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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


Upcoming Events

  • DuraSpace Sponsor Summit: March 11-12 in Washington DC

    • VIVO Project Sponsors that plan to attend in person or remotely should RSVP by January 31

    • Contact Kathryn by email if you have questions

  • 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest: March 19 - 21 at Duke University in Durham, NC

    • 2014 VIVO Hackathon: on March 18 preceding IFest at Duke University

    – Chris
    • – Chris Barnes is soliciting input on possible development projects

    • 2014 VIVO Ontology working session (half-day) – morning of March 21 at Duke University – will confirm point of contact

  • Other VIVO-related events? We plan to centralize VIVO event listings/calendars in one place soon, and will link to this here


  • Brown (Ted)

    • ontology additions for publications

    • working with Web of Science and Springer OA APIs for publication harvesting

  • Colorado (Alex)

    • Still looking at 1.6, assessing

  • Cornell (Jim, Tim, Huda)

    • Jon and Brian at Stanford for Linked Data for Libraries grant

    • Some progress on 1.6 migration

  • Duke

  • EPA
  • Florida
  • Memorial
  • RPI
  • Scripps
  • Stony Brook
  • UCLA
  • UCSF
  • Virginia Tech
  • Weill Cornell
  • any others?

Notable list traffic

  • (Richard, Sheri)

    • Preparing for our A&S school to go live at the end of February. This includes finalizing a few things like Artistic Works and other various data ingests (one-time import).;  TED: how will faculty keep Artistic Works up-to-date, and was there a legacy AW database on campus? RICHARD: In their custom Ruby on Rails web app, and there was some AW data (collected for annual review) that will be seeding Rails app data. Could do a demo in the future (mid- to late-Feb with Patrick).

  • Memorial (Max)

    • Continued work with Miles on Drupal integration (user roles, hosting, version control, matching Drupal and VIVO data types, etc)

  • RPI (Patrick)

    • Continuing integration between Drupal and VIVO

    • Single Sign-on

    • Tying together drupal groups to policies in VIVO

    • Had meetings at NCAR related to implementation of VIVO

    • Had meetings at LASP related to ontology development, visualizations, data science tasks

    • Question about scalability of VIVO, e.g. thousands of active users with logins and activity? Patrick: we’ll let you know how it goes -- they’re expecting thousands of users in their Deep Carbon project. Alex: asking Eric for his input based on CTSI Profiles (6k users with login/edit ability -- about half have logged in) -- Harvard has over 50k. Had Drupal sites of similar scale -- limiting factor would be how many people are logged in doing edits. Haven’t run into this limit yet.

  • Stony Brook (Tammy)

    • is “ready”.  Running VIVO 1.6.  RDF data has been loaded.  Waiting for feedback from superiors.  Setting up NetID on the site would probably be next.

  • Texas A&M (Violeta has a schedule conflict, but shared these updates)

    • Texas A&M has finally received data from HR (last week) and few other campus offices

    • VIVO instance is still behind firewall - with the hope of opening it up in a couple of months

    • Violeta is using Karma data integration tool to model the data - Pedro Szekely has been very helpful in figuring out the modeling of the data. She has prepared various models (R2RML) to apply to data coming from HR office about faculty members, staff, graduate students, visiting scholars, faculty emeritus, retired faculty etc.

    • Texas A&M will use Symplectic for publications data

    • Violeta and a developer are coming to VIVO Implementation Fest

    • Thanks to all who have been so helpful in getting this started, especially thanks to Pedro Szekely, Alex Viggio, Stephen Williams, Jon Corson-Rikert, John Fereira, and everybody in the VIVO community. Thanks to Mark Fallu for great tips about designing a workflow using Open Refine, Karma and VIVO.

  • UCSF (Eric)

    • Working on cross-linking effort -- registry of authors and co-authors -- LINK: 

    • Plan to create some ORNG apps that leverage this data

    • Planning to have some VIVO data next week -- Nick Benik (sp?) is working on spidering public VIVOs to bring in profile data

    • Boston University working on ORCID (grant award)

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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