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titleWork in Progress

May 2015: This is an active document. It is not finalized, and may change in the coming month as the DSpace RoadMap Working Group and Steering Group create a final draft for presentation at OR15.


This Technical RoadMap is based on the DSpace 2015-18 Strategic Plan - Technology and the Use Case Analysis produced by the DSpace RoadMap Working Group in April/May of 2015. The DSpace RoadMap Working Group consists of the members of DCAT, Committers and Steering Group: Tim Donohue (Lead, DuraSpace), Stuart Lewis (Edinburgh), Bram Luyten (@mire), Jonathan Markow (DuraSpace), Michele Mennielli (CINECA),  Richard Rodgers (MIT), Ryan Steans (Texas Digital Library), Maureen Walsh (Ohio State)

Table of Contents
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Candidate Features for DSpace 6.0

(NOTE: This list is incomplete, and does not represent a list of ALL features to be added into DSpace 6.0 in late 2015.  It just notes a few smaller features / goals from the 2015-18 Strategic Plan for Technology which will be targeted towards the 6.0 release. Based on the tight timeline for 6.0, most major features/goals from the Strategic Plan for Technology are scheduled for the 7.0 release in late 2016.)

Priority 1 FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers
Single Search / Browse System (SOLR)
  • Lucene and old DB browse system are already deprecated. Just need removal

serverDuraSpace JIRA

Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexLow


Single built-in Statistical Engine (SOLR Statistics)
  • Move Elasticsearch Usage Statistics to external "module"? Possibly related to "Module Framework" project however (so it may or may not need to wait for 7.0)
Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexLow


NOTE: More features will be discussed on the DSpace Release 6.0 Status page, and added to this list as they are finalized. Work on the 6.0 release is proceeding in parallel to the development of this RoadMap, and therefore, this RoadMap primarily represents the goals/candidate features for the 7.0 release in 2016.)

Candidate Features for DSpace 7.0 - Priority 1

(NOTE: The DSpace 7.0 release is tentatively scheduled for late 2016 or early 2017. The below candidate features are ordered in terms of perceived importance to the 7.0 release. However, if you or your institution would like to drive or lead the development of a specific feature, you are welcome to volunteer your time towards any of the candidate features listed, no matter where that feature ranks in the listing.)

Priority 1 FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers
Single User InterfaceDesign - Single UI ProjectGoal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh

For reference:

Configurations in Admin User Interface
  • Dependent on / related to "Single User Interface"
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh
titleConfiguration Use Cases

Content by Label

Non-functional: "Module" Framework and RegistryDesign - Module Framework and RegistryGoal 3: Can be "extended"xHigh  
Simplify Community & Collection HierarchyDesign - Simplify Community and Collection HierarchyGoal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh 
Lower the effort to deposit content into DSpace (via integrations)Design - Lower effort to deposit

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

Goal 4: Integration with external services


Candidate Features for DSpace 7.0 - Priority 2

(NOTE: The DSpace 7.0 release is tentatively scheduled for late 2016 or early 2017. As "priority 2" features, these features are not guaranteed for the DSpace 7.0 release, but we'd encourage community members to volunteer to help achieve any of these features. If there is community interest in moving one or more of these features forward, that feature may be moved up to "priority 1" for the 7.0 release.)

Priority 2 FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers
Hierarchical Metadata SupportDSpace should support hierarchical metadata formats (e.g. MODS)Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh 
Relationships between Objects

DSpace should support defining relationships between objects (especially at the Item and Bitstream level). Some object relationships may be definable via metadata, but should be respected by the DSpace UI.  But, in other situations, it may also necessitate the creation of new types of Objects (e.g. Author objects as Authors of an Item rather than simply textual metadata)

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh 
Enhance Basic Statistical Reporting
  • Primary use case description: Basic Statistics (and all child pages)
  • This would likely be depending on the "Single User Interface" project for much of the enhancements, as many of these reports are UI related.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium


Enhance Basic Preservation
  • See linked use cases for more details of possible enhancements to existing basic preservation functionality
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium 
Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
  • Dependent on / related to "Single User Interface"
  • Primary use case description: Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
  • May need further definition around what sorts of changes will make deposit easier?

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

titleOther Deposit Use Cases

Content by Label


Post-7.0 Features

(NOTE: While these features are scheduled as "post-7.0" at this time, we still encourage volunteers to begin to analyze or tackle them.  If there is interest in moving one or more of these features forward in the nearterm, we can immediately move it up into the 7.0 release.)

FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers
Non-functional: Easier Installation
  • Dependent on some Priority 1 features (e.g. Single UI, Configs in Admin UI)
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"x   
Non-functional: Easier Upgrade Process
  • Dependent on some Priority 1 features (e.g. Single UI, Configs in Admin UI
  • Could be helped by "Theme management in Admin UI"
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"x 


Advanced Usage Statistics
  • Likely an optional module or external integration, therefore it may be dependent on a "Module Framework" being developed
  • Ranked very highly in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 3: Can be "extended" High


Theme management in Admin UI
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh
titleTheming Use Cases

Content by Label

Enhance Versioning
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
titleVersioning Use Cases

Content by Label

Replace "Bundle" object with Metadata or similar

A "Bundle" object is just a simple grouping of Files (Bitstreams) (e.g. "THUMBNAIL", "TEXT"). Rather than being its own object, a "bundle" could be more easily replaced with metadata on individual Bitstreams (e.g. dc.type="thumbnail"), or even relationships between Bitstreams (i.e. derivative objects).

Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexMedium 
Advanced Preservation
  • Likely an optional module or external integration, therefore it may be dependent on a "Module Framework" being developed
  • Ranked lower in 2013-14 Vision Survey
Goal 3: Can be "extended"  High 
Enhance Search / Browse System
  • See various unmet use cases labeled "Search/Browse"
  • Dependent on "Single Search / Browse System" feature being completed, to ensure we can more easily implement new Search/Browse use cases
  • Some use cases also dependent on "Single User Interface" being completed
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRx 
titleSearch / Browse Use Cases

Content by Label

Enhance Access ControlGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRx 
titleAccess Control Use Cases

Content by Label




IntegrationDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesVolunteers

Integration with external authentication / authorisation system

  • Also related to Authentication through Multiple Mechanisms
  • Already exists to some extent (LDAP, Shibb, etc). But, would be nice to move to a third-party, standardized AutN/AuthZ solution.
  • Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
Goal 4: Integration with external servicesxMedium  
Integrations that increase the exposure of content stored into DSpace in external systems Goal 4: Integration with external services    

Specific Release Information

If you are looking for information regarding specific releases of DSpace, especially past releases, also see our Releases page.

Table of Contents

DSpace 7.6.x Maintenance


The history of 7.x releases is captured on our DSpace Release 7.0 Status page.

With the release of DSpace 7.6 in June 2023, the 7.x platform has moved into maintenance mode. This means that all future 7.x releases will only include bug or security fixes.  (Improvements to existing translations or user interface accessibility are also accepted as that are considered bugs.) 

  • Release Numbering: Because 7.x releases all included new features (as described in DSpace Release 7.0 Status), Steering and Developers have agreed that future 7.x releases should all use the "7.6.x" number scheme (e.g. 7.6.1, 7.6.2, etc).  This clarifies that 7.6 was the final release which will include new features. Starting with 8.0, we will revert to our usual numbering scheme where 8.0 will accept new features, but 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 will only include bug fixes.
  • Support plan: DSpace 7.6.x will be under support until it is no longer one of the most recent three (3) major releases per our DSpace Software Support Policy.  As DSpace is moving back to a release schedule of one major release per year, this means that 7.6.x will be supported until DSpace 10.0 is released (tentatively scheduled for 2026).
  • Release Schedule: DSpace 7.6.x bug-fix releases will occur whenever major issues require immediate resolution or a larger number of smaller issues are ready for immediate release.  They have no fixed timeline, but will be announced on mailing lists when available.
  • Development Activities: DSpace 7.6.x development activities occur on our DSpace 7.6.x Maintenance Project Board.

DSpace 8.0 Development


Additional information on 8.0 can be found at DSpace Release 8.0 Status

DSpace Steering Group finalized the roadmap / plans for 8.0 in their meeting on June 28, 2023 (immediately after the 7.6 release).  This plan was presented to the Leadership Group on August 9, 2023 (notes are public).

8.0 Release Goals

These are the main priorities for the 8.0 release as decided by the DSpace Steering Group.  The overarching goal is to keep the 8.0 release smaller in size (in terms of new features), and find ways to help the community more easily upgrade to 7.x or 8.x.

  1. Attempt to include all (in progress) major features which missed the 7.x series of releases.  Specifically, this includes these four features: 
    1. COAR Notify support (4Science & Harvard): Implementation of the COAR Notify protocol in DSpace 8
    2. Correction service to enhance data quality via OpenAIRE Graph (4Science): and
    3. Porting "REST-Based Quality Control Reports" from old REST API to new one. (U of Laval, Canada):
    4. Duplicate Detection in Submission ported from DSpace-CRIS (The Library Code): and
  2. Accept new features which empower users in the Admin User Interface.  In other words, any new features which make things easier for administrators would be accepted.  However, at this time, this work is unfunded and would need to be provided by volunteers.
  3. Accept community contributions of any 6.x features which missed the 7.x series of releases.  At this time, this work is unfunded and would need to be provided by volunteers
  4. Improve documentation, training to allow for greater community contributions. This also may include easing the setup/installation/customization or maintenance of DSpace.

8.0 Release Schedule

8.0 will be released in June 2024.  8.1, 8.2, 8.3 will be bug-fix only releases (with release dates to be determined later)

DSpace Steering has set a goal of having all future DSpace major releases in April of each year.  For example, 9.0 would be in April 2025, 10.0 in April 2026, etc.

8.0 Development Activities

DSpace 8.0 development activities occur on our DSpace 8.0 Project Board.

Development discussions related to DSpace 8.0 occur in our weekly Developer Meetings

Future Research / Planning

In parallel to the 8.0 release, the Developer team (via Developer Meetings) will work on some early proof of concepts which may be included in 9.0 or later.  Some of these early proof-of-concepts currently include work to modularize DSpace (e.g. DSpace Angular : library-based architecture proposal) and improve the storage layer (e.g. via OCFL or similar).  To take part in these discussions, please join future Developer Meetings.

How to help

DSpace is a global collaboration and most of our activities are entirely volunteer based (including code development). 

  • To help with development activities (claiming/prioritizing tickets, testing new fixes, etc) please consider joining future Developer Meetings, or getting in touch via Slack or GitHub.  We welcome anyone and everyone to contribute.  Contributions can be in writing code, reviewing others code, or even simply testing someone else's code works properly.
  • To help with documentation (e.g., please create a Wiki account (email and get in touch with Tim Donohue (via Slack or email) to ask for edit access to the documentation.
  • To help brainstorm/suggest new features, consider joining the DSpace Community Advisory Team meetings or mailing lists.  This is our interest group for repository managers and they help suggest future features to DSpace Steering and developers.
  • To help others (and perhaps yourself), consider joining our Mailing Lists and Slack.  These are the primary ways that people ask questions and support one another in using DSpace
    • Additional Support options are documented on our Support page.
