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  • updates on funding and working group efforts

Discussion items



  • Louvre museum 482,
000 ARKs
  • 943 ARKs

(JK) We have approval from the Louvre to re-post their announcement.

(MP) Presentation to Penn State library about ARKs and technical details about using the more complex capabilities of ARK structure

upcoming meetings, calls for papers, submission deadlines

PID Forum mailing list & forum

CNI upcoming (no ARK talks that we are aware of)

administrivia: rebranding our mailing list name(?) and meeting invitations (ARKA instead of AITO)

Meeting frequency?

Approval given to make the change

Meeting schedule changed to bi-monthly

progress on distributed NAAN registry curation

  • duty roster, primary plus backup, phase 1 intellectual assessment
  • online form, Bertrand Caron (BnF) as first curator

The working group has really taken an active role in this area, taking ownership of the process and collaborating among themselves to discuss issues and come to agreement/resolution where necessary.  The work to allow members to complete the technical process of assigning NAANs is ongoing and expected to be completed soon.

funding proposals

  • Sloan letter of inquiry
  • LYRASIS catalyst fund "idea" and project proposals

(MP) Learning curve for Sloan process and delays in getting information back from them; now submitted and waiting for several weeks for a response.  Next step is to follow same approach with Mellon.

(KE)  Catalyst Fund Idea proposal was for Lyrasis to add an ARK service to their existing identifier portfolio, which currently includes ORCID & DOIs.  This service could serve both existing Lyrasis members/services (hosted Islandora, DSpace, ArchiveIT, etc) and attract new members interested in using ARKs.

(JK)  Catalyst Fund Project proposal is partnership between CDL & Internet Archive to assign more identifiers to content being captured there.  This work has already started and will happen regardless of the results of the project proposal.

Growth stats since Jan 26 rollout announcement 

  • NAANs, mailing list, followers
  • small spikes after each repetition
  • please promote via social media, announcement forwarding – it helps!

46 new NAANs (about 5 requests per week)

newsletter subscribers: 83

arks_org twitter followers: 152

Working group



  • NAAN (2 new WG members)
  • Outreach (PID guides in UK and NL)
  • Technical (latest spec Feb 22)

Outreach WG connected with PID guide authors and found willingness to add mention of ARKs to their guides. Includes possibility of strategic connection with the creators the excellent videos from the Dutch Digital Heritage Network (eg, this one) that very clearly explain what PIDs are and their uses.

Action items

  •  John Kunze to rebrand the mailing list and calendar invites; also reduce them to every other month