Versions Compared


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  1. Ralph O'Flinn
  2. Jim Blake
  3. Huda Khan
  4. Tim Worrall
  5. Don Elsborg (star)
  6. Kitio Fofack
  7. Andrew Woods
  8. Mike Conlon (star)
  9. Christian Hauschke
  10. Alex Viggio
  11. Brian Lowe
  12. Benjamin Gross



  1. Report from the field: ElasticSearch instead of Solr (Jim Blake )

  2. Documenting ingest approaches
  3. CU Boulder: VIVO-Harvester (direct to Jena)
  4. Cornell: home-grown (sparql-update)

  5. Brian Lowe: home-grown, or extensions (sparql-update)

  6. ??
  7. Sept sprint planning
  8. Active tickets:
    1. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       (pending response - Benjamin Gross )
    2. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       (Muhammad Javed - to review)
    3. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       (Kitio Fofack - where does this stand?) JiraserverDuraSpace JIRAserverIdc815ca92-fd23-34c2-8fe3-956808caf8c5keyVIVO-1436 (needs reviewers)
  9. Planning for a demo and walk-through of: 
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
  10. Modularizing VIVO
    1. Search index
    2. Triplestore
    3. Frontend UI
  11. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA


Draft notes in Google-Doc

ElasticSearch instead of Solr

  1. Swapping in ElasticSearch 6.3 for Solr. 
  2. JIm demonstrated VIVO 1.8 running elasticSearch.



  2. Downloaded elasticSearch last week and spent a couple of days creating a VIVO driver. 
    1. See
    2. Looks like VIVO. Works like VIVO. 
  3. Needs:
    1. Docs
    2. Smoke test
    3. Functional testing
    4. Improved snippets
    5. Code improvements
    6. Unit tests
    7. Automatic initialization of the index
  4. Why Elasticsearch
    1. Create options for sys admins. 
    2. Some sites are already bought in to ElasticSearch. They love it. 
    3. Certainly should not run in parallel. Should be implemented as part of VIVO.
  5. Put more data in the index
  6. Elastic has nested fields that keep their relationships publication uris on the author’s record. Publication names. 
    1. Does the current version of Solr have these features?
  7. Ownership characteristics – both seem okay? VIVO rather small by elasticSearch standards?
  8. ElasticSearch has an Apache license
  9. Both ElasticSearch and Solr are based on underlying Lucene technology
    1. See In case this helps (not sure if the article is 'good' or not but here you go):
    2. And and (rank Elasticsearch #1 based on their ranking methodology)
  10. Perhaps not a search for “best” but which is best in a particular environment and for a particular application
  11. After Solr 5, (current is Solr 7) Solr is a free-standing application, like ElasticSearch.
  12. Explore nested documents in elasticSearch. Current VIVO interface 
  13. Developed in 1.8 since the ant environment is so much more productive than the 1.9/1.10 Maven environment.
  14. Are there touch points with product evolution? 
    1. Does the nested doc capability, and the ability to have ElasticSearch in the architecture resonate with product evolution? 
    2. Product Evolution is looking at GraphQL for its API capabilities.
  15. How do we see applications related to VIVO being installed? By the installer?
    1. For try out, a jar?
    2. For try out, a VM?
    3. For production, apps must be installed? As we require MySQL and Tomcat now? Solr or ElasticSearch in the future?

Ingest Approaches

  1. Add ingest tools to the table in the apps and tools catalog

Topics for September Sprint

  1. abox/tbox topic
  2. ElasticSearch
  3. Internationalization
  4. Decoupling?

Planning for walk-through of large pull-request

  1. Graham’s pull request is a big one. May need some additional hands.

Previous Actions


  •  ..Alex Viggio  will bring news of Elasticsearch instead of Solr up with Product Evolution.  Might there be consequences for the September sprint.