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VIVO supports the concept of an Institutional Internal Class, a class that you can create and assign to your people, and other entities, to indicate that they are part of your institution. Using an Institutional Internal Class, you can limit VIVO's displays of entities to those in your institution.


Create an Institutional Internal Class

Create a local ontology if you do not already have one.  If you have one, add a class to your existing local ontology.


Ontology name: Whatever you want.  The name you give will appear in the list of VIVO ontologies.

Namespace: Something like  Must have Must be your domain name as specified in your, followed by "/ontology/" in the namespace to be recognizedfollowed by a name of your choice, followed by the '#' sign

Namespace prefix: a short word.  This word will appear in the prefix list in your SPARQL windows and will be used by you in any SPARQL queries referring to your local ontology.


Class label:  Text, describes the class. This will be visible on the VIVO interface.

Class Group:  None People.  This allows the class to be used to define local People, Buildings, Organizations, and other entitiesrestrict the display of people to those people who have the institutional class you are defining.

Ontology:  Select your previously created local ontology from the drop down menu


Once you are satisfied with the values, press Create New Record


Assign your Institutional Internal Class


Method 1:  (Manual)

Go to the person in the UI

Click Edit Individual

Click Add Type

Select your Institutional Internal Class from the drop down

 Method 2: (Bulk)

Create a set of RDF, one triple per person you would like to have in the institutional class.  Each triple will look like

    <personuri>  rdf:type vlocal:MyEntity .

Go to Site Admin -> Add/remove RDF Data and add your triples

Use your

Assert that your employees are a member of the new class

  - Either upload RDF with triples like Mike showed, or go to that person in the UI, ‘Edit this individual’, and ‘Add Type'


Institutional Internal Class

Define institutional internal class   -

Go to Site Admin > Institutional internal class


Select your new class from the dropdown menu

To restrict display to only those people in your institution, dropdown 

Go to Site Admin > Page Management >



Click the plus sign to expand the ‘Browse Class Group’ box


Check ‘Only display people within my institution



Click "Save this Content'