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  • Not Just Research
  • CRIS (Research Management System)
    • Whole research workflow
    • Grants, etc
  • Simple Import (Excel, Drag + Drop, No Work.....
  • Automated Metadata Capture


does a Modern Repository look like? (Forget all about DSpace/Fedora/EPrints/etc. and just describe how a "repository" should fit into the modern web. What do users expect out of a "repository"? What features should a Modern Repository have? What user needs/wants should it meet?)

  • not just research anymore: photos, music, data sets, video, etc
    • More different kinds of content and metadata schemas
  • research management systems
    • CRIS moves the repository to the back-end. As CRIS will be the front end
    • In edinburgh, PURE is being used with the LNI to ingest
    • Needs to support "whole research workflow", Grants, etc.
  • simple (visual?) import – think dropbox?
    • Excel, Drag & Drop, minimal work to get things in
    • DepositMO
    • SWORD / SWORD2
    • ScottP: submission should be much much easier.
    • Bram: ScribD also had very easy upload, but poor in metadata. Nice feature in embedding lists & collections in other applications
  • automated metadata capture
  • content easy to use / reuse
  • CRUD (needs to be able to easily Create, Read, Update, Delete – especially via web services, e.g. SWORD2, etc.)
  • Support for branding / theming
  • Support for Customizations (metadata and metadata structure)
  • Various storage system integrations
  • Flexible content workflows
  • Support versioning / relationships
  • flexible authorisation
    • give more control to user communities (do their own branding, etc)
  • Support complex objects (representation of), both human- and machine-readable
  • scientific data sets
  • reporting (generate useful reports
  • Support content reuse ("open" data)
    • e.g. embed info in dept website
  • search (easy)
    • faceting / filtering (e.g. Solr)
  • statistics: regular reports to item authors (like Digital Commons), plus usage/admin reporting
    • bot filtering (automatic?)
  • getting stuff out
  • shareable metadata
    • different metadata "views"
      • shared version vs local use metadata
  • new name (not "institutional repository"): maybe just "repository" or "storage"?
  • support for preservation activities
  • identifiers / persistance (flexible, granular, parts of items, people, collections)
    • the perils of handles...
    • DOIs vs Handles
    • Truly external IDs
  • support access / privacy - making things "dark", either temporarily (embargo) or permanently
  • "repository / DAM system that can display stuff vs. CMS that can do DAM"
    • do one thing, do it well
  • flexible metadata schema
  • dissemination
    • make data usable / able to be "mashed up"

Some Additional Details / Specifics:

  • Richard Jones: DepositMO project
    • dropbox like interface
    • integrated in Microsoft Office.
  • Mark Diggory
    • Changing Branding
    • Presentation of Metadata
    • How well the metadata can be structured in a repository
    • Integration with other storage systems
    • Customization on the workflows
  • Richard R?
    • Versioning
    • Relationing technology: linking items and content to each other
  • Sarah Shreeves
    • Giving more control to the user communities: delegated administration on steroids
    • Good representation on complex objects
  • Adam Field (eprints services)
    • Reporting (getting data out of the repository in a non-publications form)
    • Integration with other websites
    • Search data well
  • Bram
    • Statistics for Repository authors to get more traction
    • annual reporting gets more demanding
  • Richard
    • Faceted browsing
  • Brad mclean
    • Getting things in & managing
    • Getting things OUT again
    • boundaries of a repository are institutional, but ideally you might want to break down those boundaries and make them more disciplinary
  • Richard rodgers question: did OAI-PMH failed in this regard?
  • Mark Diggory: one problem related to that: missing official taxonomies?
  • Elin: problem for disciplines that have no good aggregators yet. It would be a huge motivator for them.
  • Richard Jones: Creating ad-hoc sets that can be easily shared
  • Bram: the issue is not technical. Which organization will put up the effort & the money to make these big portals possible. (example economists online)
  • Stuart Lewis: could not be "one" repository, but different ones. It's a service, not one monolithic thing
  • Elin: focus is not about offering storage, but offering assistance with their content and metadata
  • Robin: "for completeness" we can include Preservation. Justification for having the repository is that it does the preservation (versus CRIS).
  • Stuart: the features for preservation are present only need to be used
  • Tim: DSpace enables preservation but doesn't do it in itself. Preservation requires people, policies. No technology/system does preservation – it can only enable one to perform preservation activities.
  • Jones: Person identifiers
  • Diggory: all of your accounts, personal accounts in DSpace?
  • Scott: I hate handles
  • Rodgers: handle vs internal identifiers. Google Scholars … handle are the work of the devil (no content in the URL's). Exposing metadata in the URI is the way to go.
  • Scott: main point for handle "moving content" to other insititutions is not possible in DSpace.
  • Sarah: Handle "forces" a good practice in standardized URI citation.
  • Stuart: Academics start to understand DOI. Crossref. Selling handles as DOI's.
  • Mdiggory: Nescent work with DOI registration. True sense of the use of identifier. Identifiers lives outside of the repository.
  • Jones: the modern repository needs to provide an identifier. But not sure whether it should be persistent, or be linked to an external service. Granular identifiers required (datasets, bitstreams, …)
  • Mdiggory: privacy & private items, access controls.
  • Jones: do we really want to add a lot of CMS features?
  • Hardy: more user interface support for UI's. map viewers, image viewers, …
  • Mwood: why doesn't do the browser do it?
  • Robin & Richard: how do the fedora folks look at this? Fedora should be pretty good at the "invisible repository" bit.

Initial Brainstorming Notes transcribed at the bottom of this Page:


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