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titleDSpace 7.6.1 was released on November ___15, 2023

To try out DSpace 7.6.1 immediately, see Try out DSpace 7.   This includes instructions for a quick-install via Docker, as well as information on our DSpace demo site.

To upgrade to DSpace 7.6.1 from 7.x or any prior version, see Upgrading DSpace

  • To upgrade to 7.6.1, you MUST upgrade both the backend and frontend (user interface). Many bug fixes require updating both.

To install DSpace 7.6.1 for the first time, see Installing DSpace.



Development Acknowledgments

A total of 37 38 unique individuals contributed to 7.6.1.


Backend / REST API Acknowledgments

The following 1920 individuals have contributed directly to the DSpace backend (REST API, Java API, OAI-PMH, etc.) in this release (ordered by number of GitHub commits): Tim Donohue (tdonohue), Agustina Martinez (amgciadev), Mark Wood (mwoodiupui), Paulo Graça (paulo-graca), Toni Prieto (toniprieto), Adán Román Ruiz (aroman-arvo), Christian Bethge (ChrisBethgster), Alan Orth (alanorth), Nicholas Woodward (nwoodward), Nona Luypaert (nona-luypaert), Alexandre Vryghem (alexandrevryghem), Hrafn Malmquist (J4bbi), Andrea Bollini (abollini), Luca Giamminonni (LucaGiamminonni), damian-joz, Michael Spalti (mspalti), Kim Shepherd (kshepherd), Martin Walk (MW3000)

The above contributor list was determined based on contributions to the "DSpace" project in GitHub between 7.6 (after June 23, 2023) and 7.6.1:


  • Bulk Access Management allows someone with administrative privileges (site wide or over a single object) to perform bulk modifications to the permissions of objects they administer.  This allows for the ability to add/remove embargoes or other access restrictions to many objects at once. (Developed and co-funded by 4Science with the Support of University of Cambridge)
  • Support for selecting Primary Bitstream for archived Items, similar to version 6.x.The existing "primary bitstream" selector now functions properly when editing a Bitstream.
  • Item counts can now be displayed for all Communities/Collections similar to version 6.x. (Donated by PCG Academia)
  • Browse Hierarchical Controlled Vocabularies This new feature allows users to browse/search for items quickly using the same controlled vocabulary configured in your submission forms. (Donated by Atmire)
  • Signposting support for items and bitstreams. This new feature embeds signposting links/metadata into pages and responses, to better support FAIR guiding principles. (Developed and donated by 4Science) 
  • Import Simple Archive Format Zip files from a remote URL. This feature enhances the existing batch import feature to allow you to specify the URL of the ZIP file to import, instead of using the drag & drop upload. (Developed and donated by 4Science)
  • ImageMagick Thumbnails for Video files (MP4). A new "ImageMagick Video Thumbnail" plugin can be used to generate thumbnails from Video files using FFmpeg. (Donated by Abel Gómez)
  • Ability to map Item submission forms via Entity Type to easily configure a submission form for all Collections accepting the same Entity Type. See the Configurable Entities documentation. (Donated by Paulo Graça)
  • New default Privacy Statement and End User Agreement The new default text of these policies can be found by visiting the links in the footer of our demo site. (Donated by DSpaceDirect)
  • Oracle support has been removed as was previously announced in March 2022 on our mailing lists.


  • Runtime Configuration for the User Interface (Donated by Harvard University, developed by William Welling ): In DSpace 7.0 and 7.1, changes to your User Interface Configuration required rebuilding the entire UI (which could take 10+ minutes). As of 7.2, all User Interface configurations are loaded at runtime. So, to change configurations just requires a quick restart of the User Interface (which usually takes only a few seconds).  The configuration format also changed from Typescript to YAML to support this feature. A "yarn env:yaml" migration script is provided to migrate the old format to the new one. See User Interface Configuration for more details.
  • Add Item Embargoes / Restrictions in the Submission User Interface: A new, optional "itemAccessConditions" step exists in the Submission configuration. Enabling it adds a section which allows you to select access restrictions, embargoes or leases. It also allows you to select whether the Item is discoverable via search/browse.  See Submission User Interface and Embargo documentation for details.
  • Feedback Form: A feedback form is now linked in the footer of every page, as long as a "feedback.recipient" is specified in your local.cfg. This feature allow users to contact the configured "feedback.recipient" from any page in the site.
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication Plugin (Ported from the DSpace-CRIS project by Hardy Pottinger of California Digital Library, with support from 4Science):  DSpace now supports single sign on using OpenID Connect (OIDC), which allows it to support authentication through providers such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. For more information on setting this up, see the Authentication Plugins page.
  • IIIF Enhancements (Donated by Michael Spalti of Willamette University): Includes support for adding IIIF metadata using Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format (SAF), editing IIIF bitstream metadata from the User Interface (when editing an existing Bitstream), and a new "./dspace iiif-canvas-dimensions" CLI tool for auto-populating IIIF canvas dimensions in bulk.
  • Running "filter-media" (Mediafilters) from Processes User Interface.  Administrators can now run the "filter-media" script from the Admin UI ("Processes" menu), in order to immediately update thumbnails, full text indexing, etc. See Mediafilters for Transforming DSpace Content for more details about this script.
  • Improved support for custom "Browse By" configurations. User Interface "Browse by" options are now retrieved dynamically from the REST API, based on the backend's configured browse by indexes (see "webui.browse.index.*" options documented in the Configuration Reference)
  • Backend has added support for JDK 17. The DSpace backend now supports either JDK 11 or JDK 17.
  • Frontend has been upgraded to Angular 11.
  • Solr now uses a connection pool by default (Donated by Mark H. Wood of IUPUI). See Configuration Reference for details of new "solr.client.*" configs in dspace.cfg.


