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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.

VIVO is hiring!

DuraSpace is seeking a dynamic and entrepreneurial Project Director for the open source VIVO project (, a world-wide community focused on creating software tools, ontologies, and services. The VIVO Project Director will have the opportunity to play a major role in a collaborative movement that will shape the future of research.

See full posting – applications are still being accepted -- the sooner the better. Note that there is no requirement to be a U.S. citizen.

Release update

Current blocker issues


So close we can just about smell it!

Join the release test mailing list if you wish to be informed of release candidates, plus the final distribution -- and we’d love to have help testing -- subscribe here:

Apps and Tools Group

Next call is October 22 – look for an announcement from Chris Barnes with the time and connection info.

Upcoming Events

  • 1st Annual UCosmic Conference, October 31 in New York
    • Collaborative Software Development to Address Strategic Challenges in Higher Education: Kuali, VIVO and UCosmic 
    • Deep discount for VIVO community members
  • VivoCamp pre-conference at SWIB13 conference, November 25-27 in Hamburg 
    • short presentations and demos on a number of topics by a couple of experienced people, followed by discussion, Q&A, panels etc.
    • Organized by Valeria Pesce, Lambert Heller, and Lukas Koster
    • John Fereira from the U.S. will be attending

Eliza’s Demo

Extending and customizing the VIVO functionality for listing publications in Weill-Cornell researcher profiles.

Eliza shows the way they have customized the publications list on the individual profile page. It required modifications to three template files, and the use of the TinySort plugin for JQuery. Some of their functions are based on data that they get from Scopus (number of citations), and they can create links to Scopus information because their library is a subscriber to Scopus.

Eiza will post the code on the Duraspace Wiki.

Questions? Feedback? 


  • Brown (Ted)

    • ironing out details for feeds from campus sources and VIVO sync processes

  • Colorado

  • LASP
  • (Stephen and Alex)

    • preparing for annual faculty reporting cycle, continuing with publications curation in Elements to feed into

  • EPA (Laura) - no update, back in the office

  • Cornell (Jim and Brian) –

    Cornell –

    Jon at CASRAI International Conference ( Working on 1.6

  • Duke

  • Florida
  • (Richard and Patrick)

    • Not much to report. Deciding whether to pull data on artistic works (about a dozen types, e.g. performances), and the different kinds of roles, from Elements or from other (local) systems.

    • Here is our current list of artistic work types:

      • ceramic

      • composition                    

      • costume design                 

      • dance                          

      • decorative art                 

      • digital media                  

      • drawing                        

      • exhibit                        

      • film                           

      • graphic design                 

      • illustration                   

      • installation                   

      • lighting design                

      • motion graphics                

      • new media                      

      • painting                       

      • photograph                     

      • print                          

      • sculpture                      

      • set design                     

      • theatrical performance         

      • video

    • Here is our current list of artistic roles:

      • actor

      • casting director

      • choreographer

      • conductor

      • consultant

      • creator

      • director

      • juror

      • musician

      • narrator

      • performing artist

      • producer

      • restager

      • vocalist

      • writer

  • Memorial (John) –

    Memorial –

    presenting on VIVO and Yaffle at CASRAI International Conference

  • RPI
  • Scripps
  • UCSF
  • Virginia Tech
  • Weill Cornell
  • any others?
    • Jennifer is at CASRAI with Jon C-R. New staff member working on cleaning and updating the data. Looking at options for customizing the UI. Waiting for 1.6

  • Scripps (Michaeleen and Catherine)

    • In maintenance mode. Adding data, and waiting for 1.6

  • Stony Brook (Tammy)

    • Getting data into the Stony Brook site. So far, so good. Still need grant data. Moving along.

  • Virginia Tech (Julie)

  • Weill Cornell (Eliza)

    • Eliza's demo

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

  • Lukas Koster at the University of Amsterdam still has a question about the Java requirement, given this statement: "We recommend starting with Java 7 since Java 6 is no longer supported." But in the Vivo 1.5 installation guide it says: "Java (SE) 1.6.x... VIVO does not work with Java 1.7"
    • Jim Blake replied seeking clarification – is anyone running 1.5 with Java 7 in production?
    • Stony Brook is using Java 1.7 with VIVO 1.52 in production, and 1.6 will require Java 7.
  • Han at RPI asked about querying against the VIVO built-in sparql endpoint by sending an http GET request.
    • Jon and Brian Caruso responded with some of the options, including 1.6 support for specifying credentials
  • Patrick at RPI followed up about issues with a cloned VIVO site. 
    • Jim and John Fereira provide feedback... Java debugging ensued... Jim provided a revised source file for [vitro]/webapp/web/error.jsp. The page may still fail under some circumstances. However, it will write the original error to vivo.all.log before doing anything else.
    • Running into a known cascading issue with the JSPs, with a fix targeted for VIVO 1.7. Hotfix available from Jim to help with debugging errors thrown in JSPs in 1.6 and 1.5.x.
  • Jon checks in with Michel in Netherlands about his progress connecting VIVO to a TDB triple store, and data ingest options.

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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