprint standups: try using
  2. Use sprint-specific branches for the i18n and search development
  3. Meetings
    1. Have mid-sprint meeting this Friday, Sept 21st @11am ET
    2. Have sprint retrospective meeting Friday, Sept 28th @11am ET

Code commits

  1. Process requirements
    1. All commits must come in the form of pull-requests
    2. Pull-requests must source from individual GitHub branches
      1. Optional: name branches based on JIRA number, e.g. vivo-1234
    3. Each pull-request must reference a JIRA ticket
    4. The pull-request author must not merge their own pull-request

Tasks and objectives

Externalized search

  1. Don Elsborg to create pull-request to get Jim Blake 's ElasticSearch work into VIVO/Vitro sprint branches
    1. Will also verify the existing ElasticSearch work
  2. Ralph O'Flinn to create pull-request to get Huda Khan 's Solr work into VIVO/Vitro sprint branches
    1. Will also verify the existing Solr work
  3. Steven McCauley to evaluate existing Search abstractions
    1. What, if any, changes should be considered for things like nested vs. flat fields, structured documents, etc


  1. Sections of application for initial internationalization
    1. Capability Map (Kitio)
    2. Home page
    3. Headers section of Profile
  2. Document approach for working through a given section for internationalization (Christian)
  3. Question: is there a search-abstraction impact/consideration based on i18n needs?

ABox / TBox

  1. Creation of ~ one or two wiki pages for 1.10 (Don interested in back-porting documentation to 1.9)
  2. Need to find proper wiki location for new page(s)
    1. Reference ?
    2. Extending and Localizing VIVO ?
  3. Document how to do customizations
  4. Document how inferencing (and other side-efforts) are related to ABox/TBox updates
  5. By Wednesday: Brian to document current files/structures/etc
  6. By Tuesday: Don to document one or more use cases