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  • Jon Corson-Rikert(Cornell)
  • Brian Lowe (Cornell)
  • Jing Wang (Johns Hopkins)
  • Gia Grier (Johns Hopkins)
  • Kirsten Bishop (Johns Hopkins)
  • Lisa Charlong (Memorial)
  • John Duff (Memorial)
  • Bojan Furst Fürst (Memorial)
  • Jennifer Warburton (Memorial)
  • Lisa Goddard (Memorial)
  • Sheila Downer (Smart Labrador, Inc.)
  • Dave Cantwell (Memorial)
  • Max Hu (Memorial)

JIRA issue

serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. To support networking and collaboration among well-established research teams and knowledge users to further the application and mobilization of knowledge
  2.  To improve engagement between researchers and between community members and researchers by promoting mutual awareness and describing  common areas of interest and expertise
  3. To enhance ability for the University and for the Community  to discover emergent/informal and formal communities of practice within multiple sectors.
  4. To explore how researcher and community networking can be employed to meet other objectives.


  1.  Model Public/Community persons and groups as well as collaboration(s) between them and university researchers.  
  2. Model forms of collaboration(s) between the Public/Community persons and groups and university researchers
  3. Model activities that take place between the public and the researchers (this will become more granular.)
  4. Model outputs  of collaboration(s) between the Public/Community persons and groups and university researchers


Knowledge mobilization:

The ever-evolving Harris Centre definition of knowledge mobilization: ... is about putting available knowledge into active service to benefit society. Both research knowledge and experiential knowledge are worth sharing for the benefit of all. KMb is always about knowledge exchange and it should be mutually beneficial.

This is the one most often used in Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council context: "... the process of creating value or a value stream through the creation, assimilation, leveraging, sharing and application of focused knowledge to a bounded community." (Bennet, Alex and David Bennet. Knowledge Mobilization in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Moving Research into Action. Frost, West Virginia, USA: MQI Press, 2007.)
The Scottish one is a bit more inclusive: "... embeds knowledge generation (creation) and knowledge use within the core structures of community and organizations." (Clark, G. and L. Kelly. New Directions for Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Brokerage in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Social Research, 2005)

Knowledge Broker:
For the purposes of the current Yaffle development, a broker is a person with an academic institution affiliation who moves an idea through its life cycle. 

The research products (reports, papers, presentations, etc...) produced by university or public researchers. May also be called Collaborative Artifacts.

The measure of impact on society.

Ontology under development, with definitions and examples

Knowledge Mobilization Ontology

Use cases

  1. capture Capture community needs systematically and match them with student/faculty interests
  2. leverage Leverage research or materials for academic or corporate endeavors
  3. promote Promote the meaningful involvement of communities in translational research

Related Material

 Yaffle Relational Database Schema (PDF, 2.75 Mb)



KnowledgeMobilizationUseCaseSample.vueProv-O Ontology 


From Memorial:

Primary Use Cases

 The following use cases describe normal uses of the Yaffle application. A VIVO backend would need to support these cases. 



Use Case





Public submits Research Opportunity into Yaffle.

The goal is to match Public with Researchers.

Matches can be made by Broker(s) and using the following criteria:  Research Interests, Expertise, Publications, and Research Projects

Transmission Link on Labrador coast



Idea articulated by Public Group and entered into system by a person in that  Group as a Research Opportunity


The directors of the regional economic development boards in the area write and submit a research opportunity and follow up with a phone call to the Harris Centre.

Local fishermen express concern with the proposed transmission link, essentially a high power cable laid on the ocean bottom of their fishing grounds.




  • Public (Group)
  • Application (Yaffle)
  • Authentication (MUN Login)


  • University Staff (Brokers)
  • University Faculty


  • Executive directors of two Regional Economic Development Boards in the area. Regional Economic Development Boards are classic QUANGOs (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations) set up to coordinate and foster regional economic development. At the time, there were 20 such organizations around the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


  • Harris Centre institutional knowledge brokers: The role is to broker research opportunities between community and Memorial university researchers.


  • Researchers: Initially, an oceanographer, and eventually a business professor as well.



  1. Idea/Opportunity is emailed to the University (Harris Centre) then articulated in a phone call.
  2. Public person is directed to online application (Yaffle)
  3. Public identifies/clicks Guest User  in Authentication  system
  4. Public creates Guest User account in Yaffle
  5. Idea/Opportunity is entered into Yaffle as Opportunity
  6. Broker staff match Public with Researcher based on Research Interests, Project work, Publications
  7. Broker initiates collaboration between Public and Research
  8. Broker documents Opportunity as Project



  1. The Harris Centre Knowledge Mobilization staff use to find a Researcher with the Ocean Sciences Centre who agrees to meet with the community.


