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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at – and note that the U.S. is already on daylight savings time

These calls now use WebEx and have no limit on the number of attendees – see the "Call-in Information" at the bottom of this page.


  • Brown (Ted) – continuing with list view modifications; wrote a script to parse them to speed up development; working on a VirtualBox development environment
  • Colorado (Stephen) – working back through the Harvester history to slowly piece together any missing pieces so if have done an ingest by hand to test the process, you can transfer that to the Harvester without having to make changes. Hoping by next week to have an automated ingest through the Harvester running. 
    • Will hope to present at the I-Fest have they have moved from an initial Selenium-based approach to a more automated Harvester process
  • Cornell Jim) – spending time looking at the code bases people have sent him to understand where people are making modifications
  • Duke (Richard) – through elements will be adding links to full text of publications where that is in their DSpace institutional repository.
    • Question: how are you getting Elements data for VIVO – are hitting their web service; are not using the open source connector on Github.  Wanted the keywords and concepts from both the people and the publications, so had some special handling to do.
  • Florida Florida
  • Indiana
  • John Hopkins
  • Memorial University
  • NYU
  • Scripps
  • Stony Brook
  • UCSF
  • Johns Hopkins (Kelly) – still working to ingest PubMed data with the Harvester
  • Memorial University (Lisa and John) – just coming out of their planning stage into execution of the move from the existing Yaffle tool to base it on VIVO, with a programmer starting April 1. End of August is the target date for having an internally-visible VIVO-based Yaffle.
  • NYU
  • Scripps (Michaeleen) - See entry below on the imp/dev list traffic
  • Stony Brook
  • UCLA (Lakshmi) – just listening in as part of a general evaluation process
  • UCSF (Eric) – will be releasing a Youtube gadget and a Knode gadget before the AMIA conference next week; there's a UC system TV site hosted on Youtube that has videos by a number of UCSF researchers
  • WashU (Kristi) – a lot of excitement around the implementation fest, the call for workshops for the conference, etc.  People who come to the conference are often quite keen to attend workshops, and several ideas for workshops have been suggested so far
    • understanding how VIVO data and additional data elements could be leveraged at the institutional level for evaluation purposes, and as an efficient way of communicating the scholarly activities of researchers at that institution
    • having a workshop to talk about the different models of support for VIVO and related outreach around access to research data, trends in scholarly publishing
    • there's always interest in implementation of VIVO
    • intersection with other research standards
    • Eric – ran a workshop last year as a hands-on workshop while others were more a series of presentations; either works but workshop descriptions should be clear which it is, or that it will be a mix.
    • The Cards will be playing the Cubs during the conference
    • The hotel can already take reservations; a metro from the airport drops you at the ballpark, a half block from the hotel
  • Weill Cornell (Paul) – made a couple of changes in the past couple days that seem to have solved a number of longstanding performance problems – profiles that would take a long time to load are rendering in under 7 seconds for the largest ones; also converted the encoding type for all the database tables to UTF8, and all special characters now appear. Also troubleshooting errors in publications data downloaded from ScopusWeill Cornell

2013 Implementation Fest update – April 25-26 at CU Boulder

  • A community hands-on development day is planned as an optional additional activity on Saturday the 27th, e.g. working on internationalization
  • Alex has been looking into options for videoconferencing certain events where interest is strong from people who can't attend
    • Stony Brook is generously offering use of their multi-point H.323 bridge to support better-than-desktop quality video
  • Read the blog entry, and the 2013 VIVO Implementation Fest page has information on transportation and hotels
  • A registration page is now live – note that there Registration pageThere is no registration fee for the workshop
  • A DRAFT schedule is available for preview on (including a for mobile view) and as a Google Doc
  • The 2013 VIVO Implementation Fest page has basic information on transportation and hotels and will be fleshed out in the coming weeks as the schedule is confirmed
2013 VIVO Conference

2013 VIVO Conference – Call for Workshops

  • The 4th annual VIVO Conference will be held on August 14-16 in St. Louis
  • The Call for Workshop Proposals is now out with a deadline to submit workshop proposals by March 29
  • The Call for Papers should be out soon – stay tuned – the goal is to give paper and poster presenters early feedback on what has been accepted to help people make their travel plans

Access to Jira

from Jim Blake:

Notable implementation and development list traffic

  • Further word on implementing the Digital Vita CV and BioSketch tool?
  • Ingesting to RDB models to be able to create AgriVIVO user accounts as profile data is imported for them (John F)
  • Hitting memory limits on a 32-bit Windows system when ingesting research area data – 64 bit OS recommended (Giuseppe)
  • Conditional validation (Tom)
    • I was wondering if there was a way to change which validation is run based on the submitting button on an EditConfigurationGenerator form?
      I basically have the situation where I've used a custom BaseEditSubmissionPreprocessorVTwo to allow the user to submit the edit and go forward to the created/linked object or backward to the subject. This is working fine, but the cancel link on the form calls the PostEditCleanupController directly, which doesn't call the preprocessor to set the correct entity URI to redirect to. One solution to this is to move the cancel link to a cancel button, but this, predictably, causes the FieldVTwo validation to fail.
      The other solution is to work out how to forcibly invoke the preprocessor, but this seems as though it would be a much bigger issue, so conditional validation seems the easier way to achieve the same effect.
  • Is anyone using VIVO for historical data such as former faculty & all institutional publications? (Michaeleen)

    • Jon replied to the list that Hal Warren and Eva Winer of the American Psychological Association (APA) are coordinating an effort to build a VIVO with profiles for all APA members dating back to the 1890s, with associated publications.
    • Michaeleen – interested in how to handle issues such as faculty who come and go, and whether to have pointers to work before they arrived or after leaving
    • Jon – this is an excellent use case for linked open data ...
  • According to the UCSD Map of Science site at , the journal list “cover[s] 10 years (2001-2010) of Web of Science data and 8 years (2001-2008) of Scopus data.” So I assume that journals which ceased publication prior to 2001 as well as journals that changed titles or new journals that launched after 2008 (Scopus) or 2010 (WOS) are not included in VIVO Map of Science visualizations? (Michaeleen)  For more detail, download the journal list as an Excel file
    • Jon replied to the list stating that the Map of Science journal list is referenced in an embedded library and not readily accessible through the VIVO code. Jim Blake confirmed that the data are not editable as they reside in zipped Java JAR files that are in binary format when expanded. In a private email exchange between the Scripps and IU teams, Katy had offered to document how to add journal names to the UCSD Map that resides at the IU link (see above) once Chin Hua returns to the office in early April. Once the table that resides at IU is updated, the question becomes how does that information get transferred to the VIVO-embedded library so that the Map of Science visualizations within VIVO run against the most current list of journals.
    • Jim – if there's a mechanism for you to add a file of your own as a substitute rather than modifying the existing list, that might be a faster process.
    • Michaeleen – the biggest issue is around matching on the name of the journal rather than ISSN, and there are some errors in important Chemistry Journals; will also want to add entries for journals that have changed names, or that have started recently.
    • Jon – there's also the issue of assigning classifications to new titles
    • Michaeleen – yes, there is a set of about 500 subject classifications

Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly call

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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