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Table of Contents

Convenience Variables

The curl commands below can be used directly if you define the following variables in your shell

No Format



The curl commands in the DuraStore section expect a test file for uploads.

No Format

echo hello > ${file}

Note that if the target of a content or space retrieval (GET) has access permissions set to "OPEN", then the "-u" option in the curl commands is not required.


Get Stores
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/stores
Get Spaces
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/spaces
curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/spaces?storeID=1
Create Space
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X PUT https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}
curl -u ${user}:${pword} -H "x-dura-meta-city: arlington" -H "x-dura-meta-state: va" -X PUT https://${host}/durastore/${space-1}?storeID=1
Store Content
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -T ${file} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt
curl -u ${user}:${pword} -T ${file} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/item.txt
Get Space
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}
curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/${space-1}?storeID=1
curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}?prefix=test
Set Space Properties
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -H "x-dura-meta-country: usa" -X POST https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}
Get Space Properties
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -I https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}
curl -u ${user}:${pword} -I https://${host}/durastore/${space-1}?storeID=1
Get Content
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt
curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt?storeID=0\&attachment=true
Set Content Properties
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X POST -H "x-dura-meta-color: green" https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt
Get Content Properties
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -I https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt
Delete Content
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}/test.txt
Delete Space
No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/durastore/${space-0}
curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/durastore/${space-1}?storeID=1

DuraService Notes

The commands in the DuraService section below demonstrate the deployment, inspection, reconfiguration, and undeployment of a service.
As of release 0.8.0, the Bit Integrity Checker has service id of '0' (noted in variable below).
The actual deployment id is dynamically generated based on the number of previous deployments within a given DuraCloud application.
After deploying the service, use the "Get Deployed Service" call to determine the specific deployment id of your deployed service.

No Format


The following two service configuration files are provided for deployment and reconfiguration of the Bit Integrity Checker.
They are based on the spaces that were created in the DuraStore section, but can be modified to indicate other configuration options or to execute over alternate spaces.

  1. configuration file 0
  2. configuration file 1



Get Services


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraservice/services
curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraservice/services?show=deployed


Deploy Service


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X PUT -T deploy.xml https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}


Get Service


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}


Get Deployed Service


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}/${deployment}


Get Deployed Service Properties


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}/${deployment}/properties


Update Service Configuration


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X PUT -T deploy-new.xml https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}


UnDeploy Service


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/duraservice/${bitintegrity}/${deployment}

DuraBoss Report API


Get Latest Storage Report


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport


Get Storage Report List


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport/list


Get Storage Report Info


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport/info


Start Storage Report


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X POST https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport


Stop Storage Report


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport




No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X POST https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport/schedule?startTime=1577840461000\&frequency=600000


Cancel Storage Report Schedule


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} -X DELETE https://${host}/duraboss/storagereport/schedule


Get Deployed Services Report


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/servicereport/deployed


Get Completed Services Report


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/servicereport


Get Services Report List


No Format

curl -u ${user}:${pword} https://${host}/duraboss/servicereport/list