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Ann Beynon, Robert CartolanoTom Cramer, Federico Ferrario, hannah sommers, Erin Tripp


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I) 1:00 - 2:00 LG members at the VIVO Conference


III) Questions, ideas or future discussions from 1:00 session

IV) Task force updates

V) Financial updates 


First hour

Michele Minielli (LYRASIS) -- my second VIVO conference. Berlin proposing a 7B project with VIVO involved. Malte Dreyer, Berlin. Badges for newcomers? Newcomers reception? Follow-up.

Mike: We have a list of people who registered for "Intro". These are people to meet.

Violeta: I can share the list to the LG folder. Julia: I can make sure you have the LG folder link. Anna: EuroCRIS meeting went well. The mapping is tough. Six months? We might have an MOU with EuroCRIS/VIVO.

Terrie: ReCiter is ready to use by other institutions. Perhaps a LYRASIS hosted service. Julia: concern for our service providers if LYRASIS creates a service?

Could VIVO have a GDPR task force?

Start planning Euro conference for 2021 now.

Could each university do a "why VIVO?"

VIVO has never gone "head to head" with competitors.  Feature comparisons? How do we leave your system?

CRIS-AT? Can they participate?

Academic Analytics? Can they be a partner instead of a competitor?

Why is VIVO semantic? Keep conversations going throughout the year?

Different formats for different audiences -- Social media, elevator pitch, presentation, webinar.

Task Force Discussion

Julia: Proposal to create five additional task forces.  Violeta:  Where did this proposal come from?  Julia:  My idea.  Task forces should be open to all community members.  People expressed interest in participating in task forces.  See below.  Mike:  I can serve as a subject matter expert for any of these as needed.  Can only participate in one.

Julia: Financial, Communication. Co-lead with Anna.

Violeta: Mission and Vision

Anna: Communication, Mission and Vision

Mike: Mission and Vision

Alex: community engagement, maybe within Membership? Development Road Map

Doug: Membership, Development Road Map

DJ: Membership, Mission and Vision

Steve: Development Road Map, Mission and Vision

Christian: Membership, Development Road Map

Andrew: Development Road Map

Terrie: Fundraising, Mission and Vision

Ann: membership, 2020 conference

Hannah: Financial oversight, Mission and Vision, Research Intelligence

Federico/Paolo: Development road map

First draft membership below.  Some groups exist (Ontology, Member), others to be formed.  Community members to be recruited. In the lists below, Some people named were not present, and were suggested.  These people are marked with an asterisk.  Some groups have leaders who volunteered.  Others are in need of determining leadership.


Hannah Sommers, lead, Julia Trimmer, Terrie Wheeler


Anna Guillamet, co-lead, Julia Trimmer, co-lead

Mission and Vision

Mike Conlon lead, Violeta Ilik, Anna Guillamet, DJ Lee, Steve McCauley, Terrie Wheeler

Development Road Map

Steve McCauley, lead, Alex Viggio, Doug Hahn, Christian Hauschke, Andrew Woods, Federico Ferriera, Violetta, Paolo, Paul Albert*, Bruce Herbert*

Membership ( . . . and Community Engagement?)

Ann Beynon lead, Alex Viggio, Doug Hahn, DJ Lee, Christian Hauschke, David Wilcox*, Michele Minielli*, Ginny Pannabecker, Alex Viggio, Terrie Wheeler, Julia Trimmer

Conference 2020

Terrie Wheeler, Julia Trimmer, Ann Beynon

Research Intelligence

Hannah Sommers, Ginny Pannabecker, Terrie Wheeler, Tom Cramer*, Ann Beynon


Mike Conlon lead, Christian Hauschke, Violeta Ilik, Brian Lowe, Marijane White, Naomi Braun, Muhammed Javed, Ralph O'Flinn, Anna Kasprzik

4 PM session

Terrie -- Membership will be presented tomorrow at the conference. Who writes the check. Reach out.

The money is about LYRASIS, and a small travel budget.

Sustainability through LYRASIS.

A pie chart for revenue and expense.

Can we sell to CIOs. Maybe not – most like outsourcing.  Few like open source. 

Institutions make/control their data.  A differentiator for VIVO.

Ann: Get decision makers to the conference.

If anyone has a question they would like asked, at the closing session, forward to Mike for closing session. We plan to use polleverywhere.

Mike would like to move away from operational tasks.  Task forces may discover how work is being done now and how it might be done in the future.VI) Other items