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Early bird conference registration deadline is June 19th (this Friday)!  It's that time.  Register this week.  Next week prices go up.  Save your institution a  few bucks.  Just click here.  Thank me later.

Open Repositories. Lots of VIVO interest at Open Repositories in Indianapolis this past week.  I had an opportunity to catch up with Alex ViggioRobert H. McDonald, and Graham Triggs, as well as many Duraspacers – Bill BrananCarissa SmithAndrew WoodsDavid WilcoxTim DonohueCarol Minton MorrisValorie Hollisterdebra hanken kurtz, and Jonathan Markow.  It was great to see everyone!  There is certainly synergy between the repository community and the VIVO community.  Can repositories produce RDF for VIVO ingest?  Can VIVO ingests query repositories to update VIVO?  Can deeper links be developed between VIVO and Fedora or between VIVO and Dspace?  My trip report is available here:  2015-06-11 Trip Report -- Open Repositories.  

SHARE Notify.  Perhaps the most interesting thing I saw at Open Repositories (and discussed and will follow up) was SHARE Notify, a new web service that is collecting activity data from 41 feeds, including CrossRef, PubMed, FundRef and many others, and providing the data through a single, simple, web service.  A VIVO ingest from SHARE Notify would provide some sites with a significant boost in data regarding the activity of their scholars.  You can try it here:  SHARE Notify was developed for SHARE by the Center for Open Science.

Nominations open for the Steering Group.  Would you like to be considered as a member of the Steering Group?  The group meets weekly to review activity, advise the Project Director, and help establish direction.  Nominations are open now – see here for details.  Elections will be held the weeks of July 20 and July 27.  Please consider serving in this important role.

Roadmap process.  This is week two of the four week community review of features proposed for VIVO.  Here's the list of proposed features.  A timeline for a process to discuss these features further, express preferences, and assemble input into a coherent document has been drafted.  Here's the timeline for roadmap development.  Please discuss these items in your workgroups, task forces and on the VIVO email lists.  Thanks!

Site List.  Could you please take a minute to look at the list of sites implementing VIVO, available in the wiki: Sites implementing VIVO.  I've tried to update this from attendees at the IFest in March, and from the list of sites available in I think there are more sites that have VIVO projects underway, and perhaps more sites with public VIVOs.  Please go ahead and edit the page to add your site or sites you are familiar with.  Add comments if you have questions.  Or contact me directly.  Any help we can get with the site list would be greatly appreciated.



Mike Conlon
VIVO Project Director