Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


Since VIVO 1.6, it It is possible for a Freemarker template to display data that is not normally provided to it.


We would like for VIVO to display the name of this individual on every page, so the footer will change from this:

to this:

Creating the DataGetter





VIVO allows you to define and use DataGetter objects in several contexts. DataGetters come in many flavors, but the most commonly used is the SparqlQueryDataGetter, which lets you define a SPARQL query, and store the results of that query for your Freemarker template to display.


Here is the standard footer.ftl template, as used in VIVO 1.6::

Code Block
<#-- $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ -->
</div> <!-- #wrapper-content -->
<footer role="contentinfo">
    <p class="copyright">
        <#if copyright??>
            <#if copyright.url??>
                <a href="${copyright.url}" title="${i18n().menu_copyright}">${copyright.text}</a>
             | <a class="terms" href="${urls.termsOfUse}" title="${i18n().menu_termuse}">${i18n().menu_termuse}</a></small> 
        ${i18n().menu_powered} <a class="powered-by-vivo" href="" target="_blank" title="${i18n().menu_powered} VIVO"><strong>VIVO</strong></a>
        <#if user.hasRevisionInfoAccess>
             | ${i18n().menu_version} <a href="${version.moreInfoUrl}" title="${i18n().menu_version}">${version.label}</a>
    <nav role="navigation">
        <ul id="footer-nav" role="list">
            <li role="listitem"><a href="${urls.about}" title="${i18n().menu_about}">${i18n().menu_about}</a></li>
                <li role="listitem"><a href="${}" title="${i18n().menu_contactus}">${i18n().menu_contactus}</a></li>
            <li role="listitem"><a href="" target="blank" title="${i18n().menu_support}">${i18n().menu_support}</a></li>
<#include "scripts.ftl">

 Image Removed

Insert these lines between lines 19 17 and 2018:

Code Block
        <#if (updatedInfo?first.updater)??>
            | Updated by ${updatedInfo?first.updater}
