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Below is a rough the agenda for the first meeting of the ARKs in the Open Advisory Group (AG). Access information will be provided once the date and time for the first meeting are selected.  Teleconference access information has been provided to participants.

A CDL representative will act as interim Chair until a Chair is selected by the AG.

Ahead of the meeting:

  • Please review the draft project documents: visionresources and value statement, and roadmap.
  • Please consider potential working group members from your institution and community. Please bring potential names to the meeting.
  • Please consider if you would be interested in chairing or co-chairing a working group, and what those activities mean to you. For example the AG might decide that a chair is an AG member responsible for liaising with a working group, and a co-chair is a working group member responsible for managing the work of that group.

Discussion Items




Review project  vision, resources and value statement, and draft roadmap


Working groups planning 

John K - creator of ARKs. Interim chair. We will ask the group to name a chair. Empower this group to make decisions. Capitalize momentum created at ARK summit in Paris earlier in 2018. Would love for people to feel that they're involved in sometime concrete and passionate.

Heather G.K. services coordinator at DuraSpace located in Durham NC. Working with John to get this group together.

Erin Tripp - Interim CEO of DuraSpace. Working on ARKs since January with CDL. Excited to be there.

Andrew Treloar - based in Melbourne Australia. On the edges of a variety of PID communities since 2003. Currently working for the Australia National Research Data Commons.

Frederic & Bertrand- BNF - working in metadata department for digital preservation.

Brian M - Work at University of Utah. Using ARKs for over 4 yrs. Core component of digital library system.

Kurt E at CDL. Managing the EZID service and responsible for infrastructure.

Kate W - Managing director of Portico. Working on the sustainability of not for profit services in particular for preservation. Thinking about not-for-profit business models. Sheila works more on the technical end.

Martin - Smithsonian and Biodiversity Heritage - SI just started a working group about identifiers.

John Howard - University College Dublin. Involved in European research infrastructure. We're active users of ARKs and in transition from EZID to proving a national identifier service.

Overview of existing draft project materials

John - We drafted there artifacts. They are subject to comment and feedback.

Vision - is the what, who and why.

Resources and value statement - this goes over the problem we're trying to solve and how we know we're actually making progress. We want to understand how we have met goals as a project. We have identifier resources we feel we'll need to meet these goals. We feel we will need outreach, technical and financial people. It's a wide range of things. We have profiles for what skills and leadership we feel we'll need. ACTION - share the expression of interest responses with this group.

Andrew - metrics look like they are infrastructure metrics instead of use of infrastructure metrics. Do you plan to update that later?

Andrew - Knowing how many ARKS there are is useful. Knowing how often these ARKS are actually used once created would also be useful

John - We want to get a better sense of how many ARKs there are in the world. That particular metric we're interested in. Not a snap shot but live, up-to-date metrics.

Bertrand - I think the metrics section should be subject to discussion. Should we mention all of the OSSs that are using and creating ARKs.

Kurt - we would like to capture all resolver projects and the contributors to those.

ACTION - Add to the metrics list the number of ARKs worldwide.

Kurt - we will open these docs up and open for comment as we progress.

Roadmap - We would like to establish a chair to this group, three working groups, and eventually talk about governance and membership. Each of these goals are on our agenda for today.

Working Groups (WGs) approval and planning

"Strawperson" proposal: three 10-member WGs

Question: how to populate WGs – personal contacts, email to those who filled out the Expression of Interest, broad call to arks-forum mailing list?

  1. Technical WG
    1. Proposed short-term goals
      1. Planning work on the ARK IETF standardization process

      2. Consult with the ARK specification team

    2. Proposed longer-term goals
      1. Develop procedures for shared maintenance of the organizational (NAAN) registry

      2. Guiding the ARK specification through the IETF Informational RFC process

      3. Work with the Outreach Working Group to implement mechanisms to measure ARK usage

  2. Outreach WG
    1. Proposed short-term goals
      1. Reviewing an ARK community survey draft created by Bibliothèque nationale de France

      2. Consult with the wider ARK community

      3. Developing a process to gather requirements, priorities and models for shared community and infrastructure management

    2. Proposed longer-term goals
      1. Launching an initiative to measure ARK usage world-wide

        1. Consider how to use this as a community outreach mechanism

        2. Make the survey/measurement repeatable so that watching long-term trends is possible

        3. Develop a dissemination plan

  3. Fundraising WG
    1. Proposed short-term goals
      1. Developing a framework to fund priorities
    2. Proposed longer-term goals
      1. Pursuing funding with members of our community

John - we propose three working groups of about 10 ppl each. Hopefully you have people in mind who could participate on these groups.

CDL has been incubating the registry. This is assigning a unique number. CDL wants to remain involved but we also want to share this responsibility.

What do you think? Have we prioritized the right things?

Andrew - I have a scope question. My organization doesn't use ARKs. It's possible my questions aren't well informed. I'm thinking there are two missing pieces are 1) what you see as the scope of ARKs usage. Is there an implied scope to what they're used for. There may be value in making that more explicit. 2) Whether the activity being discussed here will happen in the ARK universe or whether we will consider interactions within the scholarly ecosystem.

John - We're generic on purpose. It's fair to ask what use cases we prioritize. It may not be particularly interesting to try to compete with DOI use case, for example. Having said that we see interactions with identifier systems are hard to compare. It's not a consumer report checklist. CDL didn't create an ARK-only resolver because we reject the notion of excluding other types of identifier. The work of this group will help us out with this generic problem - our resolver works equally well with ARKs, DOIs, IGSNs, PMIDs, etc. It's a topic for us to consider.

Kurt - the scope of the use case for ARKs will be defined by this group, community members and users. People will bring their use cases and practical uses. Those will be discussed and priority based on need. We'll attempt to keep our minds open but we expect the community will create the scope.

Bertrand - March 22 we talked about the survey and it aligns with the outreach working group. Or is it in scope for the technical working group.

John - counting ARKs and implementing persistence statements are in scope in our roadmap and we want the working groups to look at these.

Kurt - we wanted to make sure the initiatives that came out of the Summit could be collaborated on from people in this advisory group and working groups.

John - Persistence statements could apply to all identifier types.

Andrew - I shared the documentation with our identifier workshop as pre-reading.

Brian - everything that's been mentioned make sense. CDL are you tracking the number of resolutions coming through your system?

John - Yes. I would like to make that data available. This is another piece of information we would like to keep up to date.

Kurt - the data is incomplete. It gives a snapshot of part of the activity.

Brian - is there discussion on integration of the resolution systems?

John - that would be a great topic for the technical WG. We need to get a sense of usage and how people want to publish the ARKs.

Kurt - those discussions are on the table to determine what's usful for users and those who manage ARK infrasturtcure.

Kate - General question - it sounds like this will be run by volunteers over the long term.

Erin - We see many different models. Some projects have staff time to contribute. Others have a membership model and they hire staff. Advisory group would talk abot that.

John- when I hear the word volunteer I think of an individual. But I'm thinking more of an organizational engagement.

Martin - SI needs to determine how we will implement ARKs. I'm thinking about the outreach group as a starting point. Things seem to be on point.

John - I would like to leave this meeting with some blessing that this plan should go forward and find out how to populate them. We also need to figure out how the advisory group would be involved in that process. Should a member of the advisory group chair or co-chair a working group?

Kurt - any thoughts of experience ?

Kate - could the advisory group liase with the working group? Could there be a set monthly meeting with the chair so we can report back? Not just being contacted when there's a problem.

John - I like that idea.

Andrew - this is a governance question. How will the governance work be done?

Kurt - we feel the advisory group will be responsible for defining governance.

Erin - Wanted to have the working groups getting started to give us time to grow into things, and get into the governance over the first year.

Kurt - more interested in an Agile approach for this new community and not lock ourselves into a certain vision or process that doesn't work.

John - there's governance and there's Governance. We're going to do g (the Advisory Group) now and G (the ARKs-in-the-Open community) later.

Kurt - how will we populate these WGs? Let's think of people we know in our community or our organizations.

Erin - We have the EOI list. We need expressed consent to share contacts with the advisory group. ACTION - share columns C & D.

Kurt - ACTION - CDL DuraSpace will create a Google doc to distribute to advisory group members. How long do people need to populate the doc?

John - through the first week of September.

Frederic - we will have people moving. I would like to suggest the end of September.

Erin - ACTION - Schedule reminders in September to get this filled out

Kate - we may find that we can populate the groups sooner than that. It could help us move forward.

Kurt we can be flexible. John we need to accept that this is a time when people go on vacation.

Kate - the length of time for the volunteering may impact people's willingness.

Kurt - we will need to discuss this.

Erin - we've seen between 1-3 years. I would suggest a year to begin with.

Kate - I like 1 year and an opportunity to continue the service. Sometimes it takes a year to get up to speed and the second year can be more productive.

Kurt - we need to firm up the pitch for the WG ACTION.

Erin AG meeting structure

  • AG meeting frequency and time(s)
  • AG chair

Potential topics for future meetings

  • Assessment – how are we doing, what are we missing, what do we value
  • Governance and sustainability
  • AG structure: size, length of service, member replacement policy

Does this time work for all those involved?

Andrew - There's no time that will work for everyone. We span from a start time of 7 am and midnight. I have a biweekly meeting were I stay up past midnight. But I'm the outlier here.

John - would it be helpful it this would be scheduled alongside your other midnight meetings?

Andrew - yes that would help. Think about daylight savings. ACTION - will send us those dates and times.

Kurt - we will need to be agile and work asynchronously.

What about frequency for this meeting? Monthly? or more frequently in start up mode.

Martin - I like the idea of having a set schedule. Maybe monthly?

Heather - should we take August off and pick up in September?

Kurt - sounds like this make sense. We can start working on agenda building for that meeting asynchronously.

John - we would like to get a sense of how to select a chair for this group.

Kurt - do you have experience with this kind of vite?

John H - In my experience we have developed bylaws for these types of things. The meeting in that community was bi-weekly. And it's good to have a back up for the chair if the chair can't attend. Maybe we should consider a deputy chair.

Kurt - John is interested in vice chair.

Andrew - in our RDA working groups we have co-chairs not chair and deputy chair.

Kurt - I volunteer to do that. But I would like us to push these responsibilities outside of CDL. We can extend interim chair and co-chair positions for the next few meetings until we get to know each other.

John K - we want this effort to be seen as a community project. I'm in agreement.

Kurt - John and I will co-chair the next meeting.

ACTION - Heather will send a Doodle poll.


Any additional comments/ questions or concerns?

John H. - Was wondering about governance. The advisory group will decide what governance will be established at the moment.
