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  • Chris
  • Eddie
  • Ed
  • Steve
  • Ben


See notes on IRC. Pasted below:

Wiki Markup\[15:00\] <cwilper> Starting \
[15:03\] * barmintor ( has joined #duraspace \
[15:03\] * bradmc ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) \
[15:04\] * bradmc ( has joined #duraspace \
[15:07\] * EdAtTheAlliance (811398fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace \
[15:09\] <sbayliss> Steve starts taking notes... \
[15:09\] <sbayliss> Actions from last week: \
[15:09\] <sbayliss> * update release availability \
[15:10\] <sbayliss> * have a go with YourKit \
[15:12\] <sbayliss> Release availability page is showing "days" but people are recording hours. Just updated the page to say "hours" \
[15:12\] <sbayliss> Chris reports CloudSync 1.0 is out \
[15:12\] <sbayliss> Chris will go through some YourKit findings later \
[15:13\] <sbayliss> Reviewing recently submitted issues... \
[15:13\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-1023 \
[15:14\] <sbayliss> No W3C SPARQL Query Results XML format \
[15:15\] <sbayliss> Would be good to find out what the specific differences are \
[15:15\] <sbayliss> Commented askiing for more info \
[15:15\] <barmintor> <sparql xmlns=""> \
[15:16\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-1022 Deprecate Messaging client \
[15:16\] <barmintor> w3c root: <sparql xmlns=""> \
[15:16\] <barmintor> this may be a Mulgara issue; I think we just pipe those results back (I'd have to check) \
[15:17\] <sbayliss> and FCREPO-1021 Split Java REST client into two artefacts (related) \
[15:18\] <sbayliss> Both opened, assigned to 3.6 \
[15:19\] <sbayliss> Eddie to add Steve to Github repo (ID: penthes) \
[15:20\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-1004 Fedora object generator \
[15:21\] <sbayliss> - opened; Frank is doing some work on this \
[15:21\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-1003 - discussed on a previous call, opened \
[15:21\] * EdAtTheAlliance (811398fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) \
[15:22\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-998 - RI Module fails to start if log level is set to DEBUG \
[15:22\] <sbayliss> priority \ -> major \
[15:22\] <sbayliss> \ -> 3.6 \
[15:23\] <sbayliss> \ -> open \
[15:23\] <sbayliss> FCREPO-997 - external datastreams: external service MIME type is passed through (not the one defined in the datastream) \
[15:23\] <sbayliss> Discussing if this is the right way or not... \
[15:24\] <sbayliss> Do we want Fedora to override external service mime-type? \
[15:27\] <sbayliss> Reasonable approach seems to be that if MIMEType is not defined in Fedora, then use external service MIMEType. If it is specified then use it. \
[15:28\] <sbayliss> Ben - it's really a feature request, not a bug \
[15:29\] <sbayliss> Current behaviour is probably not well documented \
[15:30\] <sbayliss> Issue Types: Feature is now Story \
[15:31\] <sbayliss> (non-committers may not be aware of this) \
[15:42\] <sbayliss> Would be good to have a custom form so folks get informed \
[15:42\] <sbayliss> Chris will look into this \
[15:46\] <sbayliss> Chris reporting on YourKit \
[15:47\] <sbayliss> Looked at call timings \
[15:47\] <sbayliss> fairly easy to do \
[15:47\] <sbayliss> tested ingesting demo objects \
[15:48\] <sbayliss> example: Schematron validation 95ms in an ingest of 186ms - ie half the ingest time \
[15:49\] <sbayliss> possibly stylesheets compiled every ingest \
[15:50\] * EdAtTheAlliance (811398fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace \
[15:51\] <sbayliss> YourKit pretty impressive, Chris found this relatively quickly \
[15:52\] <sbayliss> An issue could be raised for this \
[15:52\] <sbayliss> Q: is this a story? \
[15:53\] <sbayliss> probably it can be written as one \
[15:57\] <sbayliss> eg Epic could be about improving ingest time, Story could be about improving schematron validation performance \
[15:59\] <sbayliss> Chris will create a story for this \
[16:02\] <sbayliss> One for the future: discuss validation, plugabble, disabling, etc \
[16:03\] <sbayliss> Meeting concluded \
[16:03\] <barmintor> thanks for note-taking, sbayliss\! \
[16:03\] <sbayliss> You're welcome\! Made me pay attention

Action Items


  • Add Steve to mediashelf/fedora-client git repo
