Versions Compared


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Daily release planning standup meetings are held at noon Eastern Daylight Time

Why v1.6 and not 2.0?

Given the ontology and directory layout changes, should this be version 2?


There are a number of possible routes to performance improvement for VIVO, and we seek input from the community on what the primary pain points are. Some performance issues are related to installation and configuration of VIVO and we are working on improving documentation, notably on MySQL configuration, tuning, and troubleshooting, but page caching has emerged as the primary performance-related improvement for 1.6.


  • (tick) As mentioned above, improved server, Apache, Tomcat, and database configuration and tuning
  • (warning) (not part of the 1.6 release – more requirements needed) If we can identify key areas where some form of intermediate results are being repeatedly requested from the database, implementing Memcached could be another strategy. However, it may be more effective to provide MySQL more memory since it can use its own strategies for query caching
  • (tick) Tim Worrall has been looking at our page templates for instances where we could avoid issuing SPARQL queries for the same data repeatedly in the course of generating a single page, and has also been optimizing SPARQL queries that come to his attention
  • (warning) (not part of the 1.6 release – independent investigation) There is also some indication that bugs in Jena's SDB implementation that make queries other than to a single graph or the union of all graphs much less efficient, at least for MySQL.  This is hard to verify, and we have mostly been approaching this by exploring the use of other triple stores via the RDF API added with the VIVO 1.5x releases.
