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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


  • Release update – Current blocker issues
    • There will be an Release Candidate 3

    • Many thanks for the testing help from Stony Brook, Weill Cornell, Colorado, Brown, and the Hochschule Hannover (HsH)! (and let us know if you've been testing, too) 
    • Join the release test mailing list if you wish to be informed of release candidates, plus the final distribution -- and we’d love to have help testing -- subscribe here: 
    • Check Tammy's 11/14 message to the vivo-dev-all list for a sneak peak at a VIVO 1.6 for Stony Brook Medicine
  • Apps and Tools Working Group
    • Chris Barnes records the Apps & Tools call for viewing asynchronously – check for the latest


      recording which includes demos by Ted Lawless at Brown and Mike Conlon at Florida.

  • Upcoming Events
    • VivoCamp pre-conference at SWIB13 conference, November 25-27 in Hamburg   Duke will be hosting the 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest from March 19-21 – reserve your hotel room today and stay tuned for more information in coming weeks
      • short presentations and demos on a number of topics by a couple of experienced people, followed by discussion, Q&A, panels etc.
      • Organized by Valeria Pesce, Lambert Heller, and Lukas Koster
      • John Fereira from the U.S. will be attending
    • Duke will be hosting the 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest from March 19-21 – reserve your hotel room today and stay tuned for more information in coming weeks
      • Chris Barnes is planning a hackathon event for Tuesday that week and is soliciting ideas for types of apps and tools to work on

Demo will be on December 5th

Eric Meeks has a conflict today but will present a 10-15 minute demo of Open Research Networking Gadgets ( ORNG ) on Thursday, December 5


  • Brown (Ted)

    • Steven is working on organizational browse structure within VIVO -- will be a first for Brown to have all organizational units in a database

    • loading faculty degree data from campus system; includes relatively clean list of ~700 universities

    • working with Python code for resizing and ingesting images as a batch process for populating profiles

  • Colorado (Stephen & Alex, where it’s snowing and 17 degrees)

    • Progress on the visualizations and hopes to contribute them for the next release

  • LASP -- Don at the NASA MAVEN spacecraft launch this week -- will sample the Mars atmosphere. Built by LASP and Bell Aerospace, and the PI for the spacecraft is one of the researchers at LASP

    • hoping to bring some of the metadata into the LASP VIVO

  • Cornell (Huda, Brian, Tim, Jon - Jim is off today) 1.6, 1.6, 1.6

    • Huda testing DataStaR with 1.6

    • Kathy visiting with Chinese universities talking about VIVO, will stop in Japan

  • Duke (Richard, Patrick) - mostly plugging along without major changes -- tried Mike Conlon’s triple inspector tool at their SPARQL endpoint and already looks useful, especially for orienting people to RDF

  • EPA (Laura and Zac) -- Initial decision to only list EPA researchers and not external co-authors -- rethinking this as that won’t be sufficient for being able to export CVs with proper citations (1.6 will represent external people in a structured way as a vcard -- conforms to latest W3C vcard ontology)

    • another thought -- have been putting abstracts in, initially manually, but Web of Science and other aggregators may not allow abstracts to

    • Paul -- Weill has looked for other, open sources for abstracts, such as MedLine via the PubMed Id

    • Los Alamos (Miriam) interested in VIVO -- one concern about VIVO ontologies current bias towards higher ed orgs -- maybe have them talk to EPA and USDA teams working with VIVO -- also RNS Profiles in use at FDA

      • OSTP is thinking of including researcher profile systems in the Open Government Initiative

    • Ted - the Springer OpenAccess API also has abstracts - 

  • Florida (Chris)

    • Hosting Apps and Tools Calls

    • Working on All.n3 file and put out on so it can be available to everyone as another way to access our dataset without trying to pull the entire dataset live from the public SPARQL endpoint

    • Working on python Course Ingest

      • Testing requires multiple instances of fuseki so we are trying to make that work.

  • Memorial (Max and John)

    • Actively working on finalizing the OWL file for our KMb (Knowledge Mobilization) Ontology, but still working directly with out 1.5 install. Wondering if anyone has any noticeable issues porting ontologies from 1.5 to 1.6, or thing we should be aware of?

    • Talking with Miles about a possible front end for VIVO using Drupal

  • RPI

  • Scripps
  • UCSF
  • Virginia Tech
  • Weill Cornell
  • any others?

Notable list traffic

  • (Yu) -- Patrick planning to demo their CKAN data management integration in a few weeks

  • UCLA (David Harrison) -- evaluating using VIVO and is looking at integration opportunities, exploring integration opportunities with faculty information system (OPUS), ramping up the resources on that projects with BA and devs, working on modelling and architecture, conversations with data stewards, pilot in CTSI group in Library, interest in Pentaho (data integration and business analytics platform with open source community edition 

  • UCSF - Eric on research network affinity group call with RNS Profiles’ Griffin Weber -- planning to explore author URI registry concept further

  • Virginia Tech (Julie and Curtis) -- Have VIVO loaded and are in the process of ordering Symplectic to come on board in 6 months or so

  • Weill Cornell (Paul)

    • Eliza and Prakash are in the process of building Publications 2.0 approach

      • Simple Drupal-based forms for queuing lookups for publications in MEDLINE and Scopus, and assigning authorships; still using Harvester

      • Would serve as an authoritative source for authorship identity

    • Reconsidering the departmental pages – multiple types and positions per person make subdividing people without creating huge overlap; see this dummy as a potential solution

    • Calculating h-index for our researchers for the Dean of Research

    • Want to hear a little bit about sameAs approach; would this be appropriate for merging journals or concepts from different vocabularies?

      • would be nice to have it seem as if there’s only one Lancet record, while there may be separate individuals for the print and electronic versions

      • would be nice to have a single record for a journal in the back end

      • edge cases

Notable list traffic

See the See the vivo-dev-all archive and  and vivo-imp-issues archive for for complete email threads

  • VIVO apps and tools calls on Youtube: 

  • Resolution to an OS X 10.9 /Java 7/Eclipse issue: (Tammy)

  • Authorization issues – (Yu C.) "Still can’t detect the “+”-button-clicked-to-edit-property event in the policy object therefore can’t block a user from editing an object ..."

  • Google Refine (aka Open Refine) help needed for Windows (Violeta) -- not sure whether the Google Refine plugin for VIVO has been updated to the latest Google Refine (much less the Open Refine beta). Ted did not have much luck with the VIVO extensions, but the generic RDF extension was working and was helpful.

    • From - “If you’re having issues with the above, try double-clicking on refine.bat instead.”

  • Looking for examples of Google Scholar (Alberto) – working in a VIVO component. That application is supposed to add new information retrieve from Google Scholar to a VIVO instances. It also can be translate to CERIF and expose it as CERIF-LOD. I have the development finish more or less but I need to test it with real instances containing names of titles from papers or documents. Is any possibly of having a .owl file containing some of this information?

  • Discussion of OAI-PMH (related to digital repository integration, e.g. DSpace) as a way of linking from a VIVO to publications in a DSpace institutional repository

    • Duke gets that data from Symplectic Elements and displays them as open access links to make the full text of publications available when users don’t have a subscription to licensed databases

    • Not using the Elements Harvester plug-in -- do some filtering on keywords and other data munging that is easier to do through a scripted ingest process, and want to use the same process for showing and hiding as with VIVO data

      • Duke uses the Elements API -- Cornell also (4.6 API) making it possible to explore the various pub records in Elements (not just the “preferred” record) for the most useful meta data like abstract text

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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