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Google Document for Notes

Brown (Ted)

  • reworking some of our CV ingest related to presentations and service.  The data is too variable to assert Events or Committees consistently.  Using the label to store more data.  Thinking about how this affects self-editing forms and new data
  • corresponding with Jim about caching
  • doing some matching of local city and state references to FAST (  Looking promising.  Allows us to also link to VIAF and Geonames. Right now working in batch, but might be possible to incorporate into a form.
  • also looking at tools from the Semantic Web community, like Silk (, that might help manage VIVO data moving forward. Pedro Szekely had referenced Silk at the I-Fest and in some of his papers.


  • Also working on figuring out person types -- have specific definitions of full-time faculty, voluntary faculty, courtesy faculty, instructors, postdoctoral associates, research associates etc.  that are trying to match to the actual available data source. Not currently working on the notion of faculty “track”

Upcoming Events

VIVO in New York City May 20

  • 2-4 pm at 1305 York Avenue in the Greenberg Center – about 10 institutions have RSVP'd so far

VIVO Webinars (all Tuesdays at 11)

  • The "Overview of VIVO" webinar was held May 14: presentation slides webinar recording
  • June 4 -- Case Studies: VIVO at Colorado, Duke, Brown and Weill Cornell Medical College.  Register HERE
  • June 11 -- VIVO Technical Deep Dive. Register HERE

Notable implementation and development list issues

  • Fuseki behind Apache (Stephen)

    • Requires a unique domain name example --

    • possible opportunity for our community to contribute to Fuseki project, e.g. use case/requirements, documentation, extend code to support /fuseki behind Apache, extend code to fix limited “pages” implementation (makes several assumptions, .tpl mime type issue)

  • Scholars @ Duke – can we see what sharing publications to another website offers to a logged-in user? uses the code development on the VIVO Widgets - grant project mini-grant in 2011

    • uses upstart to run in a separate JVM

    • code is on GitHub -- VIVO widgets -- will need some improvements to the listener to real-time update of its separate Solr index

    • people want overviews, contact information, keywords -- people like the JSON format

    • can in the future consider a SPARQL endpoint for more flexibility

  • Making a downloadable CSV of search results (Stephen) - Pull Request 

  • see also VIVO 1.6 release planning in this wiki

    • multi-language and caching support are significant aspects of the work

Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date
