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  • Dave Vieglais, Donny Winston, Tom Creighton, Greg Janee, John Kunze


Changes to NAAN processing, spec transition step dependency, inline links

Discussion items


jk: ARK tutorial at upcoming ESIP conference
dv: ESIP does good hybrid sessions; I won't be able to make it there; one thing that may be useful is a comparison with DOIs; one specific limitation is that the DOI spec says that a DOI resolver service needs to respond to a content negotiation request, such as for JSONLD, by consulting the resolver itself (eg, DataCite) rather than the primary provider; ARKs have more flexible in this regard

Any news items we should blog about? Any calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings we should note? Please add to Calendar of events.

new NAAN schema for validation and form processing

dv: please get feedback on NAAN processing changes to Maria
dv: AuthN for NAAN records will be based on email address confirmation; this is still work in progress

ARK spec transition plan

  • Tom Creighton analysis of event date ordering and dependencies
  • date of interest to NAAN group: when do we advise new NAAN holders to resolve both forms? do we point them to one of the newer specs?


  • for widely used tools that "we" control, eg, NOID, should the tool be updated to support new form ARKs? Besides NOID, are there others?

Image Added

Speculative section – links with inline/inlink content

Web edge case for tiny objects carried inside URLs, eg,

  • IIIF annotations
  • semantic web triple ("nanopublication")
  • semantic web concept, otherwise undefined ( has lots of these)
  • sequence of column headers
  • set of related links (special kind of annotation?)

Might ARKs play a helpful role in one or more of these cases?

jk: some interesting use cases have arisen in this area and we'll be doing some experiments with, for example, inline links
gj: there's a TAG URI for just this purpose; I don't know why it didn't catch on

Action items
