Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here is an example of the results returned from VIVO to Google Refine:

No Format

  "q0": {
    "result": [
        "id": "",
        "name": "Raggio, Cathleen L.",
        "score": 0.15898549556732178,
        "match": "false",
        "type": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Agent"
            "id": "",
            "name": "core:FacultyMember"
            "id": "",
            "name": "Person"
        "id": "",
        "name": "Acres, Cathleen",
        "score": 0.15898549556732178,
        "match": "false",
        "type": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Agent"
            "id": "",
            "name": "core:NonFacultyAcademic"
            "id": "",
            "name": "Person"
        "id": "",
        "name": "London, Cathleen",
        "score": 0.15898549556732178,
        "match": "false",
        "type": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Agent"
            "id": "",
            "name": "core:FacultyMember"
            "id": "",
            "name": "Person"


See below an example of the response in json format:

No Format

jsonp1313077460641 (


See below an example of a query and a response:

No Format

      "":  [{"optional":true,"limit":10,"name":null,"id":null,"type":[]}]



  1. Make sure the following are installed on the desired machine:
  2. :Java (SE) 1.6 or higher,
  3. :Apache Ant 1.7 or higher,
  4. Download Google Refine version 2.5 from http If you have Subversion installed and access to a command line, you can use the following command to checkout the 2.5 release:
  5. :svn checkout grefine-googlecode-2.5
  6. Download the VIVO plugin and Google Refine extension from, or click on one of the following links:
    :grefine-vivo-1.5.tar.gz or
  7. :Unpack and you will find the following files and folder: i) grefine-vivo-extension; ii) README
  8. Download and install VIVO release version 1.5 from, if you have not already done so.


  1. Copy grefine-vivo-extension to Google Refine's extension folder so that it becomes /extension/grefine-vivo-extension
  2. Rename from /extension/grefine-vivo-extension to /extension/vivo (required)
  3. Modify /extensions/build.xml to add vivo to build and clean:



  1. <target name="build">
    <echo message="Building extensions" />
    <ant dir="sample/" target="build" />
    <ant dir="jython/" target="build" />
    <ant dir="freebase/" target="build" />
    <ant dir="gdata/" target="build" />
    <ant dir="vivo/" target="build" />
    <target name="clean">
    <echo message="cleaning extensions" />
    <ant dir="sample/" target="clean" />
    <ant dir="jython/" target="clean" />
    <ant dir="freebase/" target="clean" />
    <ant dir="gdata/" target="clean" />
    <ant dir="vivo/" target="clean" />


  1. Run ./refine clean
  2. Run ./refine build
  3. To start Google Refine, run ./refine
