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  • making progress on the ark?info inflection definition

Discussion items



Image Modified

  • Grant funded for IDs for physical specimens: archaeological, geo samples, etc.
  • N2T resolver enhancement:
    • CORS support
    • Prefix extension mechanism “-dev” added to 
    • NaaN registry updates reflected automatically in a graphical fashion
    • New website by National Library Luxembourg:
  • A method for encoding IDs:

metadata model V2

how to make (faster) progress on defining what should come back from an ark?info inflection request

  • KH: wishlist is helpful
        looking for something simple to specify, eg, kernel
        but it can wait, so that we finish the spec.
        regarding n2t, it could be a reference or exemplar implementation
  • Mark: unless you're creating a place to hang the core metadata,
          here's where you put the core elements, but don't think we should
                be in the business of defining those cores
          point to community mechanisms for defining the cores,
                but don't define themInfo? inflection data: what should be returned?
  • Figuring out exactly what should be in the core spec vs extension is not easy.
    • New a couple of pages added to clarify the intent.
    • need use case approach.

TC: what machines will be requesting this?
JK: I'd say same as the LOD users

adopt-a-thing (use case)

  • journals/articles
  • natural history specimens
  • genealogical records
  • archival record/object
  • vocabulary terms
  • persons
  • events
  • archaeological artifact
  • water sample

  • adopt-a-thing
    • various assignments made
    • right now just trying to understand what metadata is of most value in a domain

TC: what I'd like my users to be able to look at a thing with an ARK and to get
a formal citation to it and to its parent;
      would be willing to sign up for this genealogical citation use case,
      also  possibly for persons
KH: I could do the journal article use case
MP: I'll look into archival record use case
RM: here's an example authority record. is it a person
JK: if it could be a person or org, maybe it's an Agent
KH: how to put structure around, mechanism to bridge between core and kernel
KH: how about pulling out the DataCite examples and applying this to it?
MP: reminds me of what IIIF does, eg, here's where pairs go
    define structure
CM: will get advice from Brian about helping with use case

Action items
