Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. First stop your Fedora instance by running:$FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
  2. Remove they the deny-purge policies:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to remove "deny-purge" policies
    $ rm -v /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-purge-*

  3. Navigate to the Fedora "repository-policies" directory:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to create islandora specific policies
    $ cd /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/

  4. Download / Clone the Islandora specific XACML policies from the Islandora GitHub XACML Policies repo

    Code Block
    $ git clone islandora


  1. Remove the anonymous-user policies:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to remove "deny-purge" policies
    $ rm -v /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/islandora


  1. /permit-apim-to-


  1. anonymous-user.xml


A standard installation's XACML policy directory structure should look like this:


    $ rm -v /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/islandora/permit-upload-to-anonymous-user.xml

The Islandora XACML policies should now be located in "/usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/islandora". There should be remain only these 4 policies:

  • permit-apim-to-authenticated-user.xml
  • permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
  • permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
  • permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml

A standard installation's XACML policy directory structure should look like this:

Code Block
├── default
├── default
│   ├── deny-apim-if-not-localhost.xml
│   ├── deny-inactive-or-deleted-objects-or-datastreams-if-not-administrator.xml
│   ├── deny-policy-management-if-not-administrator.xml
│   ├── deny-reloadPolicies-if-not-localhost.xml
│   ├── deny-unallowed-file-resolution.xml
│   ├── permit-anything-to-administrator.xml
│   ├── permit-apia-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-dsstate-check-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-oai-unrestricted.xml
│   ├── permit-serverStatus-unrestricted.xml
│   └── readme.txt
└── islandora
    ├── permit-apim-to-authenticated-user.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastreamHistory-unrestricted.xml
    ├── permit-getDatastream-unrestricted.xml
    └── permit-upload-to-authenticated-user.xml




NOTE: If you can not access the above link for ingestion then something went wrong with your installation. Please retrace your steps carefully, and be sure not to miss anything.


Create a milestone 1 snapshot backup:

Code Block
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop

# /usr/local 
# tar -cvzf fedora-milestone1.tar.gz fedora

# cd /var/lib 
# tar -cvzf -cvzf mysql-milestone1.tar.gz mysql

# /etc/init.d/mysql startmysql-milestone1.tar.gz mysql

# /etc/init.d/mysql start
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/

Automatically starting/restating tomcat:

  • If you simply want to automatically start on boot you may want to add this lines to the /etc/rc.local:
Code Block
sleep 10
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/


For information on using Fedora, make use of the tutorials at the Fedora Commons site.
