Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To install the module, use the standard Drupal module installation structure:. Get the module from the Release Notes and Downloads page.

  • Place the unpackaged module in your site's 'modules' folder, with the name stripped out of the version. For single-site installations, this should almost always be in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules.



Code Block
titleUnzip method 1
Save the downloaded file into /opt/downloads
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
# unzip /opt/downloads/
# mv islandora-7.x-.1.4 islandora
# chown -R www-data:www-data islandora
  • Method 2: Manually via the command line with git download:
Code Block
titleUnzip method 2
# cd /opt/downloads
# git clone -b 7.x
# cp -R /opt/downloads/islandora /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
# 1.5 islandora
# chown -R www-data:www-data islandora
  • Method 3: From within Drupal: navigate to base-site-url/admin/modules/install. From here, either upload the zipped module, or enter into the text box there. Note that this method is less reliable, as it requires the correct permissions to have been previously set up using your web server
    Change the permissions on Drupal sub-directories to match the webserver daemon and restart tomcat:
Code Block
titlefix permissions
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all
# chown -R www-data:www-data *
  • Set up the policies to allow Islandora to connect to Fedora. This is done by making changes in /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies:
Code Block
titlefix Fedora policies
First remove the deny-purge policies in the default directory:
# rm /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-purge-*

Then, create the islandora directory for the Islandora policy files, and copy the files from the islandora
# mkdir /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/islandora
# cd /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/islandora
# cp /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/islandora/policies/* .

Now, restart Tomcat.
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/


  • Enable the uploaded module by navigating to base-site-url/admin/modules, scrolling down to the Islandora Core Module (in the 'Islandora' category), checking the box to the left of it, and then scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the 'Save configuration' button.


Once installed, configuration options for the Islandora module can be found on your site at  The configuration panel is depicted in the screenshot below. 

Image RemovedImage Added

The three tabs to the left of the screen provide the following areas for configuration: Tuque library installation test from milestone 4 is the green check mark in /admin/islandora/configure. It is as simple as that.

Test the Islandora Core Module installation:

  • Once Islandora Core is enabled, you should be able to test. Ensure that the 'testing' module is enabled in Drupal (it is not by default), then go to Configuration > Development > Testing and click the link.


Code Block
titleInstall Basic Collection Solution Packs
# cd /opt/downloads
# unzip
# mv islandora_solution_pack_collection-7.x-1.45 islandora_solution_pack_collection
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
# cp -R /opt/downloads/islandora_solution_pack_collection .
# chown -R www-data:www-data islandora_solution_pack_collection
  • Now, go into the Drupal modules menu. At the bottom, turn on Basic Collection Solution pack, and save the configuration. Make sure the package is enabled without error.
  • Then  go to the main page of the Drupal site. Click the link on the bottom left of the screen that says Islandora Repository. You should see a "Islandora Repository" link on the Navigation Pane and a window titled "Top-level Collection".

Test the Basic Collection Solution Pack installation:

  • Once Basic Collection is enabled, you should be able to test. Go to Configuration > Development > Testing and click the link.


Code Block
titleInstall the Starter Kit
# cd /opt/downloads
# unzip
# unzip
# mv islandora_solution_pack_image-7.x-1.45 islandora_solution_pack_image
# mv islandora_solution_pack_pdf-7.x-1.45 islandora_solution_pack_pdf
# cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
# cp -R /opt/downloads/islandora_solution_pack_image .
# cp -R /opt/downloads/islandora_solution_pack_pdf .
# chown -R www-data:www-data islandora_solution_pack*
  • Download and install the ImageMagick Drupal module.

    Code Block
    titleInstall the ImageMagick Drupal Module
    # cd /opt/downloads
    # unzip
    # mv imagemagick-7.x-1.0 imagemagick
    # cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
    # cp -R /opt/downloads/imagemagick .
    # chown -R www-data:www-data imagemagick 
  • Install the OS related dependencies for the PDF Solution Pack (imagemagick, pdftotext and ghostscript):

    Code Block
    titleInstall dependencies
    # apt-get install imagemagick
    # apt-get install pdftotext poppler-utils
    # apt-get install gs
  • Now, go into the Drupal modules menu. At the bottom, turn on Basic Image and and PDF solution packs, and save the configuration. Make sure the packages are enabled without error.
  • Go to the main page of the Drupal site. Click the link on the bottom left of the screen that says Islandora Repository. You should see in the "Top-level Collection" pane the two folders titled "Basic Image Collection" and "PDF Collection Collection

Test the Starter Kit installation

  • As with the Islandora Core, you should be able to test both the Basic Image and PDF Collection solution packs.


At the end of this installation, you will be ready to populate your site with some digital assets (images or PDF files) for testing purposes. Your root Islandora repository can be found at base-site-url/islandora (Check How to Add an Item to a Digital Collection). If you can not see the Basic Image Collection or the PDF Collection folders on your Islandora repository then something is wrong with the installation. Please retrace your steps.


Code Block
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# /etc/init.d/apacheapache2 stop

# cd /usr/local 
# tar -cvzf fedora-milestone5.tar.gz fedora

# cd /var/lib 
# tar -cvzf mysql-milestone5.tar.gz mysql

# cd /var/www
# tar -cvzf drupal-milestone5.tar.gz drupal

# /etc/init.d/mysql start
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/apacheapache2 start