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  • Mark Phillips, Kate Wittenberg, Jefferson Bailey, Brian McBride


Discussion items

AnnouncementsCalls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

jk: alpha version of ARKA stickers (just 10) to debut at iPRES this month, where Bertrand will do a lightning talk; we're at 991 ARK organizations
mp: do we have org type info? would be nice to say how many in each category, eg, N national libraries; I
may have a grad student who could put some time into that
mp: new article about ARKs just appeared in the C4L journal: Simplifying ARK ID management for persistent access to digital objects  (U of Toronto)

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

jb: a CFP for next CNI meeting went out yesterday
mp: perhaps ARKA should propose another project briefing
jk: I'll put it to the Outreach WG (ACTION)

Any news items we should blog about?

mp: I was going to do a generic update on ARKA, which might be an ARKA blog post
jk: it could be included as part of a community update post

Updates from Working GroupsNAAN

bm: Maria is working to automate NAAN processing via the github repo and integration with zapier; one curator (student) is leaving the group in order to finish masters degree activity; we had a discussion about virtual orgs and about drafting a code of conduct; the curator schedule was filled out for rest of year

jk: in the Outreach WG, we have ongoing work on Julien's IIIF multi-part blog post; we decided to put SEO on back burner; changed the contact form inputs (mostly spam) to go to the WG mail alias
mp: Ricc will send an update soon

jk: in the Technical WG, Tom Creighton is working with his colleagues on persistence statements; still waiting to hear from NISO; finishing up an arknoid tool for easy minting using docker and the old Noid software

Google Suite Updates
jk: one more person to track; still looking into a free option (to keep costs as close to zero as possible)
Fiscal Hosting Discussion (brought up during meeting)

Some reasons that might lead to fiscal host for ARKA are google workspace fees, domain name fees, WP hosting.
jk: one example I've heard of is

was brought up as an example that had been mentioned to John K.  Being able to establish something that is capable to hold small amount of funding for the ARK Alliance.  John K. is exploring the possibilities and trying to understand what is involved. 

which might be an easy path to hold a very small amount of money; I will try to learn more about this possibility and what's involved
jb: IA has helped some orgs explore this, eg, IIPC; we helped one org go with CLIR for fiscal sponsorship; there's a great deal of work and overhead, and I'm not sure AKRA has enough need to justify it; generally you need to worry about it when you are doing a bunch of grants or having a lot of money coming in
kw: agreed; and since there's no revenue; it may be hard to find a fiscal host that would be willing to do it
mp: agreed
bm: we went through process with Samvera and I can confirm it takes lots of work; it would probably not be worth it

Planning for the rest of the calendar year.

mp: by the end of the year I would like AG to approve a code of conduct eg, an umbrella statement
     separate WG statements; I'd like a fairly simple high-level statement; also want to start thinking about chair for next year and meeting frequency going forward
all: going back to meeting every other month works fine
mp: I will update the calendar schedule so that we'll meet only in odd-numbered months, eg, Nov., Jan., etc.

Action items

  •  John Kunze ask Outreach WG about another CNI project briefing and ping NISO about ARK work item status