  • Request a Copy (Backend donated by Mark H. Wood of IUPUI):  Similar to v6.x, users can now ask the original author or submitter (or a help desk email) for an emailed copy of access restricted files.  This provides users with a way to privately get copies of restricted files, should the request be approved. A request can be submitted by simply clicking on an access restricted bitstream in the UI.  Approval or rejection of the request occurs by clicking the link sent in the request email.
  • Item Versioning: Similar to v6.x, administrators or submitters can now create new versions of Items. A new Item version can be created by logging in & clicking the "Create new version" button (next to the "Edit this item" button) on an Item's page.  The new version is then created via the normal Item submission form (prepopulated with all existing information).  Once created, all versions of an Item are visible on the Item page in the "Version History" section. 
    • Item Versioning is enabled by default, but can be disabled via configuration.
    • Entities are not yet supported for Versioning.
  • Configure Collections to harvest content via OAI-PMH (OAI Harvesting): Similar to 6.x (XMLUI), on the "Edit Collection" page's "Content Source" tab, there's an option to specify "This collection harvests its content from an external source".  When enabled for a Collection, you can configure an external OAI-PMH instance (including another DSpace site) to harvest from.  Once configured in the UI, harvesting is completed based on the configured schedule in your backend's local.cfg or oai.cfg.
  • IIIF Support (Donated by Michael Spalti of Willamette University, with support & enhancements donated by 4Science): DSpace now supports the International Image Interoperability Framework (, including an embedded IIIF viewer (Mirador) in the UI. IIIF support is disabled by default, but can be easily enabled via configuration. Enabling IIIF also requires installing a IIIF image server (e.g. Cantaloupe). For more details, please see the linked documentation.
  • Ability to "extend" other User Interface themes: In your, you can now specify that one theme "extends" another. This allows you to inherit all settings from the extended them by default.  See the "Entending other Themes" section of the User Interface Customization documentation.
  • Configure one Entity Type per Collection (Ported by 4Science from their DSpace-CRIS project): When Configurable Entities are enabled, in the "Edit Collection" page you can select an Entity Type (e.g. Person, Project, Journal, etc) that Collection will accept. Once configured, this Collection will only accept new Submissions of that Entity Type, and will be one of the recommended Collectionsto Submitters whenever they start a new Submission of that Entity Type. See "Configure Collections for each Entity type" section of the Configurable Entities documentation.
  • Support for importing Entities & Relationships via the Simple Archive Format (Donated by tysonlt):  This is achieved via a new, optional "relationships" file in the Simple Archive Format directory. See the documentation for more details.
  • Support for importing Project Entities with funding information via the OpenAIRE API (Donated by Paulo Graça ): When importing a new "Research Project" Entity, a new "Funding OpenAIRE API" option is available, allowing you to import a Project from the OpenAIRE API complete with all it's funding information (Funder, Funder Identifier, Funding Stream and Funding ID). This is implemented via a new external source via Live Import from external sources.
  • Command-line script to help test the connection between your UI and your REST API.  Several people who installed 7.0 early ran into issues configuring the UI and REST API properly.  A new "yarn config:check:rest" script has been added to the frontend codebase to help validate the connection with your REST API. It should also provide more descriptive errors (should they occur) which will help us to debug future issues others may encounter. See the "Frontend Installation" instructions (step 4) in Installing DSpace for more details.
  • Logical Item Filtering and DOI Filtered Provider for DSpace. This introduces a framework to define rules using boolean logic to filter items. Furthermore these filters can be used to decide whether a DOI should be minted for a certain item or not. Donated by The Library Code with the support of TUHH and TIB.

Security fixes include:

  • [HIGH] CVE-2021-41189In 7.0, a Community or Collection Admin could escalate their permissions to become a full Administrator. A quick fix is also provided for sites running 7.0. (Reported by Andrea Bollini of 4Science) 
