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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


Upcoming Events


  • Brown

    • making minor layout and labeling changes to profile pages based on faculty feedback -- this was a useful activity resulting in relevant feedback

    • meeting soon to plan for public VIVO rollout

  • Colorado

    • restarting work on new VIVO web server (new hardware for VIVO web stack, MySQL database will remain on existing db server) setup which will host our 1.6 implementation

  • Cornell

    • VIVO 1.6 Cornell migration work

  • Duke (Richard)

    • No real updates this week.

  • Emory (Mary)

    • Beginning implementation.  VIVO 1.5.2 has been installed and we are looking at how to integrate from Symplectic as our source system using their open source connector.  Excited about learning more.

    • Interested in eagle-i ontology

  • EPA (Zac)

    • We’ve installed 1.6 and are testing now, still in development (not public/production)

    • Office of Research Development (ORD) employees --1,800 individuals

    • had around 10k articles, and reports and other info -- will put this back in later from external and internal sources

    • also extended VIVO ontology

  • Florida (Nicholas)

    • past week working on course ingest and code changes in publications ingest -- testing that

    • a Python script that translates a spreadsheet… an open source alternative to impact factor using a Google PageRank concept

  • Memorial (John)

    • No new updates this week - Max just returned from the holiday break in China early this morning and is presumably jetlagged, but will be diving back into migration work. We’ve been finalizing user stories and developing wireframes to guide our development from here - workshopping them with internal staff that will be using the tool next week, then passing them to Miles W. for continued development.

  • RPI

  • Scripps
  • Stony Brook
  • UCLA
  • UCSF
  • Virginia Tech
  • Weill Cornell
  • (Patrick)

    • presented on VIVO/Drupal/CKAN at several large confs including annual AGU and Earth Science Information Partners Group (ESIP) Winter Meeting -- generated good feedback

    • will demo this next Thursday on VIVO weekly call

    • working on a single signon with VIVO and Drupal

    • working on VIVO data deposit forms to improve usability

    • added DCAT ontology to their VIVO instance, which is also used by Google in their initiatitve

  • Stony Brook (Tammy)

    • small update -- learned 1.6 ontology and now refactoring code in their data ingest which is she’d like to have fully automated. Currently this is a series of Java programs using JENA API, and then using the VIVO admin UI. Jim: someone there is using curl -- Ted: 1.6 has SPARQL update API

  • UCSF -- Eric has a conflicting meeting today

  • Virginia Tech (Julie)

    • Search process coming to a close soon to add a technical resource to team (and to join this call)

    • partnering with VT research groups to continue VIVO outreach

    • planning to acquire Elements and attend IFest

  • Weill Cornell (Paul)

    • Pushing towards launch. Blocker issues now in the double digits!

    • Miles is working on the VIVO Dashboard project

    • Want properties to appear in the RDF but not display on the site.

    • Committing ontology changes to SVN -- do property groups persist an ANT build? Brian: yes, they should persist in the database

    • Procedures for patching. Does anyone run a website in read-only mode?

      • Tammy: Throw up a temporary down through Apache. Restarting the system if there are any major reboots. Quick reboot if it’s been up for more than a month.

      • Alex: Has a simple page using Apache HTTP Server config to make its display automatic if Tomcat is down (could share if you like)

      • Richard: has two instances of VIVO on different VMs. Use an F5 load balancer and open source Capistrano adapted for Java.
    any others?

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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