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LG and SG members:

Paul Albert, Ann Beynon (notetaker),  Robert Cartolano, Tom Cramer, Mike Conlon, Federico Ferrario, Anna Guillaumet, Doug Hahn, Christian Hauschke, Violeta IlikImage Added, Muhammed Javed, DJ Lee, Mark Newton, Ginny Pannabecker, Jean Rainwater, Hannah Sommers, Julia Trimmer, Terrie Wheeler, Alex Viggio, Joe Zucca


Erin Tripp, Andrew Woods


Ginny Pannabecker, Robert Cartolano, Mark Newton, Jean Rainwater, Terrie Wheeler

 = notetaker

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  1. Review of agenda (Julia, 5 minutes)
  2. VIVO conference update: (Violeta Ilik, 10 minutes)
  3. Scoring the technical initiatives with an overview of the result (Mike, 10 minutes)
    Technical initiatives document here.

  4. Round-table discussion about technical initiatives (all, 30 minutes):
    1. Do you have questions?
    2. Which items seem most important to the VIVO community and your organization?
    3. Are any important enough to contribute development effort?
    4. Any preferences re: timing?
  5. Steering Group will work on the sprint schedule based on this discussion.
  6. Next development sprint from September 17 to 28 (i18n and ElasticSearch) needs developer resources. Can any of us contribute?


  1. Review of agenda
  2. VIVO 2019 is going to be held on September 4-6, 2019 in Podgorica, Montenegro. First announcement can be found on this link:
  3. Group met on September 12. Anna, Ann, Violeta, Mike, Terrie, and Benjamin Gross who joined for part of the meeting. The agreement among group members on the final results was visible. Some of the final scoring anticipated that items might be grouped with some other higher impact items that are in alignment with the 4 big ideas listed below, but were a separate entry in the scoring document. The group suggested to present 4 big ideas to the leadership group and include some of the related items that scored lower with the bigger ideas. It is clear that some items will need more development thinking, some more architecture thinking. The big ideas are:
    1. Decouple the Architecture

    2. Modernize the presentation technology

    3. VIVO Cross-site Search

    4. VIVO Combine - grant possibility and the only thing that got a perfect score (10)

4.  DISCUSSION: Julia calls for comments:

Andrew: this exercise in general is helpful in teasing out how we can plan  for next sprints. There is a need for a higher level discussion that needs to happen, some of these initiative are focused on the core VIVO and some are for a new VIVO. Work of the Product Evolution Group needs to be consulted.  We are at a crossroads and need to take a position how are we supporting, or not, potentially two application; the new one and the existing one.

Christian: Not clear how can we serve two applications. Decoupling the architecture is too vague.

Paul:  Not sure that our users, care about distributed search. 

Ann: all opinions are expressed by Mike’s comments and summary as she was part of the scoring group.

Tom: decoupling makes a lot of sense and resonates with what Stanford is already doing. It will intersect with their work formalizing APIs and broader VIVO. In terms of the presentation leyers, visualizations, can be swapped across different tools, but their focus is on research intelligence. Not sure how the work of the Product Evolution group is aligned. He wouldn’t rank VIVO Cross-Site search as a top priority, but VIVO Combine is their priority and he agrees with that and also agrees with the assessment of the scoring group that this is a grantable project.

Mike: thinks that all Qs raised during this discussion need to be conveyed to the community as some artefact, a statement to keep the community informed. This should be the next step following the conversation.

Federico: for them, multi language and presentation technology (layer) are very important and already supported. They can commit development support after the end of October. 

Anna : agrees with the scoring results since she is part of the discussion.

Doug: he agrees with decoupling the architecture - display is a main issue for them, if they decouple the architecture they can tie everything in the backend.

Christian: they will commit some manpower on multi language support and elasticsearch

Violeta: agrees with the scoring results results since she is part of the discussion.

Muhammad Javed: cross site search not important for each institution but important overall to the community and can also be grant supported. He believes we can support two different apps and decoupling is important. VIVO Combine is a key part.

DJ Lee: agrees with the scoring group report.

Hannah: She is excited to see these priorities emerge, and likes the idea of a statement that focuses the picture of what the project is doing.  We would endorse decoupling architecture as top priority, and could possible look at contributing dev time in early 2019.

Julia Trimmer: Duke is interested the decoupling the architecture and updating the presentation layer. Their team is involved with the product evolution group. They would contribute effort to the widgets work in early 2019. In general she agrees with all priorities, but focus on small easy things, things that aren’t part of the VIVO core and get accustomed to the new process before we tackled the big processes latter.

Alex Viggio: He agrees with the priorities that are identified, multilanguage, accessibility, modernizing presentation tech, decoupling tech, elasticsearch, visualizations, reports. VIVO Combine will be a good value to the community and they are devoting time of one developer to the work.

Erin: amount of people that are contributing the resources - people is very good. The idea of going after a grant for VIVO Combine is great aso this direction is very helpful. 

Joe Zucca: the main ideas are supported, architectural concepts are important, VIVO Combine idea is great. Anything that improves workflow gets a huge thumbs up from UPenn.

Cristian: new funding will be available via EU program - that will allow inclusion of USA parties. He will keep us posted. 

5. Steering Group will work on the sprint schedule based on this discussion.

6. Next development sprint from September 17 to 28 (i18n and ElasticSearch) needs developer resources. Can any of us contribute?