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  • Mark Phillips, Kate Wittenberg, Jefferson Bailey, John Kunze, John Chodacki, Ricc Ferrante


Managing meetings, calendars, and communications.

Discussion items


- rf: Smithsonian update (DAMS initiative)

Tech WG: The IETF has new leader and

; moving forward with open access, with general approach of assigning arks to everything
jk: as discussed in the Tech WG, the IETF has new RFC Independent Stream Editor with different requirements and/or style for the review process. WG began discussing if changes are in order to help the spec get through this new RFC process, possibly by splitting it into two specs. Timeline impact not clear at this point.
mp: in the Tech WG there was good discussion and a number of ideas proposed

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

jc: is anyone going to Open Repositories - John Chodacki has ; I have participated in pre-conference discussion

iPres 2022, Sept  - Jefferson going. Others?

jb: IA may send some people
mp: UNT may may also send people (reminder that it's in September)
rf: anyone going to ipres?
jb: I'll be there

Any news items we should blog about?
Ideas - progress to date, planned posts on updates to spec.
jk: The spec update post is in draft, ; a heads up that newsletter is scheduled for 3/16.
jb: Another idea : for a blog post from IA is assigning ARKs from a shared system; Jefferson and Ricc for our respective organizations.
rf: SI might be able to do a post as well
Onboarding Document OverviewKunzeStarted Google doc, will move to Confluence. Covers meeting invites, wiki and other platform access, group assignments, group-wide emails, etc. Will need to include offboarding, too. Noted that shared ownership for documentation needs to be confirmed. JK suggested KeyBase as a mechanism for sharing controlled access files. Need to explore a little further. Force 11 - does not require paid access.
mp: my sense is this should live on the confluence wiki
rf: agreed
jk: my only hesitation is that we were once moving away from confluence
mp: this seems to make sense administratively
jc: rights management with the wiki is a little easier than with googledocs; what about password access?
jk: what about keybase?
jb: we use PGP encrypted files for 1 to 1 sharing, but otherwise have no special secret sauce
jc: Force11 uses shared 1password vault, doesn't seem to require a paid account
Suggestions for managing meetings/calendars/invitationsPhillips

Group discussion on different options for scheduling of recurring events (such as this meeting.) 

Personal Zoom account of the chair has worked but is not optimal way approach. Other platforms have ability create a standing rooms. Further thoughts and suggestions. Will consider creating a G-Suite on Google shared from where we generate meeting invites etc. and bring back ideas to the group.

mp: do people have suggestions on meeting invitations? or do it the usual old-fashioned way?
jc: if we use zoom, that seems the way to do it; there are some other meeting platforms, eg, "google meet"
rf: zoom does support meeting rooms; i'm interested in possibility of using it for breakout rooms
jc: there are some headaches with zoom free accounts (eg, 40-min time limit)
mp: i'm fine using an institutional zoom account; i'm concerned about calendaring
jc: the old way seems to be the main way; maybe set up a Gsuite account for ARKA? need a low barrier way for other people to step in when the chair is unavailable
rf: zoom works for now
mp: we have to be prepared for change in the current platforms

Discussion of communication strategies between ARK Groups. Phillips

What models might we try for representation/communication between groups and from groups up to the AG.

Liaison from AG sits in on other groups. Another option, WG chair sits in on AG meetings. Group agreed WG chairs invited to become AG members.

How do we approach communicating between meetings. Broadcast emails to multiple working groups has a problem of replies bouncing if working group members reply. Slack or other platforms? Enables members to create their own channels around topics and breadth of involvement.

mp: what about communicating to and between working groups?
rf: i don't see problem inviting wg chairs to sit in on ag meetings; seems like an easy way to help communication
jc: yes, it would be great for them to join; it might help people volunteer if they knew they'd have support from the ag; and what about slack?
jb: Slack seems good for cross-org chat; lower barrier to entry
jk: sounds promising
mp: I'll look into Slack
mp: shall I invite wg chairs to participate in ag?
jb: yes, and i'd support making them full AG members
mp: full membership seems fine
jk: sounds good to me
rf: agreed

Role of chairPhillips

Duration to run on the calendar year, two years? Succession planning would require is filled vice chair. Should participation in the AG require a commitment to serve as chair/vice chair at some point? 

mp: when do we look for new chairs? i'd like to suggest they run on the calendar year
jc: if just one year, which can go by fast, we should push for vice-chairs for better succession planning
mp: i have no problem with 2-year expectation of service
rf: should we require wg chairs to server as ag chair?
mp: I worry about doubling down on workload for people who are already reluctant to commit
jb: I could volunteer as vice-chair of ag

Action items