  1. The researcher addresses the immediate concerns of the fishermen in a town hall meeting  event


  1. Following the meeting with the residents, the researcher agrees to take a look at the engineering data provided by the public utility. He prepares a short report outlining his concerns. The executive directors of the local REDBs use the report to support their application to the federal government to secure funding that would allow them to conduct appropriate environmental assessment studies.



Variation Scenario





Use Case





University Staff (Broker) enters a Research Opportunity into Yaffle on behalf of public.

The goal is to match Public with Researchers. Matches can be made by Broker(s) and using the following criteria:  Research Interests, Expertise, Publications, and Research Projects

Creating stronger tourism links between Burin Peninsula and St. Pierre et Miquelon

 Transmission Link on Labrador coast



Idea articulated at a University Regional Workshop and entered into system by University Staff (Brokers) as a Research Opportunity


The Directors of the regional economic development boards in the area attend a Regional Workshop. They express a need for more information on a provincial project.

 Harris Centre Staff (Brokers) document the need and enter it into Yaffle as a Research Opportunity and follow up with a phone call to the Harris Centre.

Local fishermen express concern with the proposed transmission link, essentially a high power cable laid on the ocean bottom of their fishing groundsIf one decides to visit St. Pierre et Miquelon, the self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France, via maritime link, there is no other way to do that but to traverse most of the Burin Peninsula to take a ferry from of Fortune. During the regional workshop in the area, several people expressed interest to build stronger tourism links between the two regions and cross-promote the tourist sites in both areas. The opportunity was entered into by a Harris Centre staff member.




  • University Staff (Brokers)
  • Application (Yaffle)


  • Public (Group)
  • University Faculty


  • Executive directors of two Regional Economic Development Boards in the area. Regional Economic Development Boards are classic QUANGOs (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations) set up to coordinate and foster regional economic development. At the time, there were 20 such organizations around the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.Tourism operators, local economic development staff, St. Pierre et Miquelon tourism development officers
  • Harris Centre institutional knowledge brokers: The role is to broker research opportunities between community and Memorial university researchers.
  • Researchers : Initially, an oceanographer, and eventually a business professor as well.and students. Head of the Tourism Department at Grenfell Campus of Memorial University and his undergraduate class



  1. Idea/Opportunity is emailed to the University then articulated in a phone call.
  2. Idea/Opportunity is entered into Yaffle as Opportunity
  3. Broker staff match Public with Researcher based on Research Interests, Project work, Publications
  4. Broker initiates collaboration between Public and Research
  5. Broker documents Opportunity as Project



  1. The Harris Centre Knowledge Mobilization staff use to find a Researcher with the Ocean Sciences Centre who agrees to meet with the community.
  2. The researcher addresses the immediate concerns of the fishermen in a town hall meeting  event
  3. Following the meeting with the residents, the researcher agrees to take a look at the engineering data provided by the public utility. He prepares a short report outlining his concerns. The executive directors of the local REDBs use the report to support their application to the federal government to secure funding that would allow them to conduct appropriate environmental assessment studies.
  1. promoted this particular opportunity within the Tourism Department
  2. The department head took it on as a service learning opportunity for his senior undergraduate class.
  3. The class will travel to the area, meet with the public stakeholders and develop several possible options for better marketing and cooperation opportunities between the regions.


Variation Scenario






Use Case





Public browses Research Opportunities and Projects in Yafflle and contacts a Researcher

The goal is to identify and locate Researchers.

Matches can be made by Public using the following criteria:  Research Interests, Expertise, Publications, and Research Projects, Research Opportunities.



Public has a research need.

Public user accesses Yaffle online and browses Projects and/or Opportunities or searchers by Keyword





  • Public (Group)
  • Application (Yaffle)
  • University Faculty




  1.  Public person browses Projects and Opportunities in Yaffle.
  2. Public finds a Researcher with research interests that meet their needs and identified by Research areas, expertise, Projects
  3. Public person contacts Researcher by email or phone
  4. System (Yaffle) logs contact has been made between Public and Researcher, Date of contact.


Variation Scenario





Use Case





System (Yaffle) tracks status of an Idea  from Opportunity to Project

Displays as “Brokered”



A Research Opportunity has been brokered.





  • Application (Yaffle)
  • University Staff (Brokers)




Broker staff match Public with Researchers

Opportunities documented as Projects by Brokers



Variation Scenario




Yaffle Knowledge Mobilization -ISF diagram
