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The Techinsche On October, 28 the university library of the Technische Universität Berlin invited in 2014 to a the German DSpace User Group Meeting 2014 (see invitation below). As the last meeting was had been held some years ago it was hard to predict how many persons people would be interested in such a to attend the meeting. In the end there more then 25 participants and we we were 26 participants from 16 institutions (see list of participants below). And we even could have been even more (there came in some application in the last week before the meeting, but at this time we weren't able to change the room anymore). The meeting was a great chance to organise or structure the collaboration on typical German problems like the export of items to the German National Library.


more: As some registrations came only a few days before the meeting it was too late to find a larger room and we had to refuse them.

For the DSpace community in Germany the meeting has been a great chance to re-organize the collaboration on typical German use cases. There was a wide range of themes discussed in the meeting: user experiences with special features as well as how to implementXMetaDissPlus and information about new developments in DSpace (see agenda below). The discussions took place in a lively and intense atmosphere, and the participants agreed that such meetings henceforth should be held at least once a year. The library of the Universität Tübingen kindly offered to host a meeting in the next year, probably in April or May 2015.


The invitation had been spread widly: It had been sent to several mailing lists as dspace-general and DSpace-de, published in the news The invitation was send to several mailing lists, g.e. dspace-general and the German Dspace mailing list. It was published in the new section of and and spread by duraspace's twitter account.


11:00Begrüßung (Opening)
Jürgen Christof, Technische Universität Berlin - Universitätsbibliothek, leitender Bibliotheksdirektor
Monika Kuberek, Technische Universität Berlin - Universitätsbibliothek, Leiterin der Hauptabteilung Elektronische Dienste
11:15Vorstellung der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer (Introduction of participants)

Marianna Mühlhölzer, Niedersächsiche Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen: DSpace DNB-Verbindung (xMetaDissPlus), DSpace GVK-Verbindung (Verbundkatalogisierung)

12:15Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Technische Universität Berlin - Universitätsbibliothek: DSpace 5 und Linked (Open) Data
12:30Mittagspause (lunch break)

Peter Rempis, Michael Hicke, Universität Tübingen - Universitätsbibliothek: DSpace als Repositorium und Bibliographie - Zusätzliche Funktionen mit JS, Ajax und PHP

14:25Wolfgang Riese, Jan Weiland, Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, EconStor: Nutzungsstatistiken bei einem fachlichen Repositorium
15:00Kaffeepause (coffee break)

Offene Gesprächsrunde (public discussion)
Moderation: Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Technische Universität Berlin - Unitersitätsbibliothek

DNB (German National Library): URNs, xMetaDissPlus und Netzpublikationen
Forschungsdaten (Research Data): DSpace-CRIS, FIS, Speicherung von Forschungsdaten in DSpace
Zusammenarbeit (Collaboration): Entwickler Austausch, GER-Portal der TU9 Bibliotheken, Treffen 2015, Mailingliste, ...
Persistent Identifiers: DOIs, URNs, EPIC-Handles
DSpace-Funktionen (DSpace features): REST, Configurable Workflows, Bulk-Ingest, OAI-PMH
Sonstiges (Misc): ORCID, Metadatenschema-Anpassungen, Verbundkatalogisierung, Migrationsstrategien, ...

17:00Ende (End)
18:00Abendessen auf Selbstzahlerbasis (dinner on self-payment basis)


There were Participants from participants from a German library network and from the libraries of the following institutions:

  • BSZ Konstanz
  • Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik
  • Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
  • Technische Universität Dresden
  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
  • Universität Bonn
  • Universität Kassel
  • Universität Konstanz
  • Universität Osnabrück
  • Universität Stuttgart
  • Universität Tübingen
  • ZBW Hamburg
  • ZBW Kiel
  • Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften


