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  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. (Topic #1) Short mention from Andrea Bollini (4Science)about the strategy to adopt to manage relations (entities) in the submission. The expectation is to enhance/update the workspaceitem endpoint as required but to don't use directly the item endpoint (i.e. /api/core/items/:uuid/relations). As soon a design document/PR/idea is ready Andrea Bollini (4Science)will be happy to provide feedback, please just ping
    2. (Topic #2) (Used time for a deeper discussion of outstanding PR)
    3. Improved Estimation Strategy for Beta release. (Estimates should include time for discussion / code reviews, also should be done by multiple developers)
      1. Development Planning Spreadsheet needs to be updated, so that we can determine what (outstanding) tasks need estimation.
      2. Will be using Wideband Delphi estimation technique
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week


  1. (Angular) Adding Accessibility via Travis CI (work in progress) (Lower priority)
  2. (warning) (Angular Bug) ( Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  3. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage news: (Ben Bosman  - has outstanding questions/comments) (Lower priority)
  4. (REST) DS-4043: Revisit the security layer of the submission  (work in progress) Andrea Bollini (4Science)
  5. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates fromBen Bosman )
  6. (warning) (REST) Pagination issues on Items findAll - (Waiting for confirmation of proposed approach by Andrea Bollini (4Science) from  Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  and any other interested/available )
  7. (Backend) DS-4257: Renaming "dspace-spring-rest" to "dspace-server" (Tim Donohue).  (Timeline: Not likely to be completed until after OR2019)
  8. (NEW) (Angular) Shibboleth Login (there are Travis CI errors)

  9. (Angular) Transfer to .po message format - Initial PR: (Paulo Graça (seleção),  (tick) Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire) )


  1. (REST Contract) Collecting statistics - (Dimitris PierrakosAndrea Bollini (4Science) - (error) changes requested, Ben Bosman )
  2. (REST Contract) Document need to escape special characters - (Paulo Graça , Dimitris Pierrakos )
  3. (REST) Updating Owning Collections (Moving Items between collections): (Tim Donohue - (error)  requested JavaDocs, (tick) Ben Bosman )
  4. (REST) Item Mapper functionality:  ( tinymce.emotions_dlg.checkTim Donohue - (error) requested JavaDocstinymce.emotions_dlg.checkBen Bosman - resolve merge conflicts)
  5. (REST) (Entities) DS-4223 Metadata Schemas for configurable entities (Paulo Graça - feedback provided(tick)Mark H. Wood )
  6. (Higher priority) (REST) [DS-4266] bitstream format registry (Ben BosmanAndrea Bollini (4Science) - (error) changes requested)
  7. (REST) Pagination bug with withdrawn items: (Dimitris Pierrakos , Ben Bosman - Feedback provided)
  8. (tick) (REST) [DS-4298] changed the PathVariable for the upload method: ((tick)Ben Bosman ,   NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER (tick) Tim Donohue )
  9. (Angular) (Entities) Deleting relationships: (Paulo Graça - changes requestedwill test againTim Donohue )
  10. (tick) (Angular) Selectable Themes. ((tick)Paulo Graça - feedback provided(tick),  Tim Donohue, tested by Laura Henze)
  11. (Angular) (Entities) DS-4223 Metadata Schemas for configurable entities (Paulo Graça (tick)NEEDS SECOND REVIEWERTim Donohue)
  12. (tick) (Angular) Configurable browse-by (closes #361) ((tick) Tim Donohue , Paulo Graça (tick),Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)tinymce.emotions_dlg.checkapproved )
  13. (Angular) Move Item Component: (NEEDS REVIEWERSGiuseppe Digilio (4Science), NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER)
  14. Uses DSpace PR#2283 (see above)(Angular) Item-Collection Mapper: (NEEDS REVIEWERS)
    1. Uses DSpace PR#2282 (see above)
  15. (Angular) Add missing ResourcePolicyService: (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) tinymce.emotions_dlg.error changes requestedArt Lowel (Atmire))
  16. (Angular) Shibboleth integration support (WORK IN PROGRESS):  (Julius is looking for feedback/help) (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) needs a rebase of  branch , Fernando FCT/FCCN - does this PR really have more than 1600 files changed?)
  17. (Backend) Upgrading to Handle Server v9: (Mark H. Wood,(tick) Ben Bosman )
  18. (Backend) Update email templates to use Velocity (for richer, powerful templates): (Chris Wilper , (tick)Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  19. (NEWMerge on/around July 19th) (Backend) One Webapp Phase 2: Rename "dspace-spring-rest" to "dspace-server-webapp": (NEEDS REVIEWERSMark H. WoodAlexander SulfrianTerrence W Brady)

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (tick) (REST Contract) upload bitstream to archived item -
  2. (tick) (REST Contract) Document need to escape special characters -
  3. (tick) (REST) Some minor code cleanup in the tests:
  4. (tick) (REST) (Entities) Relationship search by label:
  5. (tick) (REST) (Entities) DS-4244 Add configurable entities unit tests
  6. (tick) (REST) DS-4210 Deposit on collection without workflow seems to fail (405 but succeed):
  7. (tick) (REST) Updating Owning Collections (Moving Items between collections):
  8. (tick) (Backend) Minor dependency updates to "master":
  9. (tick) (Backend) Our extensive EHCache configuration is ignored: 


  1. (Blocked PRs go here)

Delayed / Needs Discussion

  1. Initial Performance Testing from Chris. Needs detailed discussion in a future meeting
  2. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage News:
    1. Delayed until after Preview release. General agreement (in meeting on March 21, 2019) that storing HTML in metadata fields is not really ideal behavior.  Metadata (from a librarian standpoint) tends to be free of format-related markup (as that allows for easier sharing, understanding of metadata.  Currently Community & Collection homepage information is HTML-based and is stored in metadata that is appropriate for a minor subset of information (like the title) but it is better to move large/rich text to bitstreams.  
    2. Proposal here is to consider storing HTML-based markup (for Site, Community & Collection homepages) in Bitstream(s) associated with the object in question.  May allow for more CMS-lite behavior in the future
    3. Timeline for this is uncertain.  Possibly in 7 or 8. May depend on how/whether it can be scoped.
  3. (REST) Scripts & Processes endpoint:
  4. Concurrency in DSpace 7 (or 8).  What do we want to do when multiple editors are editing the same object?  Needs further analysis regarding implementation details
    1. We've decided (in meeting on March 7, 2019) to use ETags to implement concurrency. REST Contract notes on ETags:
    2. ETags only update of the two fields match. If someone edits first, your edit would fail and you would get a fail response (422?)
    3. ETags seems to have broader support in other REST APIs.  Recommended also by both Art and Andrea.

Priorities for Preview Release

As discussed in previous DSpace 7 meetings, our DSpace 7 Preview release is aimed for early May, followed by a Preview #2 in May (before OR2019).  The top priorities for the Preview Release are (in this order):

  1. Submission & Workflow UI / backend 
  2. Configurable Entities (from DSpace 7 Entities Working Group)
  3. Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace (not required for Preview, as there's no user facing features. However, the earlier we feel comfortable merging this effort the better)

Priorities for OR2019 revolve around features or needs that we want to show off in Workshops/Presentations. These include

  1. Finalizing theming/branding strategy for new UI
  2. DSpace Backend as One Webapp
  3. Finalizing (as much as reasonable) the upgrade process (including Solr, Handle Server, etc)



  1. Not discussed much, but could there be opportunities to use Travis CI + Docker Compose for testing of Angular??


  • Most of meeting involved a detailed walkthrough/assignment of outstanding PRs (in order to move them forward ASAP).  Notes are inline above.