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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe 
  2. Huda Khan 
  3. Mike Conlon
  4. Don Elsborg (star)
  5. Benjamin Gross
  6. Ralph O'Flinn
  7. Andrew Woods
  8. Steven McCauley
  9. Jane of Wollongong


  1. TDB/SDB special topic follow-up
    1. Continuing with the "special topics" series
  2. Open issues
    1. Moving to the `master` branch
    2. Installation process
      1. Possibility?
  3. Vitro pull-requests
    1. authorization update for self editors - no JIRA
    2. Update Error Prone
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    3. RDF Delta patch messaging
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  4. Developer from may be able to join call to troubleshoot issues they are seeing.  Adding to agenda in case they can make it.


Draft notes in Google-Doc

Start with issue agenda #4, Jane for UOW

Profile load page took forever

When profile first updated, first time takes a while, after that takes less time.

They’ve also tried to get 1.11 running on docker

Huda tried this too, but not too familiar with docker.

From Jane

Researchers running slowly.

She tried to do this on 1.11, but imports via backend running very slowly.

UOW running 1.8.1

"Wallace, Gordon" profile running very slow on first load

Ben - go to site admin in dev panel and log sparql queries to time this

Jane - some other VIVO/institutions had a lot of pubs which loaded quick

Huda - listview queries have some optionals and also have new properties vs. stock vivo

Don - this shouldn’t be a SOLR issue

Jane - optionals in select queries, but unions in construct queries. No optionals in construct queries

Jane - can’t show SPARQL queries as far as she knows

Huda - thinks Jane wanted to see queries through UI, but it shows in the logs

Jane - when moving to 1.11

Don - did you do a full load of all your data into 1.11? What is the env like?

Jane - hardware config for 1.11 was larger then required

Mike - easier to debug in docker, but in 1.8 we have no idea how much customization was involved. Their 1.8 env is old and not a controlled env.

Ben - some of the queries are very data dependent

Request to load Janes data into 1.11 docker

Is it possible to get Janes UOW data?

Jane wants to know where to share it? What forms of data?

Huda/Mke - rdf/xml would be good

Ben - could also share a compressed version of sql db

Huda could get this data on Box or some share site, Jane will send this to Huda

Jane also has issues with the images directory, copied images data but still couldn’t display image

Don thought there was a place where the image upload directory names were set.

Huda - work this offline

Jane - also issues with adding customized themes

UOW is an older site, Jane not exactly sure when it slowed down. A researcher looked at their site and noticed it was slowing down, also that data is getting larger.


TDB/SDB topic call

What to follow up on?

Can we come to a recommendation.

Also, is solution externalizing the 3store

Ralph - short term default should be TDB with eye towards TDB2, with ability to have people use others

Mike - default should be TDB. We should have a document with rationale. Encourage people to participate in Jena. Carefully worded doc with intention for TDB in 1.12. Look for community input. More open process.

Don - incorporate Grahams SDB fixes and add to new VIVO

Ralph - seconds that

Mike - social goal to avoid a fork. Need to enable ability for folks to run what they need.

Grahams versions are in Jena.

Grahams jena fixes not in Vitro library dependencies yet.

Andrew - james creel also had some library fixes for SDB.

Ralph has his branch for SDB fixes from Graham and others.

How to change wording for SDB on Jena site.

Mike - we have our own wording on our site regarding SDB

Andrew - immediate action to update Jena, perhaps isolate this to just a Jena lib update. Create a ticket for this. Update Jena libs and call it 1.11.1

Ben - thinks Grahams fixes are in VIVO 1.11, specifically using Jena 3.11 which has Grahams Jena PR in it. Benjamin confirmed this. We are also using Jena 3.11 in VIVO.

Mike - will check with Graham to check. 

Don - want to verify if optionals really are fixed with Grahams SDB patch. 

Brian - I believe Graham’s fixes to SDB automatically rewrite OPTIONALS in queries to mimic what his new directives do for the list view queries already, so I don’t think we would expect to see any immediate performance change for the complicated list view queries by dropping the extra directives. The underlying SDB improvements would help other queries and simplify the writing of the list view files. Also the externalized triplestore code is already in VIVO. So what else is different?

Andrew - make this default. Eg UF is using Virtuoso. Would be nice to get rid of the SDB/TDB code and just use an external triplestore. 

Brian - before we make a public statement, do more experimentation with external triplestore to verify that things work.

Mike - make sense but issue we come to is that we need a test suite.  Weill tried to move to Virtuoso years ago and then eventually backed off. UF is also saying Virtuoso looks good, but they need a full prod test suite.

Brian - yes, we need a full prod test suite, also Virtuoso did some munging of datatypes.


  •  Organize a session on Brown's work on editing
