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Discussion items



RM: the Digital Heritage Network’s Persistent Identifiers project has lots of info and materials about PIDs, but don't know much about ARKs; maybe Outreach should contact them?

Better sharing of 99999 NAAN for test/fake ARKs

TC: having ability to forward shoulders under one NAAN is much better than using multiple NAANs; also a convention to support temp ARKs may work better than configuration requirement
RM: could make organizational shoulders that look like the organizational NAANs, so by convention you don't collide, which avoids need to register
JR: for INCIPIT project we want test ARKs w.o. using our own NAAN
JK: maybe accommodate both
BC: BNF could probably use this
KH: should shoulders be a temporary shoulder registration?
JK: that wouldn't work for, say EZID; ironically, there's a long-term need for temporary ARKs, eg, whenever you install a bug fix we mint a fake ARK as a basic test to see if things are working

Meeting frequency and preparation

JK: ok to reduce meeting frequency to once a month?
All: ok, canceling first Monday meeting

Consolidation of recent concept exploration around X?info

  • Revisit basic requirements
    • return basic information about X
    • return a persistence statement
    • don't depart too far from original ARK spec
      • retain ability to add optional richer metadata
      • retain ability to use other formats
      • retain spirit of ERC/ANVL/THUMP and Dublin Kernel "story" metadata
  • Concept that X can refer to a landing page, and what that means for X?info
  • Concept that X can refer to a plunging (non-landing) page, and what that means
  • Concept that resolution may in general involve multiple resolvers, any of which might be tasked to respond to X?info (tradeoffs)
  • Unknown: can/should we support notion of X referring to one or more of these (avoiding the more challenging terminology of the Networked Entity Model):
    • bp (born physical) thing
    • bd (born digital) thing
    • bc (born conceptual, eg, vocabulary term) thing
    • dfp (digital from physical, eg, scanned document)
    • dfd (digital from digital, eg, lower res surrogate from master image)
    • pfp (physical from physical, eg, photographic print of painting)
    • pfd (physical from digital, eg, German wikipedia is printed and bound annually)

JK: (summarize agenda item)
MP: dfd -- when do we know that?
MP: important to know why are there so few implementers of some areas
JK: yes, eg, ? and ?? hard to recognize, leading to change to use ?info

RM: some of this is apropos Mario's email about landing page vs resource
KH: also, for the rmap project, the :/ after ark caused problems; even though the "/" is now deprecated, the ":" by itself still causes a few problems
MP: technical challenges implementing certain things create cost/benefit tradeoff that may not be worth it
JK: other things we're doing to make the cost lower is to change recommendation from ANVL to YAML/JSON

JK:  Also, we could use a place holder to indicate the count below in the namespace created by the ARK, (a kind of enumeration point, as Smithsonian uses it); this could actually be considered a piece of the counting ARKs project

Action items