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LG and SG members:

Paul Albert, Ann Beynon, Robert Cartolano,   Tom Cramer, Mike Conlon,  Anna Guillaumet, Doug Hahn, Christian Hauschke, Violeta Ilik, Muhammed Javed, DJ Lee, Mark Newton,   Jean Rainwater, Hannah Sommers, Julia Trimmer, Terrie Wheeler


Erin Tripp, Andrew Woods


Robert Cartolano, Federico Ferrario, Mark Newton, Ginny Pannabecker, Alex Viggio, Joe Zucca.

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  • Mike chaired the meeting at Julia's request
  • Welcome to new and returning Leadership Group members.
    • Christian - newly elected community rep, hosting a German national VIVO workshop on Sept. 17 and 18
    • Violeta - newly elected community rep
    • Alex - reelected community rep
    • Hannah - reelected bronze rep
  • Technical initiatives doc
    • Mike: We've removed a couple that have already been done. The first 3 are underway via the Task Force process.
    • Javed: ontology improvement task force - we worked to bring together ontologies into a single file. We can finally point at it.
    • Mike: We've added another 35 to do items, one of which is accessible themes. I get one inquiry per month asking about VIVO's accessibility.
    • Spreadsheet: column for impact and effort, which would be a score from 1-10. Another column is component.
    • Mike: Julia suggested a first scoring should be done by a small group, but I'm happy that anyone could do that.
    • Paul: I care about Product Evolution efforts including performant index and refined interface.
    • Javed: I'm noticing some initiatives that are short-term and others that are more long-term.
    • Jean: the process sounds fine.
    • Hannah: I think we should note dependencies.
    • DJ: process looks good.
    • Doug: nothing to add
    • Christian: I can add some info and will provide info.
    • Ann: it's important to get wider input
    • Anna: Happy to see the process
    • Mike/Terrie: if we're going to address grant funding, we would need to look to how these features could be incorporated into core.
    • Mike to send out a request for scoring. There will then be a scoring and reconciliation process among the scorers
  • Procedure for Steering Group members
    • Mike: thanks for everyone voting. We had votes from all but one people eligible to vote. Nice job, all.
    • The nominations for Steering Group comes from the Leadership group. We will be opening up nominations this afternoon. Nominations will be open for 7 days. 
  • Grant funding
    • Violeta: I need access to the folder but that probably needs to be fixed at the top level.
    • Mike: JenaConnectifier and ReCiter could be included in VIVO Combine. 
    • Mike: we're of course interested in European grant opportunities.
    • Christian: we had some problems finding programs that are applicable to both US and European countries. You don't exactly qualify as a developing country.
    • Mike: this will always be a problem. It's difficult to have international participation in grants unless it's specifically called for.... Sometimes funders including foundations are more amenable to negotiation.
    • Erin: That has been my experience working with the Mellon Foundation.
    • Violeta: sometimes you can ask personal contacts, "How does this idea sound?"
    • Erin: I have contacts at IMLS. That might be appropriate.
    • Tom: Mellon is very much into open science. Sloan is more into community and the arts, and they may be more of a stretch. Same with IMLS.
    • Violeta: I have some contacts at Sloan.
    • Mike: we should remember that this is potential funding for people at your institution. Securing funding can help change the conversation at the institution.
    • Tom: How does this Grants sheet overlap with the technical initiatives and product evolution group, if at all? (It seems to me that Product Evolution is a grantable activity)
    • Tom: is everyone who can/should comment on this doc within Leaders? I wonder about if and when it might be surfaced to others in the VIVO community not on this call

      With Mellon and Sloan, yes.... Mike: I'm fine with opening it for editing. Christian: the Danish people are very successful with funding. I would consider posting it to everyone. Terrie: I think it would be helpful if we targeted specific people in the organization.

    • Mike: if you want to see something in the VIVO Updates, send me something by Saturday.
  • Mike: any future items you would like to see?
    • Violeta: VIVO marketing
    • Erin: ResearchGraph
    • Tom: when will there be a proposal for the next conference? 
    • Mike: we're expecting a proposal proposals on August 6. 
    • Tom: we were also thinking about a research intelligence conference in North America. 
    • Mike: yes, I think that might be worth exploring. 
    • Tom: there's an opportunity to combine with the Pure user group.
