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Friday, August 2 at 11:00 pm EST


SG members

Paul Albert,   Mike Conlon, Anna Guillaumet,  Violeta IlikDong Joon (DJ) Lee  Mark Newton, Steven McCauleyVirginia (Ginny) Pannabecker ,   Julia Trimmer , Alex Viggio


Erin Tripp, Andrew Woods 


Terrie Wheeler, Doug Hahn, Mike Conlon

(star) = note taker

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  1. Updates (Mike, 5 minutes)Updates 
    1. One month post-merger – observations
    2. CRM moving from Zoho (Duraspace) to Microsoft Dynamics (LYRASIS).  Consequences
    3. OpenVIVO moved from Hetzner (Germany) to AWS (global).  Cost comparable (saved $9/month)
  2. VIVO task forces and the SG (35 minutes, Julia/round table discussion)
    1. Forming the task forces
    2. Inviting the community
    3. Setting goals for completion
  3. Proposed task forces:
    1. Financial oversight – to adopt new LYRASIS financial and budgeting processes
    2. Development road map – to determine priorities for the next couple of years and work out how to get there
    3. Communication -- including updating the charter with new LYRASIS info
    4. Membership/community engagement – to stay in touch with VIVO implementers within and outside the US, and put together more effective strategies for growing our membership
    5. VIVO and LYRASIS objectives
  4. SG meeting schedule (20 minutes, round table discussion)


Missing 3 people today. Mike, Doug, and Terrie


  • 30 days post-merger - working on a budget in LYR format and creating narrative/glossary. Working on program sustainability assessment template. Will start that internally with staff. It will inform some discussions with Steerers and Leaders in coming months. 
  • CRM - we want to talk about ways to automate validation of User Registry Data and integrate it with the CRM.  Stay tuned/ 

Task Forces

  • Action planning groups were more engaging than the steering meetings. 
  • Those ended in march. We need to form some new groups. 
  • They are designed to have a deliverable and a defined timeline for completion. 
  • We invite anyone in the community to participate. Not just governance members. Separate meetings from Leaders and Steering meetings. 
  • E.g. Membership task force is fairly active. And is still ongoing. 
  • We need a financial oversight task force. Help adopt the new LYR budget and financial process going forward. And do up budget for next sycle. 
  • We also need a development roadmap one too. Opportunity within community - ppl are interested in future direction of VIVO and the architecture - where to go from here for the next few years. Some ppl were nominated but elected members - we need them to contribute. Good way to do that. 
  • We also need a communications task force. We need a short article. We need to update the charter with LYR info and changes to meeting schedule if those happen. Anna volunteered to help. She has designers at SIGMA. They did the annual report. We could use some help with rebranding. 
  • Membership task force is super important. Maybe we could expand that to be community engagement. They go hand in hand. It could reflect the implementations in the US but they aren't prospects for membership. 
  • VIVO and LYR objectives document needs to be updated over time. Maybe not a task force but needs to be revisited. 


  • Violeta - is August 1 the launch of the new steering and leadership groups> 
  • Julia - yes for the steering. Aug 16 is the launch for leadership groups. 
  • Violeta - are you expecting us to be part of task forces? or community members? Or both? 
  • Julia - it's up to us. We can make this a group discussion. We talked about it last year - at that time we talked about steerers participating in at least one task force. 
  • Violeta - Are you the chair of the steering group? Would liaisons report to steering chair? 
  • Julia - Yes, I think I agreed to a 2-year term. 
  • Violeta - I can't wait for someone to take on the tweeting and posting blogs, stuff. 


  • V - in favor
  • E - prioritize task forces based on impact. Be sensitive to volunteer fatigue. 
  • A - Working groups come out of steering and should report to leadership on working groups. In favor. 
  • J - Good idea. Def having people on steering on task forces will aid communication. I'm also on membership group but I've been out of touch because of capacity. I'm happy to switch to a different group or do one more. I think the development roadmap is a huge priority. COmmunications sounds like a good one to add. 
  • D- Priority is important with volunteers. My experience from last year if we do too much we lose focus. Individual groups need support from steering or leaders - how can we help them have focus? There are other competing priorities from work, conference travel, we need to help with focus given this competition. I don't know how but they need support. 
  • J- if steering becomes a place where we can troubleshoot and discuss the task forces that might help focus or re-focus these groups and provide that support. True it's hard to keep TFs moving with competing priorities. 
  • S - Sounds good. Sort of needing some guidance. I'm happy to volunteer for things. Development TF would dovetail with my other work. Happy to help where needed. 
  • J - we will plan to move forward with this. 


  • If we keep our current schedule there will be a steering and leadership meeting a month. And then add on the TF meetings. That seems like a lot to me personally. What to you think about changing the schedule? 
  • V - I am on leaders, steerers, and 2 TF meetings - it's a lot of meetings. But I think it's okay. 
  • J - we could try it and see. We could move 
  • Julia - I was going to suggest alternating the steering and leadership meetings monthly
  • J  - this is my first time on this group. Not sure what we tackle here yet. 
  • Julia - I feel kind of guilty asking people to do more. I want to be sensitive to burn out. 
  • Erin - what is the role of each meeting? Task force - getting work done. Steering - troubleshoot and focus task Forces. Leadership - report out, present proposals and vote. Could you reduce the Leadership meetings? Quarterly? 
  • Violeta - the Leaders were so active last year and we want to increase that. I don't think quarterly is enough for Leaders. 
  • Julia - Last year we were having the same meeting in Steerers and Leaders. We didn't know how to fit in Steering meetings and how to use those. 
  • Anna - what about having Leadership meeting every 2 months. I think every month is better but we have too many meetings. It will help us make the content more relevant. 
  • J - if Leaders were every 2 months and have a designated report in the middle from the Steering Group about task forces?? 
  • A few people express interest in this idea. 
  • J - if we have proposals, the more time we have for people to review this information is better. The report is an opportunity to reach out and ask for feedback. 
  • Julia - last year we relied on Mike a lot for proposal. I realized that we're leaning too hard on him. We should be leaning on steering as a whole instead. It will make it easier for us to work around people's availability/ travel so we have stopgaps built-in as collectively responsible for this kind of work. 
  • Clarify - instead of Mike and Julia coming up with the Leadership group agenda and proposals it should come from this group instead. 
  • To get more participation and direction from this group we as steerers need to make decisions. We need to develop confidence in making decisions and we can do that with the people who are here - as long as we have a quorum. 
  • Mike has been so amazing for VIVO and carrying such a heavy load we have let him take so much on. But for this group to become participatory we can't use him as a crutch. I have done that and I am realizing that. We want to evolve this with him. We need to take more initiative as a steering group. 
  • S - no input. 
  • D- I agree with Julia. Especially with the point that the steering group needs more initiative than in the past.  
  • J - sounds good. makes a lot of sense for this group to be defining the agenda. 
  • Action - then in the Leadership Group meeting on Aug we will talk to Leaders about this, make a proposal, and make them to vote? Email this to steerers to capture thoughts of people who aren't here and ask if this should be a discussion or a vote. 
    • Preface: Roles of our meetings: Task force - getting work done. Steering - troubleshoot and focus task Forces. Leadership - report out, present proposals and vote.
    • The proposal is: Keep steering group schedule meeting every 4 weeks. Move Leaders meeting to every 8 weeks and add a text report to leaders every month (in between meetings). Goal: We hope this will free up time for Leaders and Steering to participate in Task Forces. 
    • Forthcoming: Schedule to demonstrate proposal.