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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.

VIVO is hiring!

DuraSpace is seeking a dynamic and entrepreneurial Project Director for the open source VIVO project (, a world-wide community focused on creating software tools, ontologies, and services. The VIVO Project Director will have the opportunity to play a major role in a collaborative movement that will shape the future of research.

See full posting – applications are still being accepted, but this is likely the last call -- the sooner the better. Note that there is no requirement to be a U.S. citizen.

Release update –

Last Friday – We have a release candidate! Please take a few minutes to download it, start it up, and look for telltale signs of smoke. Make sure that your favorite fix or improvement is working as desired. Let us know if we have broken anything.

We have created maintenance branches in the repository, and will be using them for the final release. Any bugs found during testing should be committed to the maint-rel-1.6 branch and merged to the develop branch. This is our first release cycle using Git, so let me know if you have questions, and we'll try to figure out the answers. 

The files for the release candidate are here:



So are Virginia Tech, University of Florida (application period closed), and Indiana University -- add links here

Indiana University’s jobs:

Release update –

Jim Blake will provide an update on the release testing at Cornell and a link to the 2nd release candidate as soon as it's readyOr you can get the latest and greatest directly from the maint-rel-1.6 branches of the repositories on GitHub.

Current blocker issues

Join the release test mailing list if you wish to be informed of release candidates, plus the final distribution -- and we’d love to have help testing -- subscribe here:

Apps and Tools Group

Next call is November 5 at 1 pm – look for an announcement from Chris Barnes confirming the time and connection info.

Upcoming Events

  • (Today) 1st Annual UCosmic Conference, October 31 in New York
  • VivoCamp pre-conference at SWIB13 conference, November 25-27 in Hamburg 
    • short presentations and demos on a number of topics by a couple of experienced people, followed by discussion, Q&A, panels etc.
    • Organized by Valeria Pesce, Lambert Heller, and Lukas Koster
    • John Fereira from the U.S. will be attending
  • Duke will be hosting the 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest from March 19-21 – reserve your hotel room today and stay tuned for more information in coming weeks

Sample profile using ORNG (RDF aware OpenSocial)

RDF linked from Eric Meek’s UCSF Profiles page 

<rdf:RDF xmlns:geo="" xmlns:afn="" xmlns:orng="" snip...><rdf:Description rdf:about=""><foaf:firstName>Eric</foaf:firstName><foaf:lastName>Meeks</foaf:lastName>
<orng:hasFeaturedPublications rdf:resource="" />
<orng:hasLinks rdf:resource="" />
<orng:hasSlideShare rdf:resource="" />
<orng:hasTwitter rdf:resource="" /> 
<prns:coAuthorOf rdf:resource="" /><prns:emailEncrypted>dqMi18Ed/6BcU95DpbSRLgxYXA==</prns:emailEncrypted><prns:fullName>Eric Meeks</prns:fullName><prns:hasFacultyRank rdf:resource="" /><prns:hasNetwork rdf:resource="" /><prns:hasNetwork rdf:resource="" /><prns:hasNetwork rdf:resource="" /><prns:hasNetwork rdf:resource="" /><prns:latitude>37.77632700000000</prns:latitude><prns:longitude>-122.39179700000000</prns:longitude>snip... 



  • Colorado (Alex and Stephen) - Elements curation still ongoing, but hopefully will be wrapping up in the next week or two as our Faculty Reporting Cycle begins.  That typically runs from January through February, however early reporters occasionally begin in November.  Working on making changes to the Harvester to match the new 1.6 ontology.

  • EPA (Zac) -  No Updates

  • LASP (Don) - November 22 release for AngularJS (no D3) web app to create relationships between people and skills. Angular supports testing. Released more VIVO-data backed infrastructure reports using sgvizler (

  • Cornell (Jim) - 1point6. Encountering some issues updating custom list views and forms.  Great place to start are Brian Lowe’s diagrams on wiki comparing 1.6 ontology to 1.5 (link). Take a look at RC2 that should come out tomorrow or early next week. Hands-on based feedback is valuable. Don asked about a RESTful interface in 1.6, Jim clarified it will be a read-write SPARQL API that will be consistent with VIVO user interface functionality and constraints.

