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    • Brown (Steven) -- Currently trying to debug an issue with presentation events -- something in list view configurations. Are going back through invited talks to see whether can run organizations listed in Brown’s VIVO against the VIAF authories files, that have pretty detailed lists of alternative names. Have also been looking at querying web services for geographic names, that VIAF has as well as LCSH subject headings. Debating options to determine how much if any of the VIAF authorities to load into VIVO vs. looking it up dynamically.  Currently looking more in the context of data ingest, but if the response time is good this could become a feature for interactive editing.

    • Colorado (Stephen, Liz and Alex) -- Still working on the final stages of Harvester automation of data load (vs. earlier use of Selenium scripts). Will starting walking through ingest on the test server and then rolling it out to the setup for the production environment next week. The hope is to confirm the accuracy after a few weeks. Are also deciding whether to add local enhancements to 1.5.2 or implement them in the 1.6 branch

    • Cornell (Jon,Brian L.,Tim,Jim) -- Starting preparations for v1.6 release, Tim working on extracting English from Freemarker templates for multi-language support, questions around how to edit multi-language content like labels, working on ISF release of VIVO ontology for VIVO 1.6

    • Duke (Patrick) -- All set for going live Monday morning for the Medical School -- public to the world at sometime early Monday. Troubleshooting small issues … biggest data issue is integrating with the Symplectic Elements system in the library, and that is going very smoothly as an automated update. Also have publications data from ReachNC, but that’s coming via Elements. May in the future get some data from Academic Analytics.

    • Johns Hopkins

    • Indiana

    • Memorial (Lisa and John) -- Have been giving presentations on the VIVO framework at the University and are traveling out this weekend to community economic development stakeholders, where hope to get more information for a process for developing public profiles as part of VIVO -- community leaders, government and non-government organizations, and unaffiliated members of the public who engage with the University’s knowledge mobilization and public engagement units.  Having regular ontology calls with Brian from Cornell and Jing from Hopkins. A lead developer is joining the team in a few weeks.

    • NYU

    • Scripps (Michaeleen)

      • Our contractor completed her contract with the ingest of nearly 500 NIH grants (New Applications / Application Type = 1; most recent five years). Scripps wants to investigate how to link all related projects (e.g., renewals; supplemental support; continuations).

      • Cleaning up ingest of 28K academic articles. Identifying and eliminating duplicates. Identifying author disambiguation errors and removing articles incorrectly attributed to Scripps faculty. Where can we post the procedure we used to remove a publication from VIVO via the editing interface?

    • Stony Brook (Erich and Tammy) -- working on the WebId ( authentication for VIVO -- will accept a WebId generated externally, recognizes and maps that user to the system, and logs them in. Trying to do this alongside CAS authentication (their campus single sign-on) as a second mode of authentication. Also want VIVO to be a Web ID provider so people can generate Web Ids in VIVO and use them in other applications.  There is an ontology for describing digital certificates that will be important to add to the base ontologies for VIVO so it will support certificates out of the box.

    • UCSF (Eric) -- Has a question -- has seen what appears to be a new extension to the ontology at Cornell -- Activity Insight -- covers things from their local faculty reporting -- such as media contribution.  At some point also wants to push adoption of the JSON-LD standard, that supports RDF-XML, Turtle, and N3, so has been been easy to adopt. Right now you can click to the link to download the RDF XML, but having other formats such as N3 or Turtle or JSON-LD would be very useful. Have noticed that JSON APIs get much more widely adopted.

    • UF (Nicholas) -- working on importing the Integrated Semantic Framework ontology into VIVO itself and providing information on health care provider data, in connection with the CTSAconnect project.

    • Weill Cornell (Paul) -- are trying to clean up missing institutional identifiers in VIVO; are developing a workflow for automating queries for new publications, using saved individual queries per faculty member.  Have been talking with Chris Westling at Ithaca to set up bidirectional updates so can reflect those people with dual appointments across the two campuses. Scopus now has good data for the stated author affiliation, so want to start capturing and using that data for disambiguation.

Google Document for Notes


  • Brown
  • Colorado
  • Cornell
  • Duke
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Indiana
  • Memorial
  • NYU
  • Scripps
  • Stony Brook
  • UCSF
  • Weill Cornell


2013 VIVO Conference Call for Papers and Posters due May 10

VIVO Webinars (all Tuesdays at 11)

  • May 14 -- Overview of VIVO. Register HERE
  • June 4 -- Case Studies: VIVO at Colorado, Duke, Brown and Weill Cornell Medical College.  Register HERE
  • June 11 -- VIVO Technical Deep Dive. Register HERE

VIVO in NYC May 20

  • Weill Cornell is hosting New York City area VIVO gathering Monday, May 20, 2-4 pm
  • contact Kristi Holmes or Paul Albert for more information

 Notable implementation and development list issues

      • We are working on extending the vivo with some "intelligent" data ingestion. For example, on the instance registration page where we can edit metadata about an individual, we want to automatically fill information of some fields. So I am wondering which java class/html page that I need to tweak to implement this functionality?

        • Wants to go out and access another web server -- send out a post request to get a persistent id for an instance being created in VIVO (we intepret that this is not a lookup of an existing value but sending input from VIVO to create a new persistent id remotely, to then add as an attribute to the new VIVO individual)

        • Jim notes that a data getter class that can pretty flexibly be added to VIVO -- and executed as part of building that page. It will be able to go and get information that can then be handled by the template

        • But we think a post-processor for the data captured in a form could be more appropriate here -- we’re guessing until we know more

  •  (Jim) It seems that you will want to tweak the Freemarker template that is used in the custom editing form for that individual or relationship ...

Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date
