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110 minsDSpace NA UG meeting update and next steps
210 mins

DSpace 7 Future Roadmap -- groups/memberships, tasks, timeline

310 mins Update from Nov SG meeting

45 mins GDPR compliance

520 mins
Refresher on OpenAire requirements and next steps
  1. OpenAire Request Letter to DuraSpace
  2. DuraSpace-OpenAire MOU
minsRecap and additional updates
All members


Salwa Ismail noted that Michele Mennielli is out on parental leave from late January through early February.

Agenda 1:  DSpace North American User Group meeting update and next steps
(Salwa Ismail / John Butler)

Salwa Ismail expressed thanks to John Butler for working with colleagues at the University of Minnesota on hosting the next DSpace North American User Group meeting in Minneapolis. Original discussion was that it would be a 1 1/2 to 2-day meeting, and moved to late April (week of April 22-23 or April 25-26) or late May (week of May 20) due to potential inclement weather at that time of year in Minnesota. Tim Donohue commented that Duraspace has a staff meeting later in April, so they might prefer the April 22-23 slot. Lieven Droogmans preferred April over May, partly because Open Repositories would be a potential conflict with a late May date, and that we might even want to consider mid-to-late summer because of Open Repositories. (Postscript: Tim noted in Slack after the meeting ended that Easter Sunday is April 21, and so that could be a problem for the April 22-23 dates.)

Salwa also commented that DSpace 7 may not be ready by late April but we shouldn't plan around that. We had talked about introducing a preview release if the meeting were in February in Austin, but should view that as an independent matter.

Kristi Park asked whether Duraspace could send an official letter to the Texas Legislature, informing them that the DSpace North American User Group meeting was relocated from Austin to Minneapolis due to Texas policies. Erin Tripp will take the lead on that.

Agenda 2: DSpace Future Roadmap -- groups/memberships, tasks, timeline
(Salwa Ismail)

Michele Mennielli isn't able to work on the DSpace Future Roadmap at the current time, so Salwa is asking for someone else who could volunteer an hour or so to work with her on that. The current roadmap ends in 2018, as Lieven previously reminded us, so we need to come up with a new one. Allan Bell volunteered to help. Salwa and Allan will work on it the week of December 17 and then bring a draft to the January meeting of the DSpace Leadership Group. Erin asked if Michele had any draft strategies for the group. Salwa said they would look at who volunteered for what and put together a rough charge for the two working groups that were approved in November (Community and Sustainability, and Technology). Erin said Michele has done some analyses of the Fedora and DSpace communities and will be combining those into a comprehensive document.

Agenda 3: Update from November 1 DSpace Steering Group meeting
(Jyrki Ilva)

Jyrki Ilva reported that the November DSpace Steering Group meeting included a lot of discussion about DSpace 7. The DSpace 7 Working Group doesn't have the time of enough developers, especially developers with Angular skills. There was also discussion about the Outreach Marketing Group. There currently aren't enough members to start that working group, but there may be more availability in January. Pascal-Nicolas Becker volunteered to revive the Outreach Marketing Group together with Carol Minton Morris. The Steering Group began discussion about who would chair it in the future, but ran out of time.

Tim commented on the DSpace 7 release timelines, that those weren't reported back to the DSpace Leadership Group and so he would like to do that. There will be a Preview release in late January / early February 2019. It won't have all the features we normally expect - perhaps 60-70% - but felt it was important to show off the "flashy" new major features: 1) submission workflow functionality; and 2) in-progress configurable Entitites work. There will be a Beta version at the end of April, with all the normal expected features, and a stable release at end of May, in time for Open Repositories. The DSpace Working Group just met this morning to discuss these goals.

Salwa reiterated Jyrki mentioning that we really need Angular code review support, and that if community members aren't able to commit to that as part of their normal work, that we might even want to consider paying someone to do that on personal time.

Agenda 4: GDPR compliance
(Pascal-Nicolas Becker)

Pascal reminded us that GDPR compliance was discussed in the first meeting of the group as something the DSpace Leadership Group should address, that DSpace needs to become compliant with GDPR. He and Beate Rajski feel that we really need a working group, hopefully with participation with the Technology working group approved in November. Pascal has identified 4-5 people in Germany willing to join a working group - including one who is an attorney - but would like participants from more European countries than Germany. He requested formal approval from the Leadership Group for a GDPR Compliance working group, and would like a vote today as he would like to hold the first meeting in January.

Salwa asked about including members from the DCAT group, or librarians who have no affiliation with DSpace or repositories. Pascal agreed that it would be good to have representation of technical and non-technical people, just wants to make sure the group is sized appropriately to be able to get work done.

A voice vote was taken and the GDPR Compliance working group was approved.

Allan Bell commented that he works on the PKP project and that they have developed a GDPR guidebook that might be helpful to the working group ( Erin seconded building upon the work PKP has already done.

