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(star) (star) Indicating note-taker

  1. Ralph O'Flinn 
  2. Brian Lowe 
  3. Michel Heon
  4. Julia Trimmer (star)
  5. Andrew Woods
  6. Robert Nelson
  7. Benjamin Gross
  8. Kristina HeinrichHeinricy
  9. Don Elsborg


  1. Community updates
  2. Release Testing - 1.11.0 ends on Friday
    1. Issues

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        serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Sprint planning meeting
    1. Proposed topics
      1. Create ingest workflow tooling
        1. Use VIVO entity "shapes" defined in sprint-2019-06
        2. Include validation of ingested entities
        3. Allow for ingest of JSON entities (tooling to map JSON to RDF)
        4. Include optional curation step (disambiguation, reconciliation of entities)
      2. Provide an orientation to VIVO Scholar for community developers, setting up the environment, and introducing existing documentation
      3. Updating Scholars Discovery defaults for specific institutions such as TAMU including branding, look and feel etc.
      4. Based on the VSTF definitions of data shapes for VIVO and Scholars Discovery: 
        1. Updating the Scholars Discovery to include changes to the data shapes
        2. Updating SPARQL queries to pull in data
      5. Continue work on cross-linking (more info later . . .)
      6. Externalizing the triple-store in line with modularizing/decoupling (more info later . . .)
      7. i18n?
      8. Bringing in current UI improvements?
      9. Other topics?
  4. Special topics for future dev calls?
  5. Anyone seeing this? 
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  6.  In-review tickets

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      serverDuraSpace JIRA


Michel Heon from UQAM has been working with the i8ln i18n effort. He says it’s been easy to move the static messages but the dynamic content is harded harder and will require some code changes. Michel says that ontology changes are necessary but he is planning to do himseflthis himself. Andrew would like to see the i8ln i18n effort highlighted by the core development team.


Andrew states that no critical bugs have been found and 1.11.0 should go into production soon. Ralph has not heard from anyone. Andrew recently upgraded to Tomcat 9 and found conflicts with VIVO configurationran into local configuration issues. Andrew will add a note to the Install instructions for VIVO in case others hit a similar issue.

Do Ralph or Don or others need help on anything in particular?


Ralph: Both ElasticSearch and BlazeGraph should be tested.

Don(tick) Don: I will set up 1.11 with ElasticSearch. Would be great if CINECA could test BlazeGraph.

Andrew: I will reach out to CINECA. Ralph, if we have all green check marks and everyone is celebrating, then how do we proceedwould you like to proceed with the actual release?

Ralph: I’ll be at the Symplectic conference next week and will get everything pushed out soon after.


Benjamin: Re: the test suites, Jim’s data-distribution-api repository is archived – should it stay archived or fork it?

Andrew(tick) Andrew: Let’s get in touch with Jim and see if we can transfer ownership. If not, we can fork it.

Ralph: Is this a real module and separate or a compile-time module to include in the build script? Or neither? I’d lean towards the compile-time module with the codes code in the VIVO Project -project GitHub org (not VIVO community) with compile time option. This was discussed at the conference.

Andrew: So we propose moving the test suite data-distribution-api into the VIVO Project repo and adding it as compile-time option.

Ralph: I’d prefer the option to include it as a flag rather than a config option.

Andrew(tick) Andrew: Let’s explore via a ticket. (

serverDuraSpace JIRA

Benjamin: For 1.11, if someone wants to use it, we should be proactive to see if we can edit the documentation in Jim’s repo or transfer ownership. Also, I ran into problems for how SOLR reads schema.xml so do we need to make changes?


Benjamin: I know how to do it now but I can’t edit the 1.11 documentation pages.

Andrew(tick) Andrew: Let’s give everyone the ability to edit the documentation. I’ll take the action item to give the VIVO committers write access to the documentation.


Dates are now set for October 14 – 25 but might change if we add topics for the sprint and if they’re available during that time. If there are topics that we are interested in moving forward, and you’re interested in joining, please suggest them.


Ralph: I have three topics:

  • Update the ORCID integration so that it’s bi-directional to get ORCIDs from publications.
  • Break out the TrPF into its own module.
  • For FreeMarker users, get the NEMO template VIVO-ized. My personal goal is to do these by the end of the year.

Kristina: that’s what we want to do with our ORCID integration. I plan to workiing work on code to start pulling publications from ORCID soon. I need to talk to my supervisor about my time commitments. I’ll see if I can work on the sprint dates.

Andrew: What do you think is possible re: i8ln i18n and this sprint?

Michel: I am still exploring so am not sure. But in the future, I will make a pull request to the repo with the new code. I will need some help testing. Re: JSON to RDF task, I am doing this already – it’s complicated and I have a solution. It works and I have the code. It’s a little complicated because I need to make some changes in order to share the code.  
