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Adapted from ISNI Search: Guidelines and Examples

Table of Contents

1. Searches

There are several methods that can be used to search in the web interface.

For more detailed guidance on searching, including  search operators, available indexes, advanced search syntax, wildcards, proximity, and more, click  click on the Help link at the top of the ISNI page.




There are several methods that can be used to search in the web interface.

1.1. Simple searches using prompt boxes


The top menu on the initial screen gives the option “Advanced” Advancedwhich leads to the screen below enabling you to combine search terms from multiple indexes.


Browsing capability is available for most indexes. In the screen shot below, a browse (select from drop-down list on upper left) has been executed on the language of identity index, starting with “a”. Clicking on a blue language code name.  Clicking on one of the names will take you to a list set of records with the language indicateda name or name variant that matches the term.

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1.5. ISNI Indexes and Examples


Access Name

Command Name


Any keyword


Searches for the words “peters “and “gerlach” in any indexed field.

aw: peters gerlalch

Any phrase


This index is designed to retrieve names more accurately than by name keyword.

Examples: “Prince,”  “Princeton University,” “Ken Follett,” “Follett, Ken,” “Follett, K,”

Note: it is important to include the comma at the end to signify truncation


Enter personal names as surname, followed by comma, followed by initial or forenames.

na: shakespeare, william

Dates of identity


Example combining name keyword and birth date (note only publicly available dates are displayed)

dti: 188? & nw: huxley

Language of identity


Example search combining title keyword “sand” and language of identity “fre”  (Note use ISO 639- 2, three character code

lni: fre & tw: sand

Note keyword


Example search for a note containing the word “possible”

nt: possible

Publisher keyword


Example search for a publisher containing the word “macmillan” but not the title keyword “encyclopedia”

pw: macmillan NOT tw: encyclopedia

Standard identifier


Collective index for ISBN, ISSN and contributor identifiers.

Example: searching for ISBN 9780192631695

si: 9780192631695

ISNI numberisnISN:

isn: 0000 0001 1879 5962

The search works with or without spaces in the number.

ISNI statusstST:

Possible values: A (assigned), P (provisional), S (suspect)

Record source


This index is constructed with the number of sources followed by the source codes.

Example search for all records with PCC as the only source:

src: 1 PCC

Example search for all records with PCC as one of multiple sources (the digits do not represent eleven but "more than one"):

src: 11? PCC

Title keyword


Example search combining name keyword “peters” and title keyword “sand”

nw: peters & tw: sand

Pica production number


Example search for a record by PPN 067467237 (no ISNI assigned yet)

ppn:  067467237



This index enables you to find ORCIDs that have been added by researchers using the ISNI ORCID link


Clicking on the filter of choice brings up another screen where you can make further choices.

In the screen shot shots below, you are able to limit filter the short list shortlist by ISNI status.  The results of using the filters vary depending on the kind of browser:

Google Chrome shows a bar graph based on the number of records for each value
Firefox shows only the number of records for each value

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After selecting "assigned," the following set of records is displayed.


In the screen shots below, you are able to filter the result by creation role.

N.B. Not all records include a creation role.

[...]Set of 744 records filtered by Creation role (in Google Chrome):

Selecting the creation role "composer" reduces this set to 9 hits:


N.B. Not all records include a creation class.

[...]Set of 745 records filtered by Creation class:

Since there is only 1 hitIf "Manuscript notated music" is selected, the record rather than a list is displayed, because only one record has that class:

You can also display this record in MARC:


3. Saving records

“Save” Saveenables you to download metadata in text format. You can email it, save it to an external disk, copy it to a new window or save it online using the “myshelf” myshelfoption.

[...]Options after clicking on save:

ISNI Search - WinIBW client:
