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  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Brian Lowe  
  3. Georgy Litvinov 
  4. Michel Héon
  5. Benjamin Gross 
  6. Benjamin Kampe
  7. Veljko Maksimovic (star)
  8. William Welling 
  9. Kevin Day 
  10. Huda Khan 
  11. Fadwa Alshawaf


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. Conferences
      1. CRIS 2022 - program
      2. OR 2022 -  program not yet published
      3. VIVO 2022 - ???
    2. Self-registration for Slack -
    3. The license issues -,
      1. discussed at VIVO LG
      2. Action - establish communication with Cornel University
  2. DSpace-VIVO integration
    1. DSpace-VIVO integration task force
    2. The next Tuesday, May 10th, a 15 minutes presentation
  3. The next sprint
    1. date
      1. May 30th - June 17th
    2. Registration
      1. please register until May 15th, 2022 
      2. link
      3. Two registered participants so far
    3. Infrastructure
      1. Wiki page - Sprint - Dynamic API based on an ontology 2
      2. Slack channel created
      3. Project board
        1. We will continue using this Project board -
          1. but extend it with new issues (features, bugs)
    4. Topics 
      1. Update the ontology
        1. GET all and GET one - two dynamic actions or one
      2. Implement more complex workflows
        1. iteration step,
        2. conditional step
        3. Implement N3Template deletion and modification
      3. User interface for execution of a dynamic action
      4. User interface for definition of a dynamic action
      5. Validation of dynamic action
      6. Authorization - roles
    5. Selection of the frontend technology/framework
      1. spreadsheet
  4. Publishing of a minor release 
    1. Completion of PR reviews and merging
    2. Preparation of a release candidate
    3. Updating of technical documentation - VIVO 1.13.x Documentation 
      1. Uploading files associated with individuals
      2. Developing a New Interface Language for VIVO
      3. SPARQL Update API
      4. Minimum Configuration
    4. Testing
      1. Standard features test -
      2. Advanced features test -
      3. New Features test -


Few updates about the CRIS conference. It is held in a week, and a ‘VIVO day’ is on Friday. It might be possible to attend the conference remotely, but Dragan is not sure yet. He will let us know when he finds out. DSpace - VIVO integration will be presented in one of the papers at the OR 2022 conference.

Google form for slack membership seems not to be working. We need to figure out who gets the information from filled up google forms. Andrew should be asked, he maybe knows, and if not, a new google form could be created. We can also potentially automate the process of adding new members to the slack channel.

Cornell university was contacted to ask whether some other entity could be named as VIVO license holder (still waiting for the response). If so, then we need to figure out which entity will be a “license holder”: VIVO-organization, Lyrasis or some other entity.

Sprint registrations are open, and it would be great to have a full list of participants by May the 15th, so that we can start planning on who will do what. Private slack channel will be created for the sprint participants. We will use the same project board since we are working on the same feature (dynamic api). The main goal of this sprint is to create some sort of UI for the new Dynamic API feature.

Dragan created a new google sheet where all the potential frontend frameworks are listed. Michael suggested Angular because DSpace is using it, and both webapps are under the Lyrasis umbrella. Dragan believes that there is no overlap in DSpace and VIVO developers, so there is no need to force the same techstack. Brian agreed with Michael. Michael also suggested prioritizing finishing the backend API before starting the work on UI. Dragan explained the current state of Dynamic API, how we will use RDF for describing an endpoint, and how those endpoints will communicate with clients via JSON. Frontend expertise of current VIVO developers should be one of the main factors when choosing the frontend framework.

Georgy suggested spending a bit more time planning for the sprint. Dragan agreed, suggesting 5 one-hour meetings in the week leading up to the sprint. This suggestion is mainly for the new dynamic api feature, as this isn’t a simple straight forward functionality or bug fix, but rather an entirely new architecture which should be discussed and thought through thoroughly.

When it comes to spring dependency, Brian said he will probably work on it at the end of the week, and it should not take more than a few hours.

Draft notes in Google Docs

Task List

  •  Dragan Ivanovic to contact Andrew Wood for resolving the issue with registration for the Slack channel
  •  All to consider participation in the sprint and if decide  to participate to register for the sprint - link

Previous Tasks 

  •  Dragan Ivanovic to send a require to add in the Leadership group agenda a topic for discussing Copyright owner in License
  •  All please help in filling this document - spreadsheet
  •   Dragan Ivanovic to create a draft version of a Google Spreadsheet document with labeled columns representing requirements and to share with committers
  •  Committers to review the structure of the document and to fill it with data for JS and CSS frameworks