    • Brian Caruso’s last full VIVO day is today, but he’ll still be around Cornell Libraries. Send him a thank you note for his 9 years of contributions to VIVO!

  • Duke (Richard and Patrick) - went live with Divinity School. Found an issue with orphaned pubs, but a VIVO admin in a school was able to remove faculty-to-pub links. Ideas for improving communication and workflow. Roughly 4k of 6k faculty have VIVO profiles on the WWW. Approaching Arts & Sciences school -- challenges here like not having as much leverage with MESH vocabulary. Looking at Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) vocab for A&S, as an alternative to manually entered keywords.

    • Huda: 1.6 release will allow end users to manually add LCSH concepts to their profiles (along with GEMET and UMLS)

  • Memorial (Max and John) - planning meetings and making inventory of Yaffle functionality catalog and user workflows, data analytics. Exploring with VIVO 1.6 -- having some runtime issues. Ordered 64GB RAM for new server! Jennifer was at CASRAI conference and Memorial’s work was well received, including a major funder excited by the VIVO integration.

  • RPI (Patrick West)

    • Data direct deposit is working! Able to go into VIVO and create a distribution, which includes uploading data files which are deposited into a CKAN instance.  Maybe can do a direct deposit demo in a month. Using Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) with some local expertise -- see 

    • All old Drupal data (people, orgs, events, docs) in VIVO now. Feedback so far: “this is better than Drupal.” Easier to create and edit instances in VIVO. Still need integration with Drupal, e.g. creating a group in Drupal should create that instance in VIVO, creating a person in VIVO vice versa.

    • Also looking into using OAuth. Jim (email) might provide some advice if needed, could setup a call.

    • Don: Are you using VIVO for publications? This is relating Datasets to Publications.

    • Patrick: No, we have yet to do that. We have two projects, ECOOP and GCIS-IMSAP, that are related to provenance from documents (reports, publications, etc…) and text, images, plots, etc… in those documents, and being able to trace back to datasets, algorithms, using W3C prov-o.

  • Scripps (Michaeleen) - additional staff hours for VIVO on Dec 1, will have Scripps Florida librarian help with QA of older data from institutional citation database, aiming for March 1 rollout to faculty with additional assistance from IT department. Paul asked about data QA workflow and if data would be authoritative? Labor intensive, but they are small enough to tackle this with a small team. Maintains an EndNote library and tags authorships with employee ID numbers.

  • UCSF (Eric) - released latest version of OpenSocial into production; now outputs RDF.

  • Virginia Tech (Curtis) - VIVO dev server up and running. Investigating ingest of data. University buying Symplectic Elements and planning to integrate with VIVO.

  • Weill Cornell (Paul) - launched large pilot today! Planning a survey and 3 focus groups to collect feedback, as well as some high level meetings. Good interest from postdocs. Putting together a service handbook, e.g. escalation path. Eliza working on identifying and squashing bugs. Evaluating hiding non-essential elements to simplify presentation.

  • Brown
  • Colorado
  • LASP
  • Cornell
  • Duke
  • Florida
  • Memorial
  • RPI
  • Scripps
  • UCSF
  • Virginia Tech
  • Weill Cornell
  • any others?

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

  • 1.6

  • Job opportunity: Java developer needed

  • vivo-rel-1.6-rc1

  • Issue with VIVO Installation - Search functionality

  • Single Sign on for VIVO using google OAuth

  • restricting user access to data from named graphs

    • Eliza got this to work for email. No word yet on how this affects performance.

  • pls ask a question!

  • Developer Operations Position at University of Florida (closed as of the 27th)

  • Systems engineer openings at Virginia Tech

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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