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  • John Kunze

  • Kurt EEwoldsen

  • Martin Kalfatovic
  • David Wilcox
  • Heather Greer Klein
  • Brian McBride
  • Kate Wittenberg
  • Erin Tripp 
  • Bertrand Caron
  • Frédérique Joannic-Seta

Discussion items


populating the three WGs

  • Well on our way, Sustainability and Technical WG are up and running on the same date and time each month.
  • Sustainability will start next call wit ha mini-presentation about ARKs, history, costs, why important. To get all on the same page. We want people from other sectors to participate who might not be as aware of the project, history, impact, etc. Need to build shared understanding.
  • Cost estimates and timeline have been added, can add additional information that could be useful.
5mscheduling the first WG meetings
  •  Sustainability and Technical WG are up and running on the same date and time each month.
5mSustainability WG update
  • Will know more after the next meeting. Will recap information discussed with DuraSpace, architecture information, CDL perspective and vision for the project. Good grounding for the discussions to follow.
  • So much of what the WG is working on is high-level, so many questions came out that were not in the BnL survey. Questions about what the community would be willing to pay, how many people are running their own infrastructure vs paying someone else, what is the value proposition for ARKs.
  • How to not overwhelm community with surveys but get enough feedback to make progress
  • Erin: value prop will be iterative. People may not know what they would pay, or what they would receive. Talking to people one on one in informational interviews would be helpful. How much pressure is your budget under? How much are you paying for memberships? Need to come up with a package and test it
  • Kate: don't want to ask how much you would pay or if you like the service, better to ask, we will need to ask for X amount for the next X years.
  • Kurt: need to know what they are currently paying for ARKs infrastructure
  • Good overlap between the AG and sustainability to allow for communications between the groups.
10mlisting meetings and conferences that AG members will be attending (in case we want to meet face-to-face)
  • Need for a shared calendar for meetings and conferences where people can meet face to face. What is needed, and what would be on that calendar?
  • Kurt: need to know what opportunities/events to take advantage of, who is attending what and where we need coverage.
  • Kate: some meetings have tables where we could share information. If we had a one-pager we could share that with others.
  • Kurt: have talked about developing an elevator pitch, a one-page sheet or postcard to share (could be funded out of CDL now), standardized poster
  • Brian: slide deck for lighting talk would be useful as well
  • Nice to reference a list of relevant conferences ACTION: John will create a list of relevant conferences, based on the approach used by Fedora
5mspeaking of meetings, you may be interested in attending a PID workshop in Portland, Oregon May 6-7, co-located with csv,conf,v4
  • John not planning to attend. A new outreach member will attend
  • Erin: a lot of our members are involved in RDA and other organizations that are not repository-focused. There are some UK conferences focused on open community development, usually in the fall. Will add these to the conference list
  • Martin will be at CNI, and could slip in 1-2 slides about ARKs
  • Heather, Erin, and David will be at CNI and the DuraSpace Summit is directly after CNI
15mconsidering how to follow up with everyone who filled out the Expression of Interest, but that we did not otherwise contact
  • About 20 people not on working group who filled out expression of interest
  • Kurt: could reach out to them and prep them for the community feedback we will be looking for
  • Can share with them all of the work that has been done, what is being worked on, that the working groups are in place. Encourage them to share it with their peer group. Send them list of conferences. A special update for those who have expressed interest. No need to ask for permission since they expressed interest.
  • Kate: need to agree on what the message is to those who are interested. John: have the Outreach group review the message.
  • Kurt: all the content needs to be in agreement, poster lightning talk etc. Don't want to indicate an direction for the project before that is determined. Leave room for the evolving decisions.
  • Kate: will need further discussions on what is open and public. John: need to keep as much as possible in the open. First instinct should be openness and putting things on the wiki. Can use Google docs for drafting and things that need to stay private.
  • Need for a quarterly blog post at the end of the month.

Action items

  •  John Kunze John will create a list of relevant conferences, based on the approach used by Fedora, and share it
  •  John Kunze will draft a message to follow up with those on the expression of interest list. Will send draft to the AG ahead of sending
  •  John Kunze will create internal calendar, for communications tracking