Joao Moreira mentioned that the German ORCiD group commissioned a GDPR document that we might want to look at (referenced at: Pascal wasn't sure that the ORCiD GDPR group would be a good fit for a DSpace GDPR Compliance working group, but that they would definitely take a look at the document.

Agenda 5: Refresher on OpenAire requirements and next steps
(Tim Donohue / Joao Mendes Moreira)

Tim referenced the documents in the agenda:

OpenAire Request Letter to DuraSpace

DuraSpace-OpenAire MOU

Some members who previously served on the Leadership Group may remember these discussions/documents, but he and Joao would like to review them with the current Leadership Group.

Tim commented that Joao knows the OpenAire requirements better than he does, but provided an overview from his perspective. The OpenAire team has offered two developers to work on the process and Duraspace has been in contact with one of them. Much of the work revolves around the OpenAire Version 4.0 guidelines for repositories. There is a dependency on DSpace being able to deal with Entities, which is why there is much work being done on that in the DSpace community. One of the developers at OpenAire also has expertise with ResourceSync, and is tasked with helping update DSpace 7 to incorporate ResourceSync. 4Science has already done a lot of work on that and that will help move the process along. Once we have a DSpace 7 preview, Joao's institution (Foundation of Science and Technology Portugal) has committed resources to look at OpenAire compliance. There was a question about ResourceSync and how much effort that would require. Tim commented that it should be doable in time for the preview release, as Cottage Labs has also done a lot of the work that will move things along.

Joao asked whether DSpace 7 "out of the box" could/should be OpenAire 4.0 compliant. Salwa asked whether that would come at the cost of delaying DSpace 7. Joao responded that if we have the modules OpenAire needs, OpenAire and DSpace 7 groups can work in parallel. But he does think DSpace 7 needs to be OpenAire compliant. Cesar Olvares asked whether people upgrading from previous versions of DSpace would get OpenAire compliance. Joao responded that previous versions may not have identifiers for authors, which OpenAire needs. Tim said the DSpace 7 Working Group group is still waiting on some analysis, but thinks it would be good to have an OpenAire working group. César Olivares said that Latin American institutions are very interested in this and might be able to take the lead. Susanna Mornati said that in DSpace-CRIS the identifiers problem has been solved, funders are covered, and that 4Science is doing a lot of work in this direction that could also be exploited for DSpace.

Salwa asked whether we needed to form a working group that would include OpenAire staff as well as Entities group people, and whether would Joao lead that. Tim said that we need additional resources on implementing OpenAire and thinks with OpenAire's developers and Joao's developers, we can accomplish it. But the Entities working group will need to finish what they're doing - maybe in late January - so that they can then turn their efforts to OpenAire compliance. Pierre Lasou said they're working hard in Canada to comply with OpenAire Version 4.0 guidelines, and asked whether we're attempting full compliance, or just basic compliance. Joao responded that he thinks we can cover both the mandatory and optional elements. Pierre commented that there were many migrations to DSpace 6 in 2017-2018, and that the community may not be ready to do DSpace 7 migrations right away. Joao agreed that migration tools will be important, and invited Pierre to join the working group. Tim commented that the OpenAire specs are closely aligned with OAI-PMH, so it should work for both DSpace 6 and DSpace 7. Salwa said some members have told her they won't be migrating to DSpace 7 in 2019; Georgetown doesn't plan to.

Salwa summarized the discussion and decisions: DSpace 7 will be OpenAire Version 4.0 compliant out of the box, and to contact Joao if you have further questions.

Recap and additional updates
(All members)

Salwa Ismail reviewed the discussions and action items:

- DSpace North American User Group meeting: Thanks again to John Butler and the University of Minnesota for stepping up to host the meeting in 2019.

- DSpace Future Roadmap: The Community and Sustainability working group and the Technology working group will provide recommendations at the January Leadership Group meeting.

- DSpace Steering Group meeting update from Jyrki Ilva: We need to find out if we can pay someone for DSpace 7 testing and Angular code review.

- GDPR Compliance: Pascal-Nicolas Becker will lead a working group, recruit outside of Germany, and report back at the January Leadership Group meeting.

- OpenAire: Joao Mendes Moreira will lead a working group and discuss collaboration with the Entities group in early January.

Tim Donohue commented that the DSpace 7 Working Group shared a development planning document in their Slack channel just this morning:
They're currently deciding what will be in the Preview release and what will be in the Beta release, but there's a lot in progress that will be done prior to Beta.

Salwa said that her developer (Terry Brady) has come to her with ideas on how to get more developers involved in DSpace 7 work. He will be pursuing that with the DCAT group. Tim aid he would welcome feedback from the DCAT group.

César Olivares reported that the Peruvian DSpace User Group ( is fully up and running with 40 persons at the first meeting and 90 at the next. 100 people were in a webinar yesterday.