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Please add additional agenda items or updates --


  • Brown – Ted. Loading data, and customizing how it is displayed (custom list views), Looking at alterations to the publications form that would let an editor change the type of a publication.  (maint-rel-1.5 from GitHub)
  • Buffalo – Mark. Having trouble with mod_jk, as mentioned on the list. Erich says that he might have the solution.
  • Colorado – (alex, I missed your update) Working with sysadmins to get 1.5.1 server configured. Hope to go public on Friday. Looking at regional search issues. Production server is running 5 instances of VIVO.
  • Cornell – Tim says we pushed changes to production, relating to Faculty activity within organizations. Other routine stuff.
  • Duke – Patrick, Sheri. Testing, expecting to go live in April. Planning more data ingest, waiting for the library to make it available. Succeeded in a batch upload! Finding the Symplectic data to be pretty clean. Need disambiguation? Users are looking at the data. Getting data from RegenC(sp?).
  • Florida – Nick, Laura, Still issues with logging, especially the manual edit. Laura will send their code to the list.
  • Indiana -- Just getting set up – could use some answers. Will send questions to the list.
  • Brown --
  • Buffalo –
  • Colorado –
  • Cornell –
  • Duke –
  • Florida –
  • Indiana -- 
  • Johns Hopkins --
  • Memorial University --
  • NYU –
  • Scripps --
  • Stony Brook – Erich, Tammy. Working to make WebID work with VIVO. Looking for the least intrusive solution.
  • UCSF –
  • Washington University --
  • Weill – Paul: Eliza is doing ingest with a new approach for publications. Interested in the "pre-loading" discussed on the list.
  • other --

Other updates or topics

Data quality from external tools:
  • Paul Albert asks the Duke folks about the quality of the Symplectic data. Any metrics? Would love to be able to compare different tools and services. Alex says that they did some evaluation on this.
Implementation Fest dates and agenda
  • getting rooms during the semester (before May 13) proving a challenge
Upcoming presentation February 7 on Karma


Karma is a data integration tool used to map USC faculty data to VIVO

  • Powerpoint from 2012 VIVO Conference presentation by Pedro Szekely of the USC Information Sciences Institute

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Linked Data, Semantic Web and Libraries

The Journal of Library Metadata  is soliciting 500-word article proposals on or before, March 31, 2013; full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by July 10, 2013. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Libraries and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Open access, library metadata and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Institutional repository metadata and the Semantic Web
    • Harvesting and sharing of metadata in the new environment
    • Incorporating Linked Data into library information systems
    • Authority control, vocabularies and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Rights and license management in the Semantic Web
    • Linked Data and MARC and non-MARC (EAD, Dublin Core, etc.) library metadata
    • Migration of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to new systems and platforms
    • Conversion and mapping of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to RDF and Linked Data
    • Data clean-up in preparation for migration/conversion

Notable development and implementation list traffic


  • When I run apache and set the tomcat server.xml for connection, vivo does connect to tomcat via apache without the 8080 and '/vivo', but it cannot connect to vivosolr – because everything runs clean under tomcat, I still believe my problem is with mod_jk configuration
  • How can I do complex termSearches with the pubmed harvester that require parenthesis? (Stephen will respond)
  • Help with listViewConfig and propStatement modification
  • 1.5.1 logging issues (Laura will follow up with the Auditor code)
  • Need to configure Tomcat with Memcached (no replies yet, Stephen is interested also)
  • Building with ant war with Weblogic and Glassfish (Jim managed to miss it. Mike will share his info.)
  • Still nobody able to get sparql update working with Fuseki?
  • Research areas – where/how to create an xml sniplet for the research   area and ingest it (Colorado does that - will respond)
  • I would much rather do without any  reliance on SDB as it is very slow and does not scale. OWLIM has a very fast built in OWL2 RL reasoner, which removes the  need for any Vitro-side inferencing in the Jena style (which accounts  for a lot of the speed loss) ... I managed to setup VIVO from Github with the SPARQL backend (and without the simple reasoner). However, triples I add to the tripestore do not show up in the interface (even though the indexer notices them). May have something to do with using skos:prefLabel instead of rdfs:label ... (Brian Lowe says that the current code doesn't work well with the unnamed graph. He will look at other cases that need to be updated)
  • Solr to speed page load times for people with 100+ publications? Some doubts expressed on the list ...
    • From a development point of view,  you then have some bits of the page accessed by Jena api calls, some via SPARQL and some via SOLR... I have an aversion to this
    • there's a script we run that does an HTTP GET on each faculty member  page with more than a threshold number of publications.   (We usually  use 200 as our threshold, but 100 would work as well.)  Our mysql server  has a large enough cache that once those pages have been fetched once,  they're typically quite a bit faster to load on later fetches.
    • (Alex says that more Tomcat memory could help, He will share his init parameters on the list)
  • Other topics as time permits

Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly call

Date: Every Thursday, no end date


Meeting Number: 641 825 891

To join the online meeting


If those links don't work, please visit the Cornell meeting page and look for a VIVO meeting.

To join the audio conference only

Access code:645 873 290

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