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German National Library of Science and Technology joins Duraspace as a member.  VIVO has a new member!  The German National Library of Science and Technology, has joined Duraspace as member supporting VIVO.  From Wikipedia:

The German National Library of Science and Technology (GermanTechnische Informationsbibliothek), abbreviated TIB, is the national library of the Federal Republic of Germany for all fields of engineeringtechnology, and the natural sciences. It is jointly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the 16 German states. Founded in 1959, the library operates in conjunction with the Leibniz Universität Hannover. In addition to acquiring scientific literature, it also conducts applied research in such areas as the archiving of non-textual materials, data visualization and the future Internet. The library is also involved in a number of open access initiatives. With a collection of over 9 million items in 2017,[1] the TIB is the largest science and technology library in the world.

TIB has been very active in the VIVO community, presenting at the VIVO conference, organizing a VIVO workshop in Hannover, conducting VIVO webinars, participating in interest groups, and developing a German-language version of VIVO, along with ontology extensions for German scholars.

We are thrilled to welcome TIB as a member of Duraspace supporting VIVO!

Membership in Duraspace.  It's easy to become a Duraspace member.  Members support the on-going work of Duraspace, including VIVO.  Membership is available at various levels with various member benefits.  All members receive discounts on registration to the VIVO Conference and VIVO Camps. In addition, members participate in the governance of the project, and are invited to the annual Duraspace Summit, held each year in April.  The most recent Summit was held in Albuquerque – it was great to see everyone who attended and have a chance to personally discuss VIVO strategy and next steps with the members.  For more information on membership, see

How you can help.  We are often asked "how can I help VIVO?" There are many ways!  Here are some ideas:

  • Become a member.  Well, I guess that was obvious.  Membership is critically important to the success of the project.  The more members, the faster we go.
  • Attend Interest group calls.  This is a good place to start.  You'll meet other members of the VIVO community and get up to speed with the current community efforts.  Interest group calls are announced in VIVO Updates every week – this week's call is the Implementation Interest Group.  See Interest Groups, and below regarding this week's call.
  • Ask a question or answer a question on the mailing lists,  (non-technical) and  (technical)
  • Contribute code.  Are you a developer?  We have many VIVO sites that have produced wonderful extensions to VIVO.  We'd like to make these new features available to the entire community be making your work available in future releases of VIVO.  See VIVO 1.10.0 Release Planning and contact Graham Triggs
  • Participate in a task force.  Task forces get work done.  The calls and documents are open to everyone.  Check the VIVO wiki for current task forces. See Task Forces
  • Present about VIVO at a conference.  Get the word out.  Share your experiences.  Build community understanding of the need for VIVO. 
  • Contribute documentation.  Are you a writer?  VIVO needs additional material for its technical documentation.  See something missing?  Perhaps you are the person to write the missing piece!  See VIVO 1.9.x Documentation and contact Mike Conlon or Graham Triggs.
  • Hold a VIVO meeting.  Gather the people in your area for a local users group – discuss issues of local interest.  Share your discussions with the VIVO community. If you are planning a meeting, please contact Mike Conlon.  We may be able to help.
  • Sponsor the conference.  The conference is always looking for additional sponsors to improve the conference and the VIVO project.
  • Attend a VIVO Camp.  Perhaps you would like to learn more about VIVO in a training environment.  We expect to hold a VIVO Camp in the fall at a location to be determined.  See VIVO Camp Task Force
  • Share your ideas!  The mailing lists are a great place to share your thoughts about VIVO.  And you can always write directly to me at and to Graham at We'd love to hear from you!

Implementation Interest Group call This Thursday at 1 PM.  Here's the WebEx link The call is open to everyone.  The group discusses implementation issues.  People ask questions, share experience, get advice, and in general, help each other.  If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, regarding implementing VIVO, this call is a great place to share.

Story 3  Text of story 3

Story 4  Text of story 4

Story 5  Text of story 5For those who are keeping track, there are seven exclamation points used in this edition of VIVO Updates. No comment.



Mike Conlon 
VIVO Project Director