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  1. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates from Ben Bosman )
  2. (blue star) (REST Contract) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Mark H. Wood - approved., Paulo Graça  - approved, Andrea Bollini (4Science) - changes requested)
  3. (blue star) (REST) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Tom Desair reviewed, Paulo Graça - approved, Andrea Bollini (4Science) - outstanding questions to be solved before awaiting a second review)
  4. (blue star) (REST) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Tim Donohue )
  5. (blue star) (REST) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display) (Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Tim Donohue )
  6. (REST) Refactor PatchBadRequestException to DSpaceBadRequestException and fix improper 500 response errors: (Needs updates - conflict to solve Andrea Bollini (4Science) review done)
  7. (warning)(star) (Angular) Transfer to .po message format - Initial PR: (Paulo Graça,  Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire)  UPDATED. NEEDS RE-REVIEW → Preview 2)
  8. (blue star) (Angular) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): ( Paulo Graça - approved. Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)  still reviewing code RE-REVIEW, Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire) - retested, looks fine)
  9. (Angular) Preview release theme: (Tim Donohue  - Should this Will be merged into a "preview" branch )
  10. (Angular) Preview release theme, extended for entities: (Tim Donohue - Will be merged into master" or a "preview" branch? )
  11. (blue star) (warning) (Angular) MyDSpace UI ( (Art Lowel (Atmire) , Paulo Graça -  reviewed ,  NEEDS RE-REVIEW  Tim DonohueGiuseppe Digilio (4Science) NEEDS SECOND REVIEW REPLIED TO REVIEW, NEEDS FINAL APPROVAL)
  12. (warning) (Angular Bug) (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - information added, Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  13. (star) (Backend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PR: (Ben Bosman , (tick)Mark H. Wood , (tick)Terrence W Brady )
    1. This PR will have a follow-up PR to rename the "dspace-spring-rest" webapp to "dspace-server" and update all URL configurations
  14. (star) (Backend) Upgrading to Handle Server v9: (Mark H. Wood)
  15. (star) (Backend) Our extensive EHCache configuration is ignored: (Terrence W Brady
  16. (star) (REST) Pagination issues on Items findAll - (Tim DonohueKevin Van de Velde (Atmire))

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (tick) (blue star) (Angular) Content-Type fallback
  2. (tick) (Angular) Morgan vulnerability fix
  3. (tick) (REST) Embed EPerson Groups on EPerson:
    1. (tick) (Angular) UI updates for this change (require #2216):
  4. (tick)(blue star) (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint PR:


  1. Submission & Workflow UI / backend
  2. Configurable Entities (from DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19))
  3. Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace (not required for Preview, as there's no user facing features. However, the earlier we feel comfortable merging this effort the better)


  • Tim is out next Mon-Weds (April 29-May 1) but will be checking email occasionally.  Will return in time for next week's meeting on May 2

  • Preview 1 Release
    • We are a little behind, but not by much.  Seems hard to make "end of April" (especially with Tim traveling). But, we could make very early May.
    • We need ideally by end of April
      • A second reviewer on the Configurable Entities REST API PR (Tim already reached out on #dev and #entities-wg channels)
      • A final review of Configurable Entities Angular UI from Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)  (Andrea said he should be able to do it by early next week)
      • A final review of MyDSpace Angular UI PR from Art Lowel (Atmire)and/or Paulo Graça (as this PR has had updates from Giuseppe)
    • Next week we can then work to package up the "Preview" release (with the Preview theme)
  • OR2019 Planning
    • A second preview release by OR2019, featuring
      • One Webapp PR (from Tim)
      • Ideally, Solr upgrade process (from Mark W)
      • Theming/branding strategy (Art is working on ideas to bring forward)
      • Possible updates to Entities TBD by DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19)
  • Tim will restart DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19) in early May. See that wiki page or #entities-wg for more info
  • Beta estimation Planning
    • Will be using an estimation process used by other DuraSpace projects/services (called Wideband Delphi estimation technique)  Involves estimates from multiple developers, and pads those estimates with a level of certainty/uncertainty around each feature
      • likely will break down the estimation by UI vs REST API.  May have additional categories as well.
    • Tim & Heather need Art Lowel (Atmire) and Andrea Bollini (4Science) to update/check the Development planning spreadsheet (see agenda above) by May 2 meeting.  Need to finalize which features are not likely to be done by OR2019, so we can schedule them for estimation process.