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  • Karen Hanson, Mark Phillips, Curtis Mirci, Greg Janée, Donny Winston, Tom Creighton


       NISO work item, persistence statements, code of conduct

Discussion items


jk: recruiting drive for Outreach
mp: can send an email to recent conference panelists

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

dw: EU COST ( For funding meetings. Benefits from international co-application.

dw: first conf on FAIR digital objects is coming up
kh: I will go to Glasgow and iPRES (2 presentations)
jk: would be nice to go to Glasgow to hang out near iPRES
jk: are people missing facetime?
gj: yes!
cm; would like to travel to iPRES but have no funding
tc: same

Any news items we should blog about?
jk: getting close to 1000 (968) ARK orgs

Tool play: noid-docker

SYNOPSIS                          (./ark)
    ark - admin tool for basic ARK operations

    ark mkminter [ NAAN [ Shoulder ] ]
    ark mint [ Count [ FQShoulder ] ]
    ark lsminter [ FQShoulder ... ]
    ark rmminter [ FQShoulder ... ]

    This script automates common ARK tasks. The ARK namespace is divided into
    NAANs (Name Assigning Authority Numbers), which are further (sub)divided
    into Shoulders. Shoulders are useful for delegating responsibility within
    NAAN namespaces.

    The "mkminter" command creates a minter of opaque strings consisting of
    digits, letters (betanumerics actually) and a final check character.
    It takes a 5-digit NAAN (default "99999") and a Shoulder (default
    "fk2") string. A Shoulder string must start with one or more betanumeric
    letters (bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz) and end in a digit. The NAAN should be one
    that you have been assigned (eg, 12345) via the global ARK NAAN registry.

    The "mint" command generates Count (default 1) strings suitable for ARK
    assignments from the "fully qualified" minter name, FQShoulder, which
    consists of the NAAN, a '/', and the Shoulder string. The default minter,
    99999/fk2, generates test ARKs (non-persistent) of the form

    Use the "lsminter" command either to list all minters or to check for
    the existence of one or more minters named via FQShoulder.

jk: playing around with dockerizing noid
kh: Portico might have a war file that wraps up noid
gj: would be nice to see tools installable with pypi and other common installers
dw: this could be very interesting to me since I don't like installing Perl
gj: this harks back to co-equal partners sharing the hosting of n2t

Draft NISO work item
gj: is there a requirement that there be a NISO member on the team?
kh: if there is, portico is a niso voting member
mp: yes, I think that submitting ARK as a work item
Time to draft
is good
tc: agreed
gj: yes, esp. if ietf is going to be difficult; btw, doi is a niso standard (so precedent)
dw: agreed
jk: I haven't given up on ietf yet; anyone want to join in a convo with them?
dw: what about .well-known convention?
tc: yes, that's been discussed
dw: -> "" implies that paths of the form "" as ARKs

Standardized Persistence policy?

tc: persistence statements could be useful; we have parish records with errors, and we need to be able make changes; and when two ARK-identified records need to be merged, we need to be able to explain why user is bing redirected (not stopping at a tombstone); I'll ask some folks if they'd be willing to work on some persistence descriptors

Code of Conduct policy (eg, for recruiting new members) – sources to borrow...

  • DLF, Code4lib, IETF, Stanford Lib, NYPL, etc.

mp: code of conduct +1; I think this is also a conversation that we can discuss at the Advisory Group meeting
Google workspace (G suite) for ARKA?

Action items

  •  Tom Creighton will ask some colleagues if they'd be willing to work on some persistence descriptors