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Next Meeting:Last Meeting of the Pilot!

Wednesday, November 10December 8, 9am PST / 12pm ESTAgenda forthcoming!

This final meeting of the PCC Wikidata Pilot will be devoted to discussion of next steps beyond the Pilot.  The meeting will be interactive with Zoom Polls and open dialog.  The PCC Identity Management Task Group, the PCC group that has been sponsoring the Wikidata Pilot, will be addressing the PCC Policy Committee at its January meeting to seek their approval for the next steps that are desired by the Pilot community.

Please attend to have your voice heard!

Recording: [57:53]

**The PCC Wikidata Pilot Learning Objectives are a key resource to consult in conjunction with viewing/listening to the recording, as the screen image isn't very clear in the recording.

Meeting Chat



  • First up, Hilary Thorsen shared themes and take-aways from the recent Pilot survey   -- (Slides)

The Response Rate was impressively high, so thank you to those who generously submitted your ideas.  The survey results will be used by the Identity Management Task Group as it presents to the PCC Policy Committee at its annual meeting in early November.  We will be working with PCC leadership to advocate for the structure and supports that would be most useful to you in your ongoing Wikidata work.

  • Secondly, we 'll have had two Lightning Round Talks from Pilot participants

From Wheaton College (Illinois) -- (Slides) 

Presenter: Christa Strickler, Associate Professor of Library Science ( 

Description: One of Wheaton's pilot projects involves creating and enhancing items related to Christian hymns, using one hymnal as the basis for a test data set for the substantial collection of hymnals in our special collections. Work has included modeling data for hymn texts, tunes, composers, and hymn writers; using Open Refine to reconcile data from with Wikidata; and creating/enhancing Wikidata items that link to Hymnary and Library of Congress identifiers. Some data modeling difficulties have yet to be worked out.

From UCLA Library  Library -- (Slides)

Presenters: Paromita Biswas, Continuing Resources Metadata Librarian ( and Erica Zhang, Metadata Librarian for Open Access (

Description: This presentation will be a brief overview of the pilot at the UCLA Library. In particular, it will highlight the pilot's role in providing collaborative opportunities with units outside of cataloging, our work with underrepresented entities in Wikidata, and how challenges in working with Wikidata can also contribute to the pilot's success.


Recording: [57:04]

Meeting Chat



Recording: [59:56]


Meeting Chat



Intro and Welcome (0:00 - 2:34)
Mollie Echeverría and Alex Whelan, Columbia University Libraries (2:35 - 11:28)
Chris Long, University of Colorado, Boulder (11:29 - 19:47)
Q&A (19:48 - 26:42)
Violet Fox, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (26:43 - 36:19)
Alexandra Wong, University of Toronto Libraries (36:20 - 47:37)
Q&A (47:38 - 58:41)

Meeting Chat

From Columbia University Libraries (slides)


Recording: [1:02:03]

Slides (PowerPoint)

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Recording: [59:47]

Slides (PowerPoint)

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Recording: [1:01:33]

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Recording: [57:49]

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Recording: [56:38]

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Recording: [53:39]

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Recording: [1:00:50]

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