Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
titleEditor's "To Do" list
  •  add similar style guide / organization as other "installation" pages
  •  create "pre-installation software checklist" section
  •  add extra notes about requiring Drupal and Fedora first
  •  create note about user customization options (i.e. what "[your_drupal_directory]" references)
  •  move "advanced tuque info" from Islandora Install page to today.
  •  Need a way to test tuque functionality from the command line

On This Page

Table of Contents
excludeOn This Page


Installing the Tuque library



You must have:

  • Drupal Fedora Commons installed and properly configured in order to install properly test Tuque. Fedora Commons
  • Drupal installed and properly configured in order to properly test install Tuque.


To install the Tuque library, run the following on your command line where Drupal is installed:

Code Block
# mkdir -p /var/www/drupal/sites/all /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
# wget
# unzip
# mv tuque-1.3 tuque5 tuque

Testing the Tuque installation

  • Tuque installation is simple enough that it does not require a stand alone test. You will know it's working as you test the Islandora Core Module installation on milestone 5. The test is the green check mark in /admin/islandora/configure. It is as simple as that.

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Advanced Tuque Topics

For advanced usage of Tuque you can consult the All About Tuque Appendix.