Versions Compared


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The procedure here describes testing an upgrade from an earlier version of VIVO.  If you have questions, please post to 

What has changed

Jena 3 improves Jena's RDF 1.1 compatibility. Specifically, literal values are always stored internally with datatypes. "Untyped" string literals are the same as the identical value typed as xsd:string. See the following document for more information


Code, tools, parsers, utilities based on RDF 1.0 should not be used with Vitro and VIVO 21.010. 0.  All code, tools, parsers, and utilities must support RDF 1.1.

On start-up of version 21.0.010, the triple store is checked to insure that it has been upgraded.  If untyped literals are found in the triple store, an error message will appear in the browser and the application will not start.  The test applies only to the content store.  It is possible that your content store could pass this test, but your configuration triple store remains incompatible with Jena 3 and RDF 1.1.  In such a case, your application may become unstable.  The procedure below will upgrade both your configuration triple store and your content triple store.  

Upgrade procedure

It is required that you reload any SDB and TDB triple stores when upgrading to Jena 3 using the procedure and tools described below.


VIVO/Vitro uses two triple stores – a configuration triple store typically stored using TDB in <vivo home dir>/tdbModels, and a content triple store typically stored using SDB in MySQL.  The procedures described below assume that you are running this standard configuration.  If you are not, you will need a custom procedure for upgrading your triple stores.

Step 1: Shutdown Tomcat

Use your local procedure for shutting down Tomcat.  Tomcat must be shut down for the upgrade process to proceed.

Step 2: Install VIVO





Download 2.0.0 beta 1.10 beta from GitHub.  Follow the instructions for installing VIVO. Stop prior to starting Tomcat.

Step 3: Export the triple stores

  • To export successfully, you need to ensure no other programs are accessing your triple stores.
  • Your file system must have the space available and be capable of storing files large enough to contain your entire triple store serialisation.

To export your triples store, use the jena2tools utility provided with VIVO 21.0.010, in <vivo home dir>/bin, specifying the export command, as shown below.


jena2tools will then extract the contents of the available triple stores, and dump them to <vivo home dir>/dumps in TriG format.

Step 4: Inspect the dumps

Check <vivo home dir>/dumps to confirm that the triple stores have been exported.  Inpect the dump files to insure they contain the data from your triple stores.

Step 5: Empty your triple stores

Drop all tables in your SDB database as named in your  You may drop your database and recreate it as empty, just as you would for creating a new VIVO install.  jena3tools must find an empty database (no tables) as named in your and will recreate your SDB triple store as tables in the named database using the triples produced by jena2tools and stored in <vivo home dir>/dumps/content.trig

Delete all files in <vivo home dir>/tdbModels.  Jena3tools will rebuild your configuration tdbModels based on the content created by jena2tools and stored in <vivo home dir>/dumps/configuration.trig

Step 6: Import the triple stores

Having exported your Jena 2 triple stores, you can reload them using jena3tools, also available with VIVO 21.0.010, specifying the import command.


jena3tools will be present in <vivo home dir>/bin when you install the 21.0.0 beta10 beta. Alternatively, it can be downloaded from GitHub.

Step 7:  Start Tomcat

Using your normal procedure, start Tomcat.  Perform your usual start-up tests – login, view pages, conduct searches, examine visualizations, perform queries.  Please report your findings to


After upgrading, does the application behave as expected? Can you see everything in VIVO, log in, edit content, use the system admin pages, see visualizations, conduct searches, etc.


If you are testing the Vitro / VIVO beta release, please report your findings:


Please report your findings on the mailing